Chapter 7

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"Sonoko! You already got us tickets to the event, you didn't need to hire a mini bus as well!" Sonoko laughed as Ran scolded her. I stood outside the Detective Agency staring at the massive van. It has the words 'Suzuki Finance Company' written in bold on the sides. Haha..... Sonoko had managed to get her hands on tickets for the debut live of a popular uprising idol called Maruya Rita. The tickets sold out in 5 minutes and the kids (as well as Ran) were over the moon that they were going. I couldn't think of anything more boring that listening to a middle schooler sing then getting her autograph backstage. It was going to be a long day....

"I can't wait! What about you Conan-kun?" Ran bent down to my height and was only a few centimetres away from me. I felt the heat rising in my face.

"Um..... Yeah! Really. Can't wait! Hahahaha.ha......" I backed away as quickly as I could and took deep breaths. I made my way towards Haibara to escape the confused Ran.

"Hey Haibara? Have you heard of this idol?" I waited for an answer. Nothing.

"Haibara?" No reaction what so ever. I put my hand on her shoulder and she flinched, her head sharply turning to meet my eyes. As soon as we made eye contact, I saw the fear in her eyes. They were red and swollen, as if she had been crying... After a few seconds, the fear dissolved from her and was replaced with a look of relief and sadness.

"I'm sorry..... I wasn't paying attention..." She said in a monotone voice as she removed my hand from her shoulder and began to walk away. Something was wrong.

"Haibara wait!" I ran forward and grabbed her hand.Time seemed to slowdown as she lost her balance and fell towards me. Her mask crumbled and her cheeks were as red as mine. I felt the impact of her body against my arms and I shut my eyes. When I opened them, Haibara had her around my neck so she wouldn't fall and my head was pushed into my chest. Her breaths were short and warm again my shirt. She looked up and our eyes met. She scanned me with her shocked yet somehow excited eyes. We stood there in our "embrace" as Haibara tried to look away but every time, her eyes wandered back to my face. I felt her hand moved a little around around my neck. Our faces were so close that one move could cause an accident. I never noticed how green her eyes were, how long her eyelashes were, how soft her lips looked and how much she had changed in the space of 5 years. I saw an expression I had never seen before. A face of longing and and admiration. Was she always this beautiful?

"Excuse me love birds! Sorry to interrupt but we have to get going!" We pulled away, embarrassed as Sonoko made us realise how long we had stayed there. From the corner of my eye, I saw the jealously in Ayumi and Mitsuhiko's eyes. Everyone made their way to the van and Haibara looked at me, her mask plastered once again on her face.

"Sorry......." She muttered too quietly for the others to hear but loud enough for me to hear. She turned on her heels and ran towards the van. I stood there in a state of shock still feeling Haibara's touch even though she was no longer there. I was the last to get onto the bus and there was only one available seat. Of course it's next to Haibara. (hehehe..... XD) I awkwardly sat down as the coach began to move. There was only the sound of the others talking. I sat there in silence. I looked at Haibara, she was looking out the window at the drops of rain that had begun to fall. Her eyes were covered by her fringe but I knew that her eyes were full of pain. I took a deep breath.

"Haibara... I'm sorry.... I-" Mt words were cut off by her meeting my eyes. She was crying. I was silenced. I wanted to comfort her but i didn't know how. There were so many possibilities in my head that it all began to hurt. My heart thumped as she quietly sobbed. I mustered all the courage I had left. Screw it! I put the arm rest up, shut my eyes and quickly wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her head into my chest and I stayed there. Blushing like a tomato.

Wow it has been ages... I just got back from Japan so I will be able to publish the chapters I wrote while I was there. I've been thinking for a long time in what direction I want this fanfiction to go in. At first I was thinking the very basic, unrealistic easy route but I decided I wanted to make it a little darker that I intended it to be. In a few chapters, I will "unleash" a new character that may be connected to Haibara and Gavi. Maybe.... Maybe not..... XD Thank you for all your support and thank you for enjoying the story! xxx

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