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Isaac looked in horror at Quinn's destroyed bedroom. He had placed her on her bed, that he had to cover with a thick mink from the revealed springs. The rest of the night with her unconscious on her bed, he had taken the time to clean up what he could. To each object he found not completely damaged, it was only memories of their childhood.

Stuffed animals. Old Clothes. Strange Knick knacks they collected down by the river in the forest. Once he was satisfied with the state of the room, he walked over sitting slowly on her bed being careful not to wake up from the sleep she most likely much needed.

His eyes trailed to her nightstand and he let out a breath seeing the only single thing in the room that remained untouched.

It was a photo of Quinn and him. When reaching over, his eyes fell to her garbage can on the side and froze in place seeing an object laying on top of the trash. His jaw tightened reaching over pulling the bin closer and the hold he had on it stiffened.

He eyed the object and let out a breath of relief seeing the symbol, but it still had his chest hurting at the thought of Quinn and Scott having sex.

"You're still here" He flinched at the raspy weak voice making him turn quickly to Quinn who was behind him still lying in bed.

He hesitated to try to not be intrusive with what he discovered and tried his best to hide the anxiety," Of course" He answered making her look at him.

She was about to make a joke but noticed his rapid heartbeat, telling her something was on his mind. Her smile formed to a frown as she spoke slowly," What's wrong?"

His eyes widened at her sudden question making him curse silent to his heart picking up in its pace, knowing it was a dead giveaway," Nothing" he quickly answered making her sit up

"Isaac" She warned and he unconsciously looked at her bin, making her follow his gaze. Once her eyes fell on the bin, her lips connected," Oh...that"

"I-didn't think you and Scott went that far" Isaac blurted out making her look at him frowning.

"It's not your business, Isaac," She said in her defence," He was my boyfriend, and sex is normal for couples. I'm not intruding with you and Allison you kn-

"We never had sex" He quickly defended himself," We weren't in a relationship"

She looked at him in surprise at his words," But-Stiles said-

"I thought you never listened to what other people tell you" He laughed but the smile did not reach his eyes.

"I'm not going to apologize for sleeping with him Isaac" Quinn looked down at the bin

"Do you love him?" He asked quietly and her throat hitched at the question closing her eyes. Isaac took her silence as a 'yes'

"Did you-" Isaac started but Quinn cut him off," No-Isaac, I don't love him-and he didn't love me either" She locked her eyes on his own," We both knew from the beginning it was impossible"

"But why?" He asked

"I can't tell you Isaac" She shook her head," You have to find out why on your own"

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