Finding Hiccup

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Your POV

Out on patrol of the dragon hunter territory, you spotted a familiar black shape. He was soaring just above the clouds, his rider laying on his back, screaming angrily and waving his fists at the sky. You waved at Cloudjumper, who was flying on your right flank to cover your weakened side. You pointed up. He rose just high enough for Valka to break through the cloud cover.

Always has to make a dramatic entrance. Like Mother, like Son.

You smiled, fondly remembering the recon missions you had been sent on. So often you had found that Hiccup and his friends had already dealt with the problems you were tasked with. But does he know about Drago? Does he have a plan? Cause I've got nothing. And Valka keeps telling me that we have to protect our own, but does that include Berk?

A shout of frustration broke you out of your questioning thoughts. "Oh come on, Dad! Really?" You smiled at the sound of his slightly nasal voice. Close, but not quite. Gods, he's gonna love this.

You stayed back as Cloudjumper sunk back below the clouds then shot up in front of Toothless with Valka still perched on his shoulder. Anticipating her pulling Hiccup out of the saddle - it was the move you used to free the Singetails from Krogan's men after all - you stood up on Zyphur's wing, ready to jump if necessary.

You heard Hiccup scream in protest as Clawlifter plucked him from the saddle, saw Toothless plummet towards the icy waters below. Hold on, bud. I'm coming. No long ice baths for you.

Watching his descent and making some mental calculations, you raced up Zyphur's wing and swan dived toward Toothless. You pulled a cord on your left leg and two wings snapped out across your shoulder blades, slowing your descent. Dipping your head, you accelerated your descent.

"Toothless!" You screamed as he broke through the thin layer of ice. You saw him breach twice more before he started to sink. Come on! Come on! You pulled the wings in tight with a flip of a switch. You never regained full use of your right arm after that cursed arrow and another more recent incident, so you redesigned your rig to act more like a glider. The stiff bar bumped your still healing injury, but you managed to keep your mind focused on your friend.

Toothless gave a garbled shriek as you hit the water. Quickly, you pulled yourself into the saddle and slammed your foot into the stirrup. You clicked the pedal like you'd seen Hiccup do a million times and with a few flaps of his dark wings, you were back in the air. Attaboy, Toothless! See? I got you.

You leaned close and whispered, "Come on, T. You are not going to want to miss this."

His eyes widened in recognition then you zoomed off after Hiccup and Valka.


You guided Toothless through the rocky glacial tunnels of Vanir. What was once vibrant and lush on the outside, now appeared barren and desolate, held together by the Bewilderbeast's icy blasts. Yet it's beauty laid far beneath the cold coating, accessible only by those few who knew how to navigate the labyrinth. Not counting the dragons, only two people could successfully reach the center of the mountain. Well two that were still alive, anyway.

Your mind split. Half of you watching the treacherous pathways through the nest, the other half focused on distant memories. The faces of your family, the dragons you had befriended, all of the lives that were lost on that dark night. More images flashed by: the twins causing pranks and playing with Chicken, Fishlegs geeking out over the new information that you added to the Book of Dragons, Snotlout complainin about girl drool on his back, Astrid sparring with you on Dragon's Edge, Stoick trying to be the father that you lost, and Hiccup... being the brother that you wished to protect from everything the world had thrown at you. Tears slid silently down your cheeks. You never told them how much you cared for them, always trying to be strong, always pushing the emotions away when they became too much to bear. You deeply regretted it, but, like Valka, you had put the dragons first. You swiped the tears away as you neared your destination.

You landed softly beside Zyphur, holding up your left hand as you stiffly rubbed your right across Toothless's head. This simple motion was difficult on the best of days, but, with all of the chaos that just occured, your body screamed at you to stop. Unable to ignore it, you slumped in the saddle, leaning forward to hug Toothless. His warm scales and supple leather saddle comfortable enough that you could almost fall asleep, but who could sleep with the confrontation that looming nearby.

"Stay quiet. She needs to see that he's like her." You whispered into Toothless's ear. He slapped you with it. A smile widened on your face. "I know, I know. I probably deserved that, but I promised."

You stayed in the saddle and watched the scene unfold in the dim light.

Toothless' POV

The hatchling, Hiccup's twin I had taken to calling her though I knew that wasn'ther name, nuzzled into my back. She was kind, gentle, and smelled like strawberries and dragonhide. I missed that smell, missed her playful manner, missed the way she always sided with me when it came to keeping my best friend from harm.

