Chapter 12 - Ash VS Trevor - Fighting the fire with fire

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In the morning

Pikachu wakes up early in the morning and looks around at its surroundings in shock but seeing Serena makes him calm down.

"Pika Pika Pi!" Pikachu said while trying to wake her up.

"Eevee, let me sleep," Serena murmurs.

"Pi Pikachu!"

Then she realizes that it is not the Eevee but Pikachu who is waking her, and she quickly sits up.

"Uh, Pikachu. What is it?" Serena said while rubbing her eyes.

"Pika Pi?"


"I don't understand what he is talking about." Serena thought.

"Pika Pi?"

"Hmmm... You mean Ash?"


"Well, last night you fell asleep, so I told him to let you stay here."

Pikachu nodded in understanding.

"Did you have a good sleep?"



"Eevee. You are already awake. Good morning!"

Serena turned and looked at the clock, "Well, it's 5.30 already. Half an hour left before mom sends Fletchling to wake me up, I should get ready."

- - - - - -

After getting ready.

"Let's have an early breakfast today. What did you say, Eevee and Pikachu!"



"We should go downstairs for breakfast and Pikachu, mom has a ketchup bottle for you," Serena announced.

Hearing that Pikachu quickly ran out of the room.

"He sure loves Ketchup so much," Serena said as she walked downstairs. "Good morning, Mom."

"Good morning, Serena. Am I dreaming? You woke up early." Grace asked in curiosity.

"Pikachu wakes me up. And for your information, I do sometimes wake up early." Serena said.

"Yeah, yeah..." Grace laughed. "Anyway, breakfast is almost ready," Grace said as she walked into the kitchen.

Serena, Pikachu, and Eevee walked into the kitchen then Pikachu and Eevee quickly jumped on the table.

"Here, Pikachu." Serena handed the Ketchup bottle to Pikachu.

"Pika!" Pikachu cheered and then began pouring the Ketchup on the pancakes.

"Um, Pikachu, you are pouring too much ketchup on the pancake," Serena said as she saw that Pikachu is pouring too much Ketchup on pancakes.

"Pikachu pika!" Pikachu offers the ketchup bottle to Serena.

"No, thanks Pikachu. I like pancakes without Ketchup" Serena denied it.

Pikachu nodded his head and then poured all the ketchup on it. Then he looked at Eevee and went for another Ketchup.

"Pikachu, don't you think you already put too much Ketchup on the pancake? Are you sure you want another bottle?" Serena inquired.

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded.

"I guess... If you really want to then go ahead."

Pikachu took the ketchup bottle and then turned towards Eevee.

"Eev?" Eevee looking at him in confusion?

Serena now understood why he wanted another ketchup bottle, and her eyes widened because Eevee don't like Ketchup.

"No! Pikachu, wait!"

Pikachu poured all the ketchup on Eevee's pancakes because he thought Eevee was gonna like it.

"Sorry, Eevee. I tried to stop Pikachu."

"Eev Eevee!" Eevee shouted in anger.

Grace offers another pancake to Eevee, "Here, you can have another one!"

Pikachu cheered as he got two pancakes with ketchup. He quickly began devouring his breakfast.

"Well, today's breakfast is gonna take a while, I am glad I woke up early,"


After breakfast

"Are you two ready to go to school?"

"Pika!" Pikachu jumped on Serena's shoulder which made Eevee angry. So she didn't jump into Serena's arms, instead decided to walk.

"Okay, mom we are going."

"Bye. Take care."

"Yeah! Mom." Serena shouted before walking out of the front door.

It only took five minutes for Serena to reach the bus stop.

Calem arrives and notices Serena is standing there at the bus stop with Eevee and a Pikachu.

"Hey, Serena, Good morning."

"Good morning, Calem."

"Wait, is that your Pikachu?" Calem asked in confusion.

"No..." Serena was about to reply but stopped as she heard Shauna shout.

"Hi, Serena." Shauna ran towards her.

"Good morning," Tierno and Trevor said as they reached the bus stop.

"Good morning, guys."

"Uh, Serena, When did you catch a Pikachu?" Shauna asked while tilting her head to the side.

"I was asking the same question and Serena was about to reply but you guys showed up," Calem said.

"We never knew that you had a Pikachu," Trevor said and Tierno nodded in agreement.

"No, you guys got it all wrong. It's Ash's Pikachu."

