Chapter 6

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(Third person POV)

A 13 year old Shiho sat at her computer writing out formulas for the organisation. She sighed and slowly spun off her chair, opened the window and stared at the sunset. The wind blew through her hair and she closed her eyes, breathing in the air.

"Sherry..." she jumped back a little when someone wrapped their arms around her waist and whispered her codename in her ear. With a small smile, she turned towards the person already knowing who it is.

"What is it Gin?" His silver hair was tied into a ponytail and his emerald eyes pierced through her soul. He took her hands and clasped them tightly causing a small tinge of pink to appear on her face.

"Promise me you'll be with me forever." She looked deep into his eyes and saw how determined he was. Shiho had been in the organisation for as long as she could remember. Apart from her sister who she saw rarely, she didn't have any family. Gin was like a brother to her and had been there from the start.

"Of course I will!" Shiho hugged him tightly and Gin began stroke her hair.


The scene and the tension within it changes.An older, angrier Gin had cornered a younger man against a wall. The mans face could not be seen as if shadows covered it.

"Never touch her again! Never speak to her again! Never look at her again! She belongs to me! She's mine!!!!" Gin kept punching and kicking the man like he was a lifeless rag doll. A teenage, tired looking Shiho ran into the room. She paused in shock before running up to Gin and grabbing onto his waist in an attempt to separate them.

"Gin! Stop! Please! He didn't do anything! STOP!!" Gin flung one of his arms back causing her to fly across the room and smash against the floor.

"SHIHO!!!" The young man shouted out her real name making Gin glare at him with anger.

"What did you just call her........?" Shiho wobbled onto her feet.

"Please...." She brought out a hand stretching in towards him and looked into his eyes. Gin gave a demonic smirk, took out a small dagger and stabbed it into her man's gut. He spluttered and Gin began to laugh. Shiho brought her hands to her face in shock. The knife was brought out and was once again stabbed in and again and again and again and again. The man screamed and chocked in pain as he fell to the floor. Shiho fell to her knees and saw his fearful and dead eyes. She felt like throwing up when Gin continued to stab his corpse. He had a big broken grin on his face and was laughing crazily. He had broken.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Shiho's hands shook and as realisation sunk in, tears cascaded down her cheeks.

" no no no no no..." She screamed and clutched her head. "STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Haibara POV)

I suddenly opened my eyes and they began to adjust to the dimly lit room. My head was pounding as I brought it off a desk. When I looked up, I realised I was in my room. Tears began to fall down my face as I remembered my dream. No... It was reality. Gin had killed him and it was because of me. There was no bringing him back. I bit hard on my lip to stop myself from crying out and waking everyone. I didn't want Kudo-kun to see me like this again. I tried to hold it back but my dream and the memories within it stayed painted in my mind. I got into my bed and cried into my pillow. I started in all. I started this all with that stupid promise that will turn my and anyone who I love's world into a war destined to end with death. Gavi...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I have plans for this story that involve 'Gavi'. Someone's not happy that Gavi died and are out to avenge him.... In the next chapter, the group will make their way to an event that Sonoko managed to get tickets to. More CoxAi and at some point, some movement with Ran. (I've kind of ignored her.... XD) Bye!!!

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