Part 15

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After throwing Anika out shivaay directly went in his room without hearing anyone.

Pri. Mom let me go and tell bhiya about truth.

P. Ok fine go and tell him but you know na what will happens if he will get to know about your being Chatting with unknown and because of it his marriage got broke. Now it's up to you. You wanna  get hate from your brother or wanna keep him in dark

Pri. You are an evil mom I hate you  I hate you so much. You don't deserve to be called mother she sobs and left towards her room dragging her wheel chair. Pinky laugh evilly to being successful to separate them. She smirk and left from there to enjoy her achievement. 

In shivaay's room he set on the bed with thud and held his head in tension. He can't believe she can do this to her. He was dreaming about future with her and she is the one who was cheating him from behind. Such a fool he is who trusted on her and tried to love her. His mom and Ragini was right she is not they way she look like.  She has some motive to marry him and today he realised she wanted his money so that she could live her further life luxuries. 

Shiv. I hate to give you Chance Anika. Such a hypocrite you are who didn't understand my feelings and ditched me with that bastard. I'll never forgive you Anika I'll never ever. Soon I'll give you divorce so that all ways get block for you to come in my life.   Such a innocent you used to look I thought you can never hurt anyone but I never known that you are back stabbing me and hurting me. You broke my heart Anika you made me ashamed to feel for you. I hate you I hate you so much. 

In village
Anika enters in her old house and cry to seeing all that.

Ani.  Mumma I'm back. He kicked me out. I trusted him so much but he broke my trust and thrown me out to calling me characterless.  I always kept care to being away from all this I always afraid to be call characterless and gold digger but today that person only used these worlds for me whom for i fellan.  I tried my best to give chance to this Marriage but I got failed. I got failed to fulfil promise which I had done to uncle. I failed to keep his believe on me. I'm sorry maa I'm sorry she sobs and set on her knees crying bitterly.

Anika someone called her from behind.

Ani. Chanda.  She sobs and hugged her tightly.

Ch. Anika what you doing here and where is jiju.

Ani. Wo Chanda

Ch. what happened why are you crying. Is there something wrong.  Did jiju  do something

Ani. Everything has been finished Chanda. He left me. He Thrown me out from his house. He  throw me out. She sobs hugging her tightly.

Ch. but why why he did it.  What was the matter.

Ani. Wo wo But because of so much crying she is not able to say anything

Ch. ok leave it and get up. She held her by her arm and made her stand

Ch. we will talk tomorrow. You take rest now.

Ani. Why did he do it Chanda

Chanda didn't answer and took her in her room.

Ani.   You didn't answer me Chanda Why he did it.

Ch. because he done deserve you.  He don't deserve like you girl.  Understand.  Now stop crying and sleep

Ani. I'm not feeling sleepy. She sobs

Ch.  ok wait she goes towards kitchen and brings water and medicine for her

Ch. have it she forcefully thrust in her mouth and made her lay down.

Ani. I want shivaay she murmur and slept calling his name again and again. 

After 2 months

Everything have been changed. Shivaay who was sad in first days now he started going office and spending time more than usual. He don't talk to anyone neither he eats anything home.  He is just avoiding everyone as much as he can.  His mother who was  forcing him to marry Ragini atlast she got succeeded in it and shivaay got ready to tie with Ragini. Ragini who was just dreaming to be with him now she is on cloud nine after getting know about his approval. She can't believe that she gonna be mrs oberoi. Her dream has come true now no can stop them to be one.   On the otherside  Anika also moved on and she started doing Job in village hospital. She is trying her best to forget him but not able to do it properly. Her time which she is spending in hospital that time as well he  run in her brain. For a second she don't have calm.and because of it her stress is Increasing and getting Ill every next day. 

In Anika's house she is standing near the window when Chanda cAme there.

Ch. Anika today there is wedding so let's go. We will chill there

Ani. I don't wanna go. I'm ok in home

Ch. Anika if you will keep sitting in home then how will you come out from stress Zone.