"What?" Everyone shouted.

"But what is he doing with you?" Tierno asked.

"Did Ash abandon his Pikachu after realizing that he is weak?" Calem points out.

"What are you talking about, Calem? Ash would never do that to any of his Pokemon." Serena said trying to calm her voice and Pikachu sparkles his cheeks in anger.

"What makes him think that Ash abandoned his Pikachu." Serena thought.

"So, you are taking care of Pikachu," Tierno said.

"You guys please let me explain and that is not what you think, Calem," Serena said before calming down.

"Mom invited Ash for dinner with us then I told him to let Pikachu stay with me."

"Okay," Everyone nodded.

"But it looks cute."

"Looks like he trusts you so much."

"Can I take a picture of Pikachu with you while he is sitting on your shoulder?" Trevor asked.

"That's a great idea, don't you think Serena?" Shauna nudged her friend.


"Pika Pikachu!"

Trevor took the photo of Serena and Pikachu.


Serena arrived at her first lesson and she waited for Ash to show up, he didn't meet up with her at the bus stop.

"Hi, Sere. Good morning," Ash said with a smile as he entered the classroom.

"Hi, Ash. Good morning."

Pikachu jumped on Ash's shoulder

"How are you, buddy?" Ash asked as he petted Pikachu's head.

"Pika!" Pikachu cheered.

"He didn't give you trouble did he?"

Pikachu started to sweat.

"No, Not at all. He has been so nice in the morning." Serena smiled. "Except he made Eevee angry as he put one Ketchup bottle on her food and made her angry."

"Pikachu, that's not a nice thing to do. You need to say sorry to Eevee." Ash said.

"Pika!" Pikachu bowed his head as he apologized to Eevee.

"Eevee!" Eevee turned away because she still don't want to forgive Pikachu.

"I thought you were going to be late today. I am glad you arrive before the lesson starts."

"I woke up late today. After all, Pikachu is the one who wakes me every morning."

The Teacher arrives and begins the lesson. Soon the bell rang, which means that the first lesson is over.


At Battle Class

After saying bye to Serena, Ash walked towards his last lesson. He arrived at the battle class to see Gary and Tierno battling.

"Go! Mach punch!" Tierno called out while throwing a fist forward.

"Electrivire, block it with an iron tail!" Gary shouted.

Electrivire's tail started to glow white and the two pokemon met each other head-on as Electrivire slammed his iron tail hard onto Hitmontop. However, both pokemon couldn't make the other one lose as they wouldn't back down.
After the fourth and back, two Pokemon jumped back to their trainer's side.

"Hitmontop, Gyro ball!"

"Hit... Hitmontop!" The fighting type cried out before starting to spin again as the silver ring formed around his body. The pokemon then moved straight for Electrivire.

"Now! Electro Ball on the ground!"

"Electrivire!" Electrivire agreed before firing off the attack. Both Gary and Electrivire watched as the electrical sphere crashed in front of Hitmontop stopping it from moving forward Gary had enough time to call out his next attack.

"Now finish it with Thunder Punch!" Gary called out.

Electrivire appeared in front of Hitmontop and before Tierno could react Electrivire smashed his glowing fist into Hitmontop and sent him flying backward.

"Hitmontop is unable to battle which means Electrivire and Gary won the match."

"That was an awesome battle, Gary. I did learn so much from it." Tierno said with a smile as he shook Gary's hand.

"But your dancing technique is quite great too," Gary admitted.

"Thanks for the compliment!" Tierno laughed as he spun around.

"That was a great battle, Gary," Ash said.


"Uh, Ash, can you have a battle with me?" Trevor asked. "You see I have a Charizard and he wants to battle with strong Pokemon. Ever since I saw your Charizard's battle, I always wanted to battle your Charizard."

"Sure, why not. I am always up for a battle." Ash said with a small smile.

"You mean it! That's great!" Trevor sparkles his eyes.

"I will be the referee," Clemont proclaimed.

"Okay," Ash and Trevor said.

"Charizard, let's go!" Trevor said as he released Charizard. "Charizard, we are going to battle against Ash's Charizard. I hope you are ready?" Trevor said to his Charizard.

"Charizard!" Charizard roared.

"You look fired up, uh." Trevor grinned.

"Charizard, I choose you!" Ash tossed his Pokeball into the air and released Charizard.

Charizard saw his opponent and roared, ready to battle. Charizard is excited to have a heated battle against one of its own kind.

