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after a whole nine months of carrying their child, jungkook's finally going to go into labour. jimin had requested for the male to stay in the hospital a few days prior to his date so that they wouldn't be panicked if something happens which leads to jungkook now sitting on the hospital bed in his room, jimin beside him while he types away on his phone.

they had got a private suite, jimin having his own bed while jungkook has to be on his own but it's not like they followed the regulations, they have not once left each other's side. "baby, you look like you're going to burst any moment"

"shut the fuck up" jimin scoffs, flicks the boy's forehead to which jungkook whines, rubbing the sore spot. "did you buy me laughing gas?"

jimin laughs, "i did but you sure you really want to use it?" jungkook rolls his eyes, "you're not the one carrying this child here daddy" he taunts and jimin shakes his head, mumbling under his breath and the nurse comes in.

she checks up on the black haired while asking a few questions, mostly if he's having bad contractions or if he feels dizzy, anything ranging from that and jimin silently watches as jungkook replies the middle aged woman promptly while rubbing his stomach and his heart swells with emotions.

he's still gazing at jungkook after the nurse left, making jungkook's cheeks heat up at the strong gaze directed at him, "daddy stop!" he whines, bringing his hands up to his face, squishing his cheeks together.

jimin smiles and pulls his hands away, kissing each knuckle and the back of jungkook's hand fondly, "lets get married love" jungkook tenses at the mention of marriage, humming while jimin lifts his head up to face his boyfriend.

"i mean we have been together long enough, we're having a baby for goodness sake, i wanna marry you jungkook" he whispers, hesitant but the words certain but sighs when jungkook just stares at him, not uttering anything, "it's okay baby, you can take your time, we'll marry when you're ready"

"no i- i want to yours forever jimin hyung but i just, i don't want to make you feel as if you have to spend your entire life pampering and looking after me and our child, i want to be a part of it too, i want to help as much as i know you can afford everything okay? i'm going to get the results for my interview soon and if it's successful i'll be able to work after all this is done" he gestures to his stomach and jimin smiles, "alright, of course you can. as long as we're getting married"

jimin leans back against the bed, kissing the crown of jungkook's head and the male flutters his eyes shut, leaning in closer to the warmth.

"oh fuck" jungkook hisses and the nurse asks him to breathe, there's tears already stinging in his eyes and he grips jimin's hands even tighter but jimin just whispers sweet encouragements into his ears, lips against his temple as jungkook really starts to feel the excruciating pain and cries out, turning to muffle his cries into his shoulder.

"just a little more baby, you're doing great love. i love you so much" jungkook bites his bottom lip so hard he tastes blood but when after the last straw, he hears the the loud cries of his baby and heaves out a breath, throwing his head back. he feels more than see jimin's shuddering breath and the lazy tear rolling down his cheeks as one of the nurse brings his son to him, the doctor's loud cheer of, "congratulations! you have a healthy baby boy" becoming white noise as he sees the little creature crying and moving.

"oh god, jungkook that's our child" he lets out a breathless, choking laughter as he turns back to his boyfriend who's breathing had started evening out, "you did so well baby" he mutters and sees jungkook quirking up a tired smile before he gets ushered out while they tend to jungkook and their son.

he walks out and sees yoongi, taehyung, namjoon and his other friends all gathered out there waiting and all heads looks up, "they're safe" taehyung cheers the loudest, asking when they can he the baby and jimin quietly tells him to calm down. "all of you work in the best hospital in seoul yet you can't shut up?" he jokes and walks down the hall to jungkook's suite, the others rolling their eyes.

"sorry but shift's over so i'm a visitor here" seokjin says as they set down the gifts they got and the obnoxious balloons taehyung got that has jimin wondering how they're going to bring it back home.

there's a knock on the door and a few nurses wheels jungkook in and another one with their child who's quietly resting in his cradle. "hey, baby" jimin whispers as the nurses urges him to carry the child in his arms, jimin delicately placing him in his arms, cooing at the tiny creature blinking his eyes up at him. he has jungkook's eyes, jimin notices, big, starry doe eyes looking back at him.

the other starts cooing and take turns to hold the child once the nurses leaves, jimin settling himself beside jungkook and ruffling his hair. "how are you feeling?"

"lighter" he chuckles, tipping his head up to peck jimin's lips before looking back at yoongi who is carefully cradling the boy in his arms. "we haven't thought of a name for him" he mumbles and looks up at jimin.

"i thought of a few but, seungjae sounds nice" he hears jungkook humming andlooks at the male, "park seungjae" jungkook softly says and jimin's heart bursts in flames of warmth and protectiveness. "okay, i like it"

"have you guys thought of a name for him?" namjoon asks from the other side and they all glance curiously at the pair, "yeah, seungjae" taehyung starts cooing out the name and jimin rolls his eyes, a smile on his lips.

who would have thought he would have a family like this? a few years ago, all he could thought of was when is death going to take him away. but as he recalled all the bitter memories while looking at his friends playing with his newborn child and jungkook sleepily cuddling closer to him, he wouldn't have asked for anything else.

"i'm going to be the greatest uncle, seungjae, you can count on me!"

"oh shut up, i'm the one who's going to spoil this boy" seokjin interferes and jimin shakes his head, "you will be the greatest father to him daddy, no doubt" jungkook suddenly croaks out, rubbing his eyes and jimin kisses his cheek before letting the boy rest, tucking him in his bed before walking towards the others.

"so, when's the wedding?"

everyone laughs and jimin smirks, glancing back at the sleeping male in the bed,



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