Chapter 18 - Miette's Confession

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It was Monday and Ash was sitting in his fourth lesson which was Science and Pikachu is sleeping peacefully on the desk.

Ash yawned, "This day just keeps getting boring by the second..." Ash said while looking out of the window.

Soon the Teacher came into the classroom and instructed everyone to get their science books out.

"Alright! Students I am going to write an important topic which is necessary for the test." The Teacher said.

The teacher started to write on the board. Everyone quickly starts taking notes in the notebooks. The bell rang and that was the end of the first lesson.

Everyone began to walk outside of the class.

Ash quickly put all the notebooks in the backpack.

"Here, take it," Miette said and put a letter on the desk.

"What's this?" Ash tilts his head in confusion.

"You have to read to find out," Miette whispered.

"Okay," He said.

Miette started to walk towards the door but stopped then turned to Ash.

"Don't forget to read it?" Miette smiled.


Serena POV

After my fourth lesson ended, I hurriedly walked towards Ash's because I couldn't wait to meet him. We saw each other at the third lesson and it was 40 minutes ago.

As I was about to step inside, I saw that Miette give some paper to Ash and said something.

"Don't forget to read it?" Miette said and walks outside of the classroom.

"It's that letter. What's, in this letter? I don't trust her. I need to talk to Ash,"

"Hi, Ash!" I called out.

"Hi, Sere! You arrive just in time," Ash said while standing up. "We should get going because I am hungry," Ash said with a small smile.

"Okay," I said and nodded my head.

I shall ask him later about it.

Third Person POV

They walked over to the gang who were in the cafeteria. They talked for a bit until the bell rang. After that, they went to their next lesson. The teacher was solving some equations as the lesson went by quickly. After saying bye to Serena, Ash walked to his last lesson of the day.

As Ash was walking to the battle class someone called out his name.

"Hey! Ash!"

Ash turns around to see Professor Sycamore slowly walking toward him.

"Um, Professor Sycamore, what are you doing here?" Ash asked, confused.

"I am walking to the battle class." Professor Sycamore replied simply.


"Ash I am glad I found you here. I wanna ask you something."

"Uh, what do you wanna ask?" Ash asked in a nervous tone.

"No need to worry Ash, I just wanted to ask how's Froakie doing?"

"Froakie is doing great!" Ash exclaimed. "Why don't you see for yourself," Ash said as he released Froakie from the Pokeball and he hops onto Ash's shoulder.

"Marvellous! Froakie seems happy with you." Professor Sycamore exclaimed.

They talked for a bit while they continued walking and soon they reached the battle class.

Sycamore told everyone to train with each other to learn more and improve their battle skills.

- - - - - -

"Alright, Froakie! Finish up with Water Pulse!" Ash yelled, watching closely at his opponent.

"Muk, use! Sludge Bomb!"

Froakie jumped into the air as he avoided the attack then used Water Pulse at it as the smoke filled the area.

"Muk is unable to battle, So, Froakie and Ash are the winners of this match!"

"Froakie you did great," Ash said.

"Froakie!" Froakie cheered.

Ash's opponent, a black-haired guy returned his Pokemon and walked across the battlefield, and shook Ash's hand, "Thank you for the battle, Ash Ketchum. I did learn so much from this battle. I don't think anyone will be able to beat you." The trainer smiled widely.

"You're welcome!" Ash smiled back.

They said their goodbyes, and then the trainer left.

"But I need to keep training because there are always stronger opponents out there for us to challenge ourselves against. Right, buddy?" Ash asked Pikachu.


Clemont approached Ash, "Froakie did well in his first official battle."

"Yup, but we still need more training so that we become stronger together," Ash said.


"We should go. Mom told me to come home as quickly as possible because she wants to talk to me about something." Serena said.

"Yeah, about that... you should go ahead. I will meet you later."

"What? Why? We agreed to walk together, didn't we?"

"Well... I've to meet up with someone." Ash said while rubbing his neck and Pikachu's sweat dropped.

Serena looked at him for a moment then nodded, "Okay. See you soon."


Serena waved her hand before walking out of the classroom.

After Serena walks away, Ash stares at the letter which Miette gives him at the fourth lesson.

"Meet me in the music room after school end." Written on the letter.

"What she wants to talk about now?" Ash mutters. "Maybe, about school work,"

Pikachu nodded his head in agreement and he made his way to the music room.


After arriving at the music class, Ash had to wait because Miette arrived after a few minutes. This is the end of school so it was silent and many students were just hurriedly passing by.

"Now we can talk," Miette said as she smiled warmly.

"Okay," Ash nodded. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Ash, y-you are an amazing person. When I first met you... I started developing feelings towards you." Miette said looking at Ash while blushing slightly.

"Feelings... Wait... don't tell me that she has..." Ash thought.