Ani. I just want this stress eat me up and I meet my mother

Ch. are you mad Anika how can you think like this

Ani.  My breath stops here. I don't have peace for a second. I just wanna kill my self and wanna go to my mum as soon as possible.  Atlast she won't treat me the way other does.  I'm fed up now and want calmness that's it. She sobs and set there  crying bitterly.

Cha.  I'm sorry Anika I reminded you about it. I'm sorry. She set beside her and hugged her

Ani.  Nhi ho raha muj sa. Why did he do it. Why he threw me out. Whyyyyyyy

Chanda caresses her face and hugged her to console her but her wails are just increasing and she is crying non stop making worried to Chanda more.

In om

P. Shivay  thank god you cAme. Here  take your suit and change in it. Today your and Raghni's engagement gonna happens

Shiv. Whattt mom what are you saying. Why so hurry

P.  Shivaay it's not hurry. I had told you about it before two months and I think now it's time to tie you both. Look shivaay move on and come out from her zone. She won't come back neither you will bring her after knowing her deeds so it's better you settle down.  Now go and get ready.

Shiv. Fine mom. He scoffs and left towards his room.

R.  Aunty where is shivaay

P. He had cAme I just sent him to get ready.

R. O god I'm so happy to get him aunty.  Finally we gonna be one.

P. Yh she smiles caressing her hair. Prinku who is seeing them she fums in anger to finding them so happy to spoil his brother life. Now his enough she can't let this happens. She has to tell shivaay otherwise he will spoil his life to maturing nagini which she don't want. She don't care whether her brother hate her. She just wants him to be happy. She glares them and left for shivaay's room. 

In shivaay's room

He is looking at Anika's picture a lost in her thoughts when prinku cAme there.

Pri. Bhiya

Shivaay wipes his tears and smiles at her.

Shiv. Prinku you here

Pri.  Do you know what you are doing bhiya.

Shiv. What do you mean prinku

Pri. You can't marry that nagin  like this.

Shiv.  Prinku I've already decided don't try to change my mind now

Pri. Then what about Anika Bhabi. Why are you doing this to her

Shiv.  Do you know what are you saying. Have you forgot what she had done to me and here you are still taking his side

Pri.  She didn't do anything bhiya she didn't

Shiv. And how can you say this prinku.  Do you have any proof of that.

Pri.  Bhiya I swear she didn't cheat you.  She was not that who was chatting with that bastard

Shiv. Don't lie prinku.  What are you saying

Pri. I'm not lying bhiya. She didn't do anything.  She was just tricked by mom. Actually I was the one who was doing chatting with that man and even sent him Bhabi's pic calling it as mine.  That's why he thought she was in relationship with him.  She sobs

Shiv.  Stop lying prinkuuuu

Pri. It is the truth bhiya. When mom got to know about it she took laptop from me an warned me to not tell anyone but I never know that she will miss use my chat. She did more massage to him which was impropriate so that she could use it against Bhabi and she got succeeded as well and separated you. She wanted you to marry Ragini and wanna kick out Bhabi.  That karan has been plotted by mom she had called him.  I tried to stop her but she threaten me to tell you and everything that's why I kept quite. But now she is crossing limits and I didn't want her to spoil your life.  Shivaay got numb to hearing her.  He can't believe his own mother did all this and also because she wanted to kick out Anika from his life and he is such a stupid who trusted on that baseless chars and kicked out from his life. Now what will he do how will he say sorry to her.

In village.

Anika is coming back from her work when suddenly two or three cars stopped there. Anika glare them and started walking again. Suddenly she gasp when man held her dupata.

Man. Where are you going baby. It's been two months I'm trying i impress you but you are the one who is not even looking at me. 

Ani. Let me go

Man. Ara I promise I'll Keep you happy for life time but just become mine. 

Ani. Didn't you listen I said stay away from me.  I don't want to keep any relationship with you.  So stop following me everywhere now plz let me go she snatched her dupata and left from there.

Man she is heading on my nerves.  Everygirl dies to be mine but she is the one who don't even look at me.  Vikram thakur naam Ha mera. Baap mera owner hai is. Gaoo ka. Agar Mein na is sa shadi na ki then change my name. 

Precap ...shivaaay in village

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