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it's no surprise when jimin comes home to see another person in the house apart from his boyfriend, but what surprises him is that, yugyeom, is being a little bit too touchy with his boyfriend.

he knew the male was going to come over, jungkook had told him that they had a project to do together and jimin had let him but it's way past seven and he's still here? laughing and casually swinging his arm around jungkook's shoulder as if it's nothing when he notices jimin entering the penthouse.

"hyung!" the boy instantly let go of yugyeom's hold to greet his boyfriend home, wrapping his arms arounds jimin's neck but frowns but he doesn't get back the same reaction.

"hello" jungkook releases his hold and sees jimin nodding to yugyeom before he glances at jungkook and walks towards their bedroom.

"hyung?" jimin simply ignores him, instead asking him to continue his project with his friend till god knows when and heads to the bathroom for a shower.

this is not what he wanted when he reached home. it's been really stressful lately at jimin's workplace and all he wanted was a cuddly jungkook throwing himself at him, eating dinner with him and snuggling till the next day but he guesses he's not getting it tonight.

and really, he shouldn't be angry, or jealous even, because he knows jungkook only sees yugyeom as a friend but it's not hard for them to get close since they take the same classes so a part of him still hurts, that jungkook lets another male into the house past night time and didn't even notice jimin at first, instead laughing off to whatever fucking joke yugyeom told him.

he turns off the faucet and dries himself, changing into more comfortable clothes before taking his wallet, phone and keys, exiting the room.

"where are you going?" jungkook stands up again and walks closer to the older, eyes filled with sadness for whatever reason jimin doesn't want to know. "i'm having dinner with tae, text me when you're done with your so important project along with your so important best-"

"i cooked" it came off so soft jimin almost didn't hear but his eyes fleets up to jungkook's who looks so small and fragile at the moment but jimin's too caught up in his own emotions as well to even ask.

"the food's probably went cold anyways, have fun kook" with that jimin leaves, sending a quick text to taehyung before going to the carpark to start his car, driving off the building.

"don't you always have dinner with jungkook? did you guys fight or something? because it's really rare for park jimin to have dinner with his own bestfriend nowadays" jimin throws him a look, "well sorry my work gets in the way kim taehyung" the said male laughs, says he's joking and the atmosphere becomes lighter until a notification came through jimin's phone.

babyboy: we're done with the project

babyboy: yugyeom went home already

babyboy: when are you coming home?

jimin doesn't reply, instead finishing up his noodles and misses the look taehyung throws him.

"we should hang out more, with yoongi and jungkook" taehyung says as they walked to their own cars. "of course, thank you for eating with me, see you soon taehyung" jimin flashes his friend a smile before driving back to the apartment, parking his car and making his way back home.

when he enters the house, it's strangely quiet and the lights in the hallway were dimmed which means jungkook's in their bedroom. jimin closes the door behind him before making his way to their room. he sees jungkook already asleep on the bed, but what isn't normal is the tear tracks on his cheeks when jimin goes closer to him. there's a pang of guilt in his heart because he knows he shouldn't have left his boyfriend alone so when he does go to wipe off the tears softly with his thumb, jungkook stirs awake and god, doe eyes becoming wide and vulnerable as he jimin sits beside him on the bed as a whimper escapes his lips, hesitantly grabbing the hand on his face, closing his eyes at the warmth.

"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry" he pleads softly and jimin breaks, pulling the boy up into his lap and instantly get arms wrapped around his neck tightly, jungkook's face nestled in his neck, "what are you sorry for?"

"i shoudn't have let him stay till late at night, i know you were upset with me, that's why you left. please forgive me" he mutters against jimin's neck, fluttering kisses all over the older's skin to ask for forgiveness.

"if you promise to never let anyone stay till late" the male finally says, stroking the boy's hair and receives a nod.

jungkook peers up at jimin, silently asking for a kiss and breathes a sigh of relief when lips were pressed against his softly, jimin nipping at his bottom lip before releasing it.

"say it"

"i promise daddy"

"good boy"

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