Her Remembrances

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The Saturnian girl paced the palace grounds the next morning. The sky was gloomier than it usually was but that did not matter to the girl. With her heels clicking against the pure white tiles of the palace courtyard, she couldn't help but replay the events of the previous night.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I felt his lips press against mine gently. I could taste the remnants of alcohol present in his breath and it was anything but pleasant. I instantly pushed myself away from him, my face flushing way more than it should have.

"Why did you do that?" Slaine slurred still laying in his bed and I stood up and straightened my posture. I wiped my lips with the conveniently placed handkerchief kept within my uniform and cleared my throat, trying to push away the blush still evident on my face.

"Count Troyard, sir," I spoke respectfully, "You are quite drunk right now. I think it would be best if I left you to yourself."

His groggily blinked a few times before groaning in loud annoyance. "Do I have to mention his name again, (Y/N)?" He pushed himself up from his position and sat up and tried his best to keep his unbalanced state from falling. "You love Inaho, don't you?" he yelled softly.

"Sir?" I blinked a couple of times.

"Don't play dumb," he retorted back. "I know you two have feelings for each other. I saw how he kissed you the other day. I see the way he looks at you, (Y/N). Even for someone who doesn't show emotions, it's easy to read him." Slaine continued to rant.

"You don't know what you're saying, Slaine," I responded in monotone. "Though Inaho may express feelings for me, I do not harbor them back." It wasn't completely a lie, nor was it completely a truth. I had no idea where my feelings lay, but I knew that finding out where would be very difficult. 

I walked over to him and placed both my hands on his shoulders. Was I actually warming up to the sucker that killed my parents? Yes, yes I was. I hated to admit it, but it was true.

"Please believe me, Slaine," I whispered as I looked into his turquoise eyes.

A long silence followed when I felt his hands grab my own. "I love you, (Y/N)."

End of Flashback
Third Person P.O.V.

"No, no, no, no, no," the girl thought to herself as she continued to pace the same area she had been walking on. Any longer, and she could've burnt the ground with the amount of walking she was doing.

"You're here to take revenge, that's right," the (h/c) haired girl reassured herself. "Don't be an idiot."

"Now why would you say that?" a voice said to the girl.

She turned around to meet the smiling gaze of Princess Asseylum who's facade never seemed to falter.

"It's nothing," (Y/N) said as she sheepishly scratched one of her cheeks.

"Oh?" Asseylum questioned inching closer to the Saturnian. "Your face is quite flushed; are you feeling alright?" she questioned once more.

"I'm quite alright," (Y/N) said reassuring the young princess.

Asseylum stared at (Y/N) for a good while, her motions indicating as if she wanted to say something. Her gaze felt penetrating to the Saturnian. The princess heard of Lemrina's accusations against this girl but she herself wasn't too sure whether to believe it or not.


"Yes, your Highness?"

"I was told quite recently that you were said to have powers."

(Y/N) hid her disbelief and opened her mouth to speak when the blonde interrupted.

"But, I have no reason to believe that so you are free from my suspicion."

(Y/N) almost burst at how easily the princess was able to jump to that conclusion. The girl bowed to her higher-up. "Thank you."

Asseylum smiled as (Y/N) brought her gaze back up.

"I'm told that the games are coming up pretty soon. How has training been going?" Asseylum asked motioning for the girl to follow her to the training grounds.

"Pretty well, I would say. I hate to be cocky, but I believe Slaine and I have a good chance at winning this game," (Y/N) replied coolly.

 "Does he have a good chance at winning your heart?"

"W-what?" (Y/N) literally choked on what Asseylum had said as she merely giggled to herself.

"I was only joking, (Y/N). Half joking anyway," she said between giggles.

"Hime-sama," (Y/N) said in a pretend growl.

The two exchanged some playful banter until finally reaching the training area. Many trainers and trainees were already practicing so Asseylum led (Y/N) to a place where there wouldn't be so much chaos.

"It seems that your trainer isn't here yet, (Y/N)," the emerald eyed girl said as she glanced around for any sign of the older male.

(Y/N) scratched her cheek nervously with her index finger, "Well, he got a little too drunk last night so he might be a little hungover."

"It that so?" Asseylum looked a bit shocked. "I never knew Slaine to be a drinker...did he drink because he was so happy about your skills during training yesterday?"

(Y/N) thanked the heavens that the blonde had no idea what actually went on last night. "Suuure," she responded back.

A flash of light surrounded Asseylum and when the light dissipated, she no longer wore her dress, but a combat uniform. 

"I'm actually quite interested to see how skilled you are, (Y/N)," Asseylum beamed, "But don't take it easy on me. I may be a princess, but that doesn't mean I can't fight."