I warble softly at her. I could tell something was off by the way she was leaning on me, not quite sitting but not laying down completely either. I wondered what had happened to keep her away for so long. Hiccup had sometimes talked about going to find her, but we never had. He kept getting distracted with his map and his mate, Astrid. That was a match made in Valhalla.

The hatchling sighed and leaned further into my back. She drew little pictures on my scales. I crooned loudly as a familiar scent filled the air: fire, metal, and leather.


My rider was nearby. I tried to call out to him, but the hatchling hushed me.

"Shh. Stay quiet, Toothless. She needs to know she can trust him." She whispered in my ear. Her tone was so soft I wondered if she was falling asleep. I slapped her cheek with my ear flap. "I know, I know. I probably deserved that, but I promised."

I didn't understand, but I trusted her. I followed her lead, hunkering down to wait.


Hiccup spun in a circle, loosing a cloud of Zippleback gas from the hilt of his sword, igniting it with the click of a button. All of the dragons stared transfixed, even Valka's head tilted curiously. He held out his hand to Clawlifter, but stopped as Valka started to circle him defensively.

"Who are you? The Dragon Thief? Uh... Drago Bludvist?" Come on, Hiccup! You can get this! "Do you even understand what I'm saying?" He asked, frustration cutting through his words. She didn't answer, choosing instead to swing her staff around her head and slam it down on the hard stone floor.

You face-palmed. Good going, Val. Scare the poor guy half to death. He doesn't even know that Toothless is ok. Toothless...

Slowly and soundlessly, you slid out of the saddle. Toothless nudged your side. You jerked your head toward Zyphur. I'm fine. Go get him. Toothless gave you a lick then bounced over to Zyphur. She carried Toothless over the tight crowd of dragons. She dropped him beside Hiccup then glided back to you. Thanks, Z! You thought as you leaned against her, your eyes trained over the tight group.

"Toothless! It's ok, it's ok, it's ok!" Hiccup said reassuringly as he threw his arms around his friend. "Glad to see you too, Bud. You really had me worried there." Toothless licked his cheek affectionately.

Valka shook her staff, which made a soft rattle. Behind her, the dragons in the middle of the tight group opened their mouths, filling half the space with a bright orange light. Well that's a warm welcome. The low flame casting shadows across Hiccup's features, but also revealing some secrets that only a mother would recognize. She continued to study him, moving closer.

Toothless stepped forward to defend Hiccup. You had to hold yourself back. You knew Valka didn't need your help, but you also knew that not all of the dragons in the tight group could keep calm if Toothless decided to start blasting. You needn't have worried. Valka reached out her hand. Giving her wrist a familiar swirling flick, Toothless rolled over for a belly rub.

Recognition dawned on his face as he nervously asked, "Y/n?"

You smiled, but continued to hold yourself back. Not quite...

Valka shook her head then backed up nervously when she saw a little scar on his chin. Valka had told you about the night she left Berk, how Cloudjumper had studied Hiccup while he laid swaddled in the cradle, how one of his talons left a small mark on his chin when Stoick had burst through the ruined house. It was this mark that made Valka recognize him. "Hiccup?"

"Uh..." He stuttered as she removed her helmet, long auburn braids falling over her shoulders.

"Could it be? After all these years? How is this possible?" Valka inquired astonished. How is this possible? I told you I would find a way to bring you together. I tend to keep my promises, Val. You know that.

"Should I - Should I know you?" Hiccup stuttered startled by the revelation.

"No, you were only a babe." Her shoulders sagged with sadness as she looked away. Then her eyes shifted back to his. "But a mother never forgets."

You turned to Zyphur and climbed on her back. "Come on, girl. She's going to introduce him to the King. We'll meet them." You followed a stampede out into an enormous chamber. Listening to Hiccup struggle and shout questions at his mom, you circled around to the entrance of the man-sized tunnel Valka was leading him through.

He broke through the edge of the tunnel. You saw his eyes light up as he gaped at the sight. Thousands of dragons circled overhead, landing on moss-covered vertical columns creating a kaleidoscope of colors in the filtered light.

"Welcome to Vanir!" You called out to him, but he was so wrapped up in the sight that he didn't hear you.

You sighed. Leave him be. Let him take in this moment with his mom. He'll see you later. You chided yourself. Gods, that was difficult! You wanted so badly to just run up to him and tell him everything, but it could wait, even if your heart couldn't. You needed a distraction, something to keep your head and hands busy.