"Chaar!" Charizard yelled, shooting a flamethrower up into the sky. Charizard had been waiting for a good fight.

Trevor, are you ready to battle?

"Yes! I am ready!" Trevor said confidently.

"Trevor looks excited about the battle." Ash thought.

"Battle starts!" Clemont shouted.

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"Great! Use, flamethrower!" Ash called out his first attack. He had been looking forward to a battle like this.

"We'll use our flamethrower as well!" Trevor countered.

Both fire types launched off their respective flamethrowers as the attacks met midfield. The two fire-type moves collided as they formed a giant sphere of fire. Finally, the blast exploded as the explosion sent both Charizard backward.

"Charizard, use slash!" Ash commands.

"Charizard, you use dragon claws!" Trevor Scream.

Ash's Charizard's claw glowed white while growing in size. Trevor's also grew but were light green and the two attacks collided as both Charizard pushed off of each other.

"Now, Dragon Tail!"

"Counter that, use Dragon Claw!"

With his hands glowing green ready. Charizard swung at his opponent and his right claw was blocked by Dragon Tail.

This gave Charizard his chance, lunging forward, his left claw slashed against his opponent's stomach, causing them to tumble backwards onto the ground.


"I am sure that Trevor knew that he is not gonna win. Ash's Charizard is too much for him to defeat."

"You are right about that. Charizard is one of his strongest Pokemon.

"One of the strong Pokemon, huh? No wonder."


"What do I do..." Trevor muttered as he watched his Charizard get back up. "No matter what we've done, Ash's Charizard has shown to be able to handle it," he thought to himself as Charizard turned around and smiled at his trainer. Trevor understood, Charizard had enjoyed this battle, but even he knew their skill was at a different level. "We could always use our best move, but Ash might be expecting it. I thought I could counter his battle style, but he's just too unpredictable," Trevor thought.

"Charizard, flamethrower!" Ash called out, continuing the assault.

"We won't give up! Now, Thunder Punch!"

Trevor's Charizard pushed through the Flamethrower and managed to hit Charizard with an electric Punch and Ash's Charizard groaned in pain as he took a step back feeling the attack.

"Are you okay, Charizard?"

Charizard smirked.

"Charizard, use Slah!" Ash ordered.

"Do your best! Counter with Slash!" Trevor cried out. He had to be strong, for Charizard and his other pokemon. Trevor watched as the two fire types met at midfield, both of them were locked in a heated battle, neither able to land a hit. "Keep at it, Charizard!"

"Don't let up!" Ash told his Charizard.

The two fire types continued their fight, their claws colliding every few seconds, only for neither one to make any gains against its opponent.

"Now, Use, flare blitz!" Trevor ordered as two Pokemon backed away from each other.

Charizard erupted into blue flames as he flew at Ash's Charizard at an alarming speed. Despite the situation of the battle, Ash didn't seem worried. Instead, he looked to be thrilled, smiling at the oncoming attack. The strangest part was, Ash's Charizard looked to be just as excited.

"Now Charizard, catch Charizard then use seismic toss!"

Charizard nodded as he planted his feet deep into the ground and braced himself. Once ready, he anticipated the attack and caught his opponent right before they could strike.

Shocking the other Charizard, Ash's Charizard flew upwards into the sky with a tight grip, making sure to not let go. Then, Charizard started to spin around until starting his free fall back to the ground. Once he was within a few feet of the field, Charizard launched his opponent back onto the ground, causing a crater to form.

"C-Charizard!" Trevor called as he looked into the crater. To his surprise, Charizard fainted upon impact with the ground.

"Trevor's Charizard is unable to battle, the winners are Charizard and Ash!" Clemont declared.

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"Charizard, you were amazing," Trevor stated softly as he walked towards his Charizard.

Charizard seemed disappointed that he lost. "Hey, don't feel bad, they just had a little more experience than us. But next time we'll win for sure."

"Charizard, you did great!" Ash said.

"Charizard!" It cried out in joy, launching a flamethrower right at Ash. Ash was caught in the blast, his face turning black from the fire.

"That... never gets old," Gary muttered as he walked out of the class.

Trevor returned his Charizard and walked towards Ash.

"Ash! I want to thank you for this battle, it truly was a great one." Trevor said as he and Ash shook hands.

"Trevor! I'd like to thank you as well. Charizard truly enjoyed our match."