(Y/N) smirked to herself as she pulled her pistols out from her pocket. This was sure to be interesting. A fight between a Versian and a Saturnian...her parents would have been proud.

"Trust me, Princess, I had no intention of doing so whatsoever."


"You are quite the skilled fighter, (Y/N)," Asseylum praised as she watched the (h/c) haired girl gracefully move through the air and shoot with such precision.

"I did learn from the best," (Y/N) said confidently.

"Now that's a look I've never seen you sport before."

The two continued to shoot at each other, making sure not to actually injure the other.

(Y/N) smiled as she successfully hit yet another close shot at the princess. "Well, fighting is my forte."

"I can see that."

Asseylum continued to observe (Y/N)'s every move. She did not ask for this fight solely for the fact that Slaine was late...it was all for other reasons. Though she had told (Y/N) earlier that she believed her to not have powers, Asseylum needed to be sure. When Lemrina had told her about, just like the others, she did not believe it. But Asseylum was perceptive. She remembered the first time (Y/N) had ever landed on Vers, the girl never mentioned where she truly came from. Now, Asseylum could be overthinking that thought, but one could never been so entirely sure.

"You know, (Y/N)," Asseylum started up again attempting to finally get a shot near (Y/N), "Your skills kind of remind me of the Black Dragon."

(Y/N) stiffened for a split second and immediately returned to her natural stance as she locked her (e/c) orbs with the emerald ones. "Black Dragon?" she asked as innocently as she could.

"Never heard of them?" Asseylum asked casually.

(Y/N) nodded a simple "no" and Asseylum continued with her conversation.

"They say that the Black Dragon is the swiftest and most graceful fighter to ever roam the universe. It's believed that when this person fights, you can see the image of Saturn in their eyes."

"Saturn?" (Y/N) asked, "Why Saturn?"

Asseylum shrugged, "Perhaps it's because they are from that planet. But it's rumored that no one has lived there since the death of the rulers during the previous war."

(Y/N) clenched her fists on her pistols as she continued to shoot.

"Many say that the Black Dragon is responsible for their deaths."

(Y/N) gritted her teeth and growled almost inaudibly, "I would never kill my own parents." Her rage was starting to boil and she could feel her eyes revert back and forth and it needed to stop.

Asseylum continued casually not realizing (Y/N)'s reactions. "Others believe the Dragon is dead but others believe the Dragon to be alive." Asseylum noticed (Y/N)'s sudden stop in the fight. "What do you think, (Y/N)?"

And at that moment, a bullet was shot only centimeters away from Asseylum's cheek. The force of the bullet could almost be felt by the Versian princess. (Y/N) turned around and smiled with one of the fakest smiles she could ever plaster on her face.

"I win," she beamed, "Lesson to you, Asseylum, don't ever let your guard down."

Asseylum, quite surprised and shocked by her final winning shot, only nodded in agreement. "I see why you are so confident, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) returned the smile, "Hopefully we can do this again, Seylum-sama."

"Of course," she replied back, "But next time, don't aim so close," she chuckled.

The Saturnian laughed nervously, "Sorry about that, ahaha. It's just what I do. You did say not to go easy on you."

And next time, if you accuse me of killing my own parents, that bullet will do more than just grace the feeling of your skin.

"You do have a point," Asseylum giggled. "Until next time then."

Asseylum smiled as she watched the Saturnian walk away from her with one thought in mind.

Asseylum's P.O.V.

"What do you think, (Y/N)?" I asked as I finished the mentioning the Black Dragon. 

Within a millisecond, I felt a bullet just ever-so-slightly grace the edge of my cheek. It was then, I looked at (Y/N) who made that shot with her back facing me. As she turned around, I saw a quick glint of red in her eyes.

I thought I was probably just seeing things, but as she approached with a smile on her face, I looked deep into her eyes. Her eyes were not red, but I did happen to see the vision of Saturn slowly fading away from her (e/c) eyes so that her eyes could look normal.

It was then I realized, she was the Black Dragon and she nearly killed me when I mentioned that people assumed the Black Dragon to have killed the rulers of Saturn.

I kept my stature. Surely this girl wouldn't be of any harm just so long as I didn't provoke her...right?

End of Flashback
(Still Asseylum's P.O.V.)

As long as (Y/N) did not do anything reckless, I would not report her. She was only a girl about a year older than I was, and she was of no threat. But until the day she becomes an actual threat, I will act as if nothing has happened.

It is my job to keep the empire safe, and as long as I am empress, I will make sure nothing or no one hurts my people.

Third Person P.O.V.

"Sir Kasai?" a helper asked, "Where shall the coordinates be set?"

"No coordinates. I plan to travel there on my own. Thank you though," replied a baritone voice. His eyes overlooked the galaxy and at the Versian planet.

"I'm coming for you, Princess Amaya-Rin."

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