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"jeon jungkook" said male goes onto stage and receives his scroll, bowing to the criwd before sauntering off as loud claps echoes in the room but his eyes only search for warm brown ones and smiles when he spots jimin, with the rest of their friends. it the graduation, finally done with college and both jimin and jungkook are proud of their results, all the hardwork they had put in and all the midnight oil burned worthed it.

jungkook rushes into his boyfriend's arms, receiving a chaste kiss on the lips as they burst into giggles, congratulating one another along with their friends as well.

another step into the adult life. to be honest, jungkook doesn't know what will happen, what he will pursue in for a career, how will he manage, and most importantly how is he going to tell jimin about his pregnancy.

he knows this will add on to the pressure already on his boyfriend's shoulders because jimin has already entered the working life, he is the heir to his father's company, almost always busy even if college life clashed in between but jimin managed to handle it well, thus the wealth and shelter he had provided for jungkook. sometimes jungkook wish he could help as well but now that he had graduate and had a degree, he's going to make good use of it and go through their hardships together.

"baby?" jungkook snaps out of his thoughts, humming at the male and smiling softly.

"lets go home" the excused themself, not staying any later and headed back home, jimin driving them back as conversations flowed between them, the joy of graduating still bringing up their energy.

"you know that i'll be busy right? now that college's over, i'll fully take over my dad's company" jungkook plays with the fingers on his thigh, sighing sadly but he mutters out an answer, a soft "yeah i know" that jimin still catches.

"please don't be upset, i'll still come home everyday, i'll see you everyday so you're stuck with me" jimin leans in to press a kiss on the younger's cheek before taking off his seat belt and getting out of the car, waiting for jungkook to get out and locking the vehicle before walking back to their apartment, hands intertwined together.

"jimin hyung. . ." jungkook starts as he sits down on the bed, jimin changing his clothes into comfier ones. jimin hums, taking off his shirt and slipping on a white tee and sweatpants, turning around to see his boyfriend fidgeting nervously. "what's wrong?"

jungkook takes a deep breath, nope not today, and shakes his head, "nothing, i love you" jimin chuckles, getting onto the bed as well and pulling jungkook to lie beside him, his back to jimin's chest as he tenses a little and jimin kisses his nape till he melts and relaxes in his arms.

"i love you too but lets sleep alright? i really didn't get enough sleep last night" jimin wraps his arms around jungkook's waist, placing his palms over jungkook's stomach and the male's heartbeat picks up as he places his own palm over, snuggling closer to jimin.

he'll tell jimin soon.

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