"Tough break for Trevor though," Tierno stated, sounding disappointed that his friend lost.

"Trevor, I am sure you are happy to just give your Charizard the chance at a great battle," Calem said.

"Yes, you are right, Calem. I did enjoy the battle." Trevor admitted.

"You were amazing out there, Trevor."

"I just have to train hard," Trevor said while looking at the Charizard's Pokeball in his hand.


At the Evening

Ash came downstairs to see that Gary was watching the television.

"What are you watching?" Ash asked but he didn't get any reply so he walked over to Gary and looked at the television.

They were showing the Pokemon Battles

"Wow, that Mega Charizard X is so strong he is defeating the opponents like it's nothing." The Announcer announced.

There was a battle going on between the Mega Charizard X and Mega Garchomp. Both of them are panting.

"Looks like the battle is about to finish, those two Pokemon are tired.

"Dragon Claw!"

Charizard X flies at a fast speed and hits Garchomp with a powerful Dragon Claw.

Garchomp is unable to battle.

The Refree announced the winner of the match.

"That's it for today, we will show you all the amazing battles of the mega evolution Pokemon. So, please stay tuned."

"Say, Ash, Gramps told me that he gave the Keystone and Charizardite, right."

Ash laughed, "Now you mentioned it, I completely forgot about it." Ash rubbed his head in embarrassment.

Gary gave him a weird look before asking, "Anyway, did you mega-evolve your Charizard, yet?"

"No, I didn't."

"So, Ash, how about we have a battle now."

"A battle?"

"My Blastoise against your Charizard, for the old time's sake."

"Sure! That's a great idea!" Ash nodded, "This will be a great chance for me to Mega Evolve my Charizard."

"Let's go! This will also help me in my research." Gary said as they started to walk towards the backdoor.

- - - - -

"Well, Professor Sycamore explained to me that Charizard has two mega-evolutions," Ash said as they arrived at the backyard.

"Really? I can't wait!" Gary shouted excitedly.

"Hi, Ash! Hi, Gary! Good Evening!"

"Good Evening, Serena."

"H-Hi, Sere. What are you doing here? You should've told me that you were coming today." Ash said.

Serena smiled, "I've been missing you so I just came here to say hi. So, what are you up to?" She asked in a soft tone.

"Gary just challenged me to a battle. So, we were gonna start the battle." Ash replied.

Hearing that Serena beamed in excitement, "That's great! I arrived at the right time. I love to watch your battles."
Serena sparkles her eyes.

"You do?" Ash asked for confirmation.

Serena nodded.

And they started to talk to each other and then smiled.

Gary noticed that Ash was blushing while talking to Serena, his jaw dropped in disbelief as he couldn't believe his eyes.

"This is new. Ash is blushing." Gary thought still in shock.

"After All Kalos Region is called a region of love. I have to talk to him. But before that, we have the battle to do." Gary said to himself before shouting.

"Hey, Ash do you want to battle or not? Are you not accepting my challenge?" Gary questioned.

"What are you talking about? I will never say no to a challenge."

"Well, that's great!" Gary smirked.

"Blastoise! Let's go!"

"Blastoise!" Blastoise emerged from the Pokeball.

"Charizard, I choose you!" Ash released Charizard.

"Charizard, we are going to try out your mega evolution today."

Charizard fired a flamethrower into the air to show that he is ready to mega-evolve.

Ash took the Charizardite in his hand and stared at it for a moment as he remembers what Professor Sycamore warn him about the mega evolution. 'Sometimes the Pokemon loses control after they Mega Evolve.'

Our bond is strong, I am sure we will be able to control the mega evolution.

"I didn't know that you have a Charizardite," Serena said with a small smile.

"I got it from Professor Oak before moving here to the Kalos Region," Ash said.

Ash then gets an idea as he remembers the handkerchief which Serena returned to him. He can use it as his good luck charm. Ash smiled as he took out the handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped the Charizardite in it.

Serena is happy that Ash used the same handkerchief and blushed a little

"Here!" Ash tied the handkerchief around Charizard's neck. "It looks great on you."

Charizard touched the handkerchief in his hand, feeling the Charizardite then grinned looking back at Ash.

"Now," Ash looked at Charizard with a smile. "Are you ready to mega evolve, Charizard?"

"Chaar!!"Charizard thumbs up, looking at Ash.

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