You turned to your usual tasks, caring for the injured dragons and corraling the babies. You plopped down in the middle of a group of baby Gronckles who are wrestling. You joined in their game, being sure to give each a hug or kiss. They need to know they are loved cause there may come a point where their parents don't come back, like mine. You subconsciously shook your head. That's not fair. They died trying to save me. I can't let their sacrifice be wasted. Plus there is that other thing....

You kept an ear tuned to Hiccup and Valka's conversation, especially after Valka started to introduce herself to Toothless.

"How did you manage...?" Valka asked as she held up Toothless's red tail fin. You looked up, wondering how much he'd tell.

"I found him in the woods. He was shot down and wounded." Uh huh, you're not getting out of it that easy.

"Tell her the truth!" You shouted, glaring at him knowingly.

He spoted you - FINALLY - before he quickly continued. "Um... Yeah... Actually, I was the one who shot him down. But he got me back. You couldn't save all of me, could ya, bud? So... PEG LEG!" He held out his leg in a comedic gesture, leaning heavily on Toothless to keep himself from falling over.

"That's more like it!" You said as you pulled him into a hug. "How are you, brother?"

"Brother? I'm not your sibling."



"Ever wonder why we look so much alike?" You ask, tossing your long auburn curls over your shoulder.

"Not possible!"

You smile. "No, I'm just messing with you." Or am I? Valka still hasn't answered that question. My own parents didn't look anything like me. They both had dark brown eyes and jet black hair. I have emerald eyes and auburn hair like Hiccup. Could I really be his sister?

Shaking your head, you nudged him playfully. "You still haven't answered my question. How are you? Did you keep your promise?"

He laughed awkwardly, running a hand through his wild auburn hair. "Yeah, we had a couple of moments not long after you left."

You pumped your fist victoriously. "Yes! I knew it. I guess she couldn't resist all of this raw vikingness, huh?" You gestured to all of him. Keep it hidden. He can't know how badly I failed, not yet.

"What about you? What has the great Y/n
L/n been up to?" He asks, changing the subject. You let it slide.

"N/n if you please."

"Of course, Milady." He bows mockingly.

"Don't call me that!" It hurts too much. I don't deserve his friendship, let alone to joke around this easily with him.

"Now who's not answering the question?"

"Oh you know... Keeping my promises. Bringing you and Mom together. Taking down the hunters. Not trusting Traders..."

"Just have to rub it in, don't you?" He groaned as he smiled.

"I'm pretty sure I sent you at least two Terror Mails about his exploits." You reminded him. Actually it had been three.

"Yeah, after I had already figured it out by myself. And I haven't heard from you since." Hiccup replied. "What happened?"

You turned away. My fault, all my fault. But he had called Valka dad, so Stoick must still be alive, even if I didn't... I owe him the truth. But I can't share everything. He'd hate me. I hate me.

You took a deep breath before you explained. "It was my fault your dad almost died. I saw them gunning for him, saw him go down on that sea stack. I-I tried to take the hit, but..." You gestured to your right arm. It hung limply by your side, just a reminder of your worst failures. "I wasn't fast enough. I wasn't strong enough. I stayed with him til the other riders: that little boy with the horned helmet, the big guy, and the man with two limbs..." It had been so long that you had forgotten their names, though, in your defense, Gobber was the only one of the threw you had been properly introduced to.

"Gustav, Spitelout, and Gobber" He said their names before you could continue.

"They arrived. I had to leave. I had my orders: Rescue the Dragons at all costs." And Heather needed my help on Vanaheim. "I didn't know... I thought he was invincible. I thought surely if anybody could get back up after a hit like that, it would be him. But I couldn't face you knowing... And I figured Astrid..."

"Y/n, I don't blame you. And you're right, she did and Dad got better and..." He turned to Valka. "You should come back to Berk, both of you. Dad's changed. Everyone has. I'm sure y/n has told you about it." Hiccup tried to explain, but Valka wasn't listening.

"Believe me, Hiccup. I tried too, but some people will never change." She said sadly.

He looked at you and you shrugged. I've tried. For months, I've tried. She won't listen to me either.

Cautiously, you gestured towards the center of the nest. There's something you need to see. You shared with another glance. He nodded and edged toward the cliff ledge, one step closer to his destiny.

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