6: Hurt Me

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"No, it's ok. I was just wondering if you knew anything about them or what happened to them" I smiled into the phone

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I never saw them. I didn't know they existed either" My mom sounded sympathetic.

"It's not a big deal, I can ask Claire. Thanks mom" I said before hanging up.

If my parents didn't know anything about the letters, maybe my sister Claire did.

I sent her a quick text before getting ready for the day.

As I was finishing my makeup, my phone rang.

"Yes, Emily?" I answered putting her on speakerphone.

Emily always worked early on Friday mornings, we never saw each other before work.

"We're going out tonight" she spoke plainly.

"We are?" I asked confused spraying my face with setting spray.

"We are. It's Friday night and it's been a long week. We're going out, bring your fiancé" she spoke with a laugh.

"Em he's not-" I started before she cut me off.

"Just bring him" she drew out her words like she didn't want to hear it.

"Fine, I will text my friend Tyler" I giggled, picking up my phone and taking it off speakerphone.

"Whatever you say. We'll all leave from our place at nine?" She asked curiously.

"Our place? Sounds good. I have to finish getting ready for work" I laughed.

"If I don't see you before, be ready to go at nine"

"Done, don't worry. Bye" I dragged my last word out as I disconnected.

Emily working early on Fridays meant she always had a bunch of extra time to think on Friday mornings...which is how we usually end up with our weekend plans.

I dialed Tyler's number contemplating for a second if I really should invite him. After thinking for a few seconds I hit call and waited for him to pick up.

"Good morning, beautiful" I heard Tyler's voice on the other line.

"Good morning, cutie. I wasn't sure if you would be at practice already or not" I spoke with a smile.

"I'm getting ready now, what's up?"

"Do you have plans tonight?" I asked curiously.

"No, why do you ask?" I could hear the smile on his face.

"Emily wants to go out tonight" I said cautiously.

"Sounds like fun" he breathed a laugh.

"We're leaving at nine from my house"

"I'm not sure how late I can stay, we have a game tomorrow but I will definitely be there" he explained.

"I can't wait" I smiled.

"Are you doing anything before? Can I take you to dinner?" He spoke quickly.

"I would like that" my smile widened.

"I'll pick you up at seven then"

"Deal, see you then" I hung up grabbing my keys.

Maybe the night would turn out to be great after all.

"Em" I called through the house before she appeared in my doorway.

"Yes, love? How can I help you?" She grinned.

"Since we're taking Tyler's car can you put my keys in your bag for tonight?" I looked at her hopefully.

"You got it" she smiled walking away.

The minute she disappeared, there was a knock at the door.

"Have fun and we'll see you there" she called out to me as I walked to the door.

"You ready?" Tyler asked with a smile as I opened the door.

"You bet" I smiled walking out the door following him to his car.

"How was your day?" He asked when we were settled in the car.

"So much better now" I smiled more to myself but I still caught him give me a glance with a smile. "How was yours?" I gave him a quick look.

"So much better now" he turned and grinned at me.

Dinner went well, it almost felt like nothing had changed. Like no time had passed and we were still carefree kids who loved enjoying each others company.

I know Tyler had a certain aura surrounding him, but when I was with him he made me feel like I was the only person in the room...maybe people had the wrong idea about him.

"Madison!" Emily yelled with a giggle as we walked up to the table they were sitting at at the bar. "If anyone doesn't know this is Madison my roommate and this is Tyler"

Emily was already getting tipsy, definitely made things more interesting.

We settled and got comfortable as the waitress came over to us. Tyler and I quickly gave our order before turning back to the rest of the group.

"So" one of the males sitting at the table with us turned his attention to us. "Emily says you two just got engaged, congratulations" he said happily.

"Well, thats not exactly the case" I giggled shooting Emily a look.

"They agreed to get married when they were little" Emily said sloppily.

"And now you are? That's adorable" one of the girls said with her hand over her chest.