"I love you Ash! and want to be your girlfriend." she continues

Ash just stared at her for a moment.

"W-What did you say?" Ash asked in surprise.

"I love you, Ash."

Ash took a moment to comprehend what Miette just said before he continued.

"I am sorry, Miette... I love someone else" Ash apologized.

"What?! How could you say that?! I just confessed and you are saying that you love someone else." Miette yelled.

"Because it's true," Ash said. "I didn't even know that you felt this way towards me. I only consider you as friends."

"Who?" Miette asked in a low tone that was hardly whispered.


"Who is she?!" Miette shouted. "Who do you love? Tell me."

"I am not sure... that I shall tell you that..." Ash said but Miette cut him off.

"Yeah, I know that girl... What was her name?" Miette said as she kept her finger on the head. "Yeah, I remember now, Dawn."

"No, we are just friends," Ash said.
Meittee looks towards him.

"You love someone else then why don't you have a girlfriend yet?" Miette raised an eyebrow. "You are lying!"

Ash shakes his head
"Why should I lie to you?"

"I know," Miette smiled widely. "You love her but she never loves you back."

Ash looks at her narrowing his eyes, "What makes you say that?"

"You know, she doesn't love you why should you wait for her? She doesn't deserve you." Miette said.

"What are you talking about?" Ash frowned.

"I am only telling the truth," Miette shrugged.

"And I don't want to listen," Ash said.

"Ash I love you with all my heart," Miette said as she tried to grab Ash's hand but Ash takes a step back.

"So, you reject me?" Miette asked in a sad tone while staring at the ground.

"Yeah," Ash said as he looks away from her."Now I need to get going."

He didn't wait for her to reply but he did notice that she was crying. He begins to walk away.

"That love thing is really hard," Ash mutters to himself.

While walking to the bus stop Ash was thinking about what Miette told me.

"You love her but she never loves you back." The voice rang throughout my head.

"Pika Pikapi," Pikachu said.

"Pikachu is always there for me. He always cheers me up." Ash thought.

"Thanks, Pikachu"

"Pika!" Pikachu shouted excitedly.

Finally, the bus arrives and we enter the bus. I sat on the empty seat and gazed out of the window.

Miette Pov

I came to my home and immediately walk to my room while wiping the tears from my eyes.

I throw a glass toward the wall, and it breaks and the pieces of the glass are shattered everywhere on the ground.

"What happened Miette?" Someone asked. "Why are you crying?"

"My heart broke," I said.

"Who?" The boy asked.

"There is a new student. When I saw him first I started to like him. We started to talk and I fell in love with him." I said.

"He rejected you." The boy asked.

"Yeah, he said he...loves someone else," Miette gritted her teeth in anger.
"I have plans but first I need to find out who he loves." Miette smiled.

"Ash Ketchum you just made a big mistake by rejecting me. You will pay."


There is a knock on the door. I open the door and I am surprised to see Serena standing there.

"Ash! I was missing you!"

"What? we meet after school." I titled my head.

"I know, now can I come inside?" Serena said as she smiled warmly.

"Sure, come in,"

I step aside from the front door and let Serena enter the house. Then I noticed that she is holding a bag.

"Uh, what's in this bag?"

"Oh, that..." Serena looks at the bag and then turned to Ash. "They are my clothes," Serena explained. "Can I stay here for the week?"

"I guess..."

"I guess? You are not happy," Serena pouted.

I waved my hands in front of me in defense, "No! Of course, you can stay here," I assured her.

"Welcome! Serena." Mom greeted Serena as she walked up to them.

"Thank you, Ms. Ketchum, for letting me stay here," Serena said politely.

"The pleasure is all mine." Mom smiled warmly.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on?" I asked, confused.

"Grace is going on a business trip for one week. so, Serena is staying here with us." Mom explained.

"Oh, okay,"

"I cleaned and ready the guest room for you," Delia said with a smile then turned to Ash. "Ash, can you show Serena to her room."

"Yes," I said.

I look at Serena who is smiling.

"You! you Should've told me before," I said but Serena just smiled and winked which made me blush so I quickly looked away from her.


Third Person POV

"Anyway, Sere let's go to your room," Ash said as he walked upstairs.

"Coming!" Serena said and followed Ash upstairs and Eevee and Pikachu ran after them.

The room is beside Ash's room which makes Serena happy that their room is just a step away. Serena enters the room and puts her bag on the bed. She turned around and realized that Ash has already left the room.

"Huh? Where did he go?" Serena blinked while looking around.

"Eevee!" Eevee hopped on the bed.

"Eevee, do you like here?"


"That's great to hear," Serena said as she strolled to the window and opens it.

"I am glad that Mom told me to stay here. This way we can spend too much time together." I said and started putting my clothes in the closet.


Time skip

"Ash, can you help with setting up the table while I am preparing the food?" Delia asked.

