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"jiminie. . ." the said male tenses for a few seconds, noting the tone jungkook's using and it doesn't bode well now, especially when jungkook's pregnant. he's at the third month mark, stomach growing bigger each day and going round and firm that jimin coos everytime jungkook complains about not fitting in any of his clothes anymore.

but now, now, as they cuddle in the couch watching a movie jungkook had picked, jimin turns his head and sees jungkook gazing up at him expectantly. "yes baby?" jimin knows he wants something, it's been happening since jungkook started having weird cravings and throwing tantrums every now and then, snapping at jimin any second of the day that jimin clenches his fist once it gets bad, taking a sharp inhale to calm himself down and tells himself that this is just part of their life and jungkook's pregnancy mood.

"i want chocolate, can you buy them for me?" jimin doesn't mean to sigh, he really doesn't but it slips off just as he hears the request, straightening up in his seat. he's really tired, having back to back meetings in the day and taking care of the younger at night but of it's jungkook, it's worth it. it just gets tiring sometimes.

"what kind of chocolate, love?" jungkook lights up, previously thinking that jimin would reject and tell him he'll buy it tomorrow considering that it's already late at night. "really? you're really going?"

"the things i do for you" jimin sighs out and rolls his eyes but his hands goes up jungkook's face to squish his cheeks softly, making the boy giggle. "i want white chocolate and cookies and cream from hersheys! i want loads of it daddy, please" jungkook scrunches his nose at his own request, probably going to hate himself later but he really is craving for chocolate at ass o'clock and doesn't bother about it.

"okay sweets, i'll be right back" jimin pecks his head before taking his wallet and keys, going down the apartment to a convenience store to probably buy their whole stock of hershey chocolate bars for jungkook, not that he'll mind but it might be excessive and bad for his baby's health so he considers again as he steps into the store.

jungkook groans when he hears the ringtone in the room, finding jimin's phone on the dining table, taking it and settling back onto the couch. he wanted to call his boyfriend to buy milk as well but luck wasn't on his side, with the fact that the owner's phone is in his hand.

jungkook goes to put the phone on the coffee table in front of him when a notification dings in. with curiosity in him, he scans his fingerprint on jimin's phone and checks the message the older had just received.

taemin: you comin to the office party next week?

taemin: would love your company, i have some things to discuss about

taemin: tell if you're comin alright? missing your presence here way too much

jungkook swallows the bitter feeling in his throat just as the door beeps open, indicating that his boyfriend had return and jungkook switches off the male's phone, plopping it beside him as a scowl doesn't leave his face even as jimin waves the plastic bag over his face.

"baby, what's wrong?" jimin sighs, putting he bag on the table as he sits next jungkook, a hand on his waist and jungkook recoils, turning away but jimin is strong, holding his face with another hand and turns him so that jungkook is looking at him.

"if you keep quiet, i won't know what's wrong and you're going to have a sour face the whole night baby, it's ugly" jimin laughs when jungkook scowls even more, trying to bat his hands away with an indignant pout forming on his lips.

"who's taemin?" jimin tilts his head, humming in confusion and jungkook motions to his phone, "he texted you, asked if you're going to the company's party next week and that he misses you. what's that all about?" jungkook brings his knees up to his chest and places his chin atop of his crossed hands, glaring at the wall ahead.

jimin blinks, once, twice before he laughs, filling up the once silent room and jungkook thinks it should be annoying but he finds jimin's laugh intoxicating that he doesn't want it to ever stop.

"baby, are you jealous?"


"aw, you're so cute, what the fuck" jungkook squirms when jimin picks him up to sit on the older's lap, hands wrapped around his waist possessively as jimin plasters kisses all over jungkook's pouty face, rubbing his tummy softly with one hand.

"taemin's a close friend, i moved to my father's office since i took over the company. i used to be in the same department as him, mostly watching him and the others work but we've clicked well and i think he just wants to tell me about his new boyfriend, he's been gushing over him since they got together. still jealous, even when i'm yours?" he brings a finger up to boop the younger's nose, earning a whine as jungkook buries his head in his neck, muffled apologies being heard.

"talk to me properly, baby boy" jungkook goes still for a nanosecond before pulling back with flushed cheeks.

"i'm sorry daddy, i was. . .jealous of him"

"it's okay, i love you, okay?" jungkook nods, asking for his chocolates and jimin chuckles as he points to the bag, the boy eagerly taking a bar from the dozen he sees, "thank you daddy!" jungkook relaxes in jimin's lap, breaking off pieces of the chocolate to feed jimin as well as they continued to watch the movie, until jungkook suddenly bolts up from jimin's lap, startling the older as he puts the bar down, "i need to pee" and waddles to the bathroom, mumbling about how the baby is interrupting his bladder.

jimin laughs, watching jungkook's every step with twinkling eyes.

i love boyfriends okay? let me indulge mysELF (': and yes i know thr are time skips but since this is a sequel, i don't want to drag to too many chapters so yeap

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