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Quinn hated herself for ending her relationship with Scott through text message, but at the same time, she felt good about it. She still felt betrayed by him and the others, but she also knew the moment he and the others found out she was working with their enemies-it was going to be useless continuing their relationship.

Quinn knew the Alpha pack were killers-but she chose the path that she felt was right. It was a foolish choice, but also an expected one, because despite being the only Beta in an Alpha Pack, she still had felt welcomed, even if their hands were stained with blood.

It's been a while since she felt being needed even if she was probably just a temporary pawn.

Also, Deucalion was going to keep her from actually being a killer-which only confused his pack, but he was their leader and what he says, always goes.

"I'm sorry" Quinn scowled at the twins in the empty school hallway," You want me to what?!"

"Deucalion's orders" Aiden huffed leaning on the lockers

"How does me joining the school cheer squad exactly have any use?" She hissed making Ethan snort.

"It's easier for us to know where you are" Ethan explained," You'll be busy with the whole thing, and Deucalion said it's a big F. U to McCall and the others"

"I thought I was supposed to lay low," She said barely enthusiastic

Aiden shrugged his shoulder," I thought so too, but whatever he says, goes Quinn. You know that"

"Right-" She dragged the word," So showing me becoming a bitch is his big plan?"

"We never question his orders" Ethan grumbled," I mean, you can and just die-making it easier for us"

"Wow" Quinn gaped," I knew you hated me Ethan, but damn that was low"

"I don't hate you" He quickly corrected her," I just find you annoying"

"The feeling is mutual" She responded aggressively," But-I'll do it" She shivered," God, this is punishment, I never wear skirts-"

"It could be a nice change" Aiden smirked looking at her suggestively making her gag

"Gross-" She covered her mouth," I think I threw up a little" He scowled at her which only made her smirk," Two for Quinn, and Zero for Aiden"

Aiden let out a bitter laugh leaning closer to her," Oh you want to play a game huh?"

"I'm so scared" She patted his chest," So very scared of the big Alpha"

Ethan snickered patting his brother's back who was sending a glare at her, in which she only smiled in return.

"Ethan might not hate you, but I do" Aiden spat

She placed her hand on her chest," Oh you wound me" She said monotonically," My poor wittle heart is shattered" She then scoffed finishing her sentence," I could care less how you feel about me Aiden"

"I can see why the only person you attracted was Scott. He must have felt bad for you" Aiden commented making Quinn's expression slightly falter, but she pushed it away with a fake smile, though her heart was enough to tell the twins that, that sentence hurt her.

"Well, I guess so" Quinn shrugged her shoulder," I guess I'm just so damn unlovable"

"Quinn," Ethan said slowly as Aiden pulled back already feeling like shit for his comment.

"Right, cheerleading-I'll go find the coach or whatever" She quickly changed the subject turning away. The two shared looks as she walked away.

Ethan was about to say something but Aiden spoke first," I know-That was a dick move"

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