"Sure," Ash nodded.

"Delia, please let me help you with the cooking," Serena said as she stood up.

"How sweet... Hmmm, How about you help with the dessert? Ash told me that you make an amazing dessert." Delia beamed.

"He did?"


"Okay, then, I will do that!"

"That's great! Let's go to the kitchen."

As Delia and Serena walked into the kitchen.

"Pika Pi Pikachu!"


"Pika!" Pikachu made a heart shape with his hands.

Ash realized what Pikachu was talking about. So he just gave Pikachu the Ketchup bottle to make him stop and it did work as Pikachu started devouring the Ketchup.


They quietly ate their dinner until Dawn spoke up.

"So, you are staying here for a week," Dawn asked

"Yup," Serena replied.

"Alright! now it's time for Serena's desserts!" Delia announced.

"Serena's desserts! I can't wait!" Ash said with stars in his eyes as Delia placed the desserts on the dining table.

"This is delicious Serena!" Dawn said as she ate the Macarons.

"Thanks, Dawn," Serena said.

"You sure love Serena..." Ash glared at him so Gary stopped himself from saying any further. "No I mean Macarams whatever that is."

"Is Macarons," Dawn said.

"Serena, what is this?" Dawn points to the other plate of desserts.

"This is Pokepuff, I specially made them for Pokemon," Serena explained.

"Here, is for you Piplup." Serena offers the Pokepuff to Piplup.

Piplup took it from her hand.

"Piplup!" Piplup cheered as he nibbled on it.

"Piplup, did you like it?"

"Pip Piplup!"

"Serena! Can you teach me how to make those Pokepuff?" Dawn asked to turn to Serena.

"Sure." Serena nodded.

"Master, you should thank Serena for me. This is amazing!" Riolu said as he ate the Pokepuff.


"Do you understand what he is talking about?" Gary inquired.

"Yes," Ash answered.

"So, what did he say?"

"He is thanking Serena for the Pokepuff."

"You're welcome, Riolu," Serena said.


After they finish the dinner Ash suggests to Serena that they shall watch a movie. And Serena happily accepts.

"It been years, we watched a movie,... just two of us," Ash said.

"Yeah, that brings our childhood memories" Serena replied.

"What movie do you want to watch, Sere?" Ash said while through his DVD collection.

"Hmmm..." Serena walked forward and looked at all the DVDs in curiosity.

"How about this one?" Ash held up a DVD and showed them. "Legendary Trainer..."

"Well, the name looks interesting..." Serena thought for a moment before continuing. "Maybe we shall watch this one."

"Then it's settled!" Ash shouted in excitement.

"What are you two doing staying up late?" Delia asked.

"We are about to watch a movie," Ash replied.

"Okay, but you do know that you have school tomorrow."

"We know, Mom. We shall go to sleep as soon as the movie finishes.'

"Alright, Have fun watching the movie! Good night!"

"Good night!" Ash and Serena said then Delia walked upstairs.

"Okay, here you go.

Ash puts the DVD on the DVD tray and the movie starts. They were quietly watching the movie until Serena spoke up.

"Ash, can I ask you something?" Serena asked while they watch the movie.

"Sure, ask away," Ash responded.

"What were you and Miette talking about at the end of the fourth lesson?" Serena asked looking at Ash. "What was that all about?"

"What...what, do you mean?" Ash asked innocently.

Serena didn't say anything for a minute and they sat in silence.

"I saw Miette give you the letter earlier," Serena said. "What was written on it?

"Oh, that..." Ash whispered feeling anxious, something which did not go unnoticed by his friend.

"Is something wrong?" Serena asked with concern evident in her tone.

"It's nothing..." Ash said nervously as he rubbed his nose.

"It doesn't sound like nothing," Serena replied in a serious tone.

Ash sighed and said, "Y-you see... She wants me to meet up with her after school."

"She was?" Serena asked, feeling worried.

"Why did she want to meet Ash?" Serena asked herself.

"Y-yeah..." Ash stammered.

"What does she want from you?" Serena asked as the rate of her heartbeat quickened.

"Well... Y-You, see... She told me that she has feelings for me and asked me to be her boyfriend." Ash whispered while looking at the television.

That simple sentence however was enough for Serena to feel her heart slowly break in two.

"So... What did you say?" Serena asked, trying to keep her voice as calm as possible.

"I said no."

Hearing the answer Serena's eyes lit up.

"That's a relief," Serena thought.

The movie went on for another hour, and the movie finally was finished. Pikachu and Eevee have already fallen asleep on the sofa.

"We should go and get some sleep too. We have school tomorrow." She yawned, feeling sleepy.

"Right," Ash nodded.

They walked upstairs and said good night to each other before entering their rooms. They fall asleep with one thought in their mind that this week is going to be exciting.


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