"Maybe" I said softly.

"Hopefully" Tyler said with a smile, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

I slightly smiled to myself as the waitress brought over the drinks.

As the night went on, Tyler and I found ourselves broken away from the group and sat at a couch they had at a table once it was vacant.

"I don't think I told you how gorgeous you look tonight" Tyler spoke into my ear as his hand found my thigh.

"You're too sweet. I don't think I told you how handsome you look tonight either. We'll call it even" I smiled leaning more into him. "Let me go get us some more drinks" I moved to get up.

"I can get them" Tyler said quickly trying to quickly get up as well.

"Relax Ty" I laid a hand on his shoulder pushing him to sit back down. "I got it" I smiled at him.

He grabbed my hand and gently pulled me to lean over so he could catch my lips with his.

"Thank you" he smiled making my smile grow as well.

I quickly moved to get drinks so we didn't have to wait for someone to come to us since the place was getting more and more crowded.

"I see things with Tyler are going well" our friend Deb asked approaching me at the bar.

"I guess, I honestly would have never thought that either" I shrugged with a laugh.

"Why's that?" She asked confused."Haven't you guys known each other for like ever?"

"Yeah" I lightly laughed. "I feel like he's got a reputation though since we've gotten older...and I didn't think that would change when he tried to start things honestly. I didn't know if he was capable of being serious enough to focus on just one person" I shrugged.

"And now you do?" She tilted her head at me.

"I mean, I guess he's kind of proven that to me" I faintly smiled.

"Then do me a favor" her eyes seemed to widen a bit and her body stiffened as I gave her a curious look.  "Don't turn around" she placed a hand on my arm.

"What?" I asked confused turning to where I was just sitting with Tyler.

There he was, still sitting there but instead of sitting there by himself, a woman was sitting where I had just been sitting.

He didn't look uncomfortable, he didn't look disturbed. In fact, he looked the complete opposite. He looked relaxed...happy. His arm was along the couch behind the girl and a smile was plastered on his face as he leaned towards her speaking to her.

"Wow" I breathed out. "I guess I was wrong" I spoke as the bartender came to ask what we wanted. "Nothing, I'm actually leaving. Thank you" I tried my best to give the bartender a smile before I gave Deb a quick thank you and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Deb called after me.

"Home" I walked towards the table instead of the couch to get my keys I had left with Emily.

"Why are you leaving?" Emily asked me, my mood seemed to have sobered her up a bit.

"I'm tired and I don't feel like being here anymore" I said seriously. "I'll see you at home love, call me if you need a ride" I kissed the top of her head and moved quickly to leave.

Evidently I wasn't quick enough because a hand caught me around my waist, stopping me from moving.

"Leave me alone" I pushed Tyler away the second I was pulled to him.

"Why are you leaving?" He asked confused.

"Because I don't want to be here anymore" I said pulling myself completely out of his grasp.

"Well hold on, let me take you home" he said seriously.

"No Tyler. No. You're not going to take me home. You're not going to call me, you're not going to text me. I'm not going to call you, I'm not going to text you and I'm sure as hell not going to marry you" I took off the ring shoving it into his hand before turning away again.

People had started to watch us at this point.

"Mads, what do you mean?"

"I mean exactly that. This is over. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea in the first place" I said sadly turning to leave before deciding to turn back. "I have to give it to you though. That was a great, great performance. You managed to fool a lot of people, you deserve a round of applause"

I turned to leave again before he grabbed my wrist gently.

"Do not fucking touch me Tyler" I yelled, probably a little louder than I anticipated.

"Mads" he started as he dropped my wrist before I cut him off.

"Take your fucking bow, Tyler. This is your curtain call" I turned to leave before turning back one last time. "you even had me convinced for a hot second" I left without another word being uttered.

I pushed past the crowd that had grown silent while they watched us and stepped out into the fresh air.

Fresh air, fresh start.

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