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jimin wakes up to a flesh licking up a column of his neck, something hard rutting against his thigh and he grunts roughly, fluttering his eyes open.

he's honestly not surprised anymore.

jungkook is rutting against his thigh, mewling and biting against jimin's neck, sucking the skin softly. "hyung. . ." jungkook whimpers, gasping when jimin's hand goes under his night shirt to cup his bare ass, squeezing it harshly.

"so fucking horny in the morning" jimin rasps out, hoarse voice sending jungkook into a shuddering mess. he moans when the older easily slides a finger in his hole, still loose and sloppy from yesterday's night fucking because jungkook's sex drive is shooting over the roof lately.

not that he's not horny on a daily basis but since he became pregnant, the arousal is tenfold and eventhough jimin doesn't mind, it's not that enticing to wake up early in the morning everytime, especially when he doesn't have to go to work.

"hyung i need- more, more, more" he clenches down on the fingers, jimin adding a third one and hitting his prostate dead on, making jungkook clutch his shirt tightly, alternating between rutting his cock onto jimin's thigh and fucking himself deeper on jimin's fingers, breathy moans slipping out his swollen lips.

jimin fastens his pace, slotting his lips onto jungkook's own, bringing another hand down to smack the younger's ass, releasing a whimper from jungkook's lips as he pushes back, mind hazy from lust.

"i'm gonna-" jungkook lets out a high pitched moan as jimin plunges his fingers deep inside him as he messages his walls, abusing his prostate till he comes, staining his shirt and the sheets. he moves against jimin's fingers till they stop inside him, jimin pulling out to collect the cum on jungkook's stomach, bringing it up to the male's lip to lick it up, groaning when jungkook sucks his fingers while maintaining his gaze on jimin, tongue playfully flicking out.

"always so needy" he smacks jungkook's ass again, making him squeal around jimin's fingers, suddenly remembering that jimin didn't come, pulling his fingers out. "hyung, you didn't come" jungkook bites his lips as he sees the buldge of jimin's dick from his sweatpants, a hand coming down to slip inside the older's pants, grabbing his cock which made jimin tilt his head back, a rough grunt leaving his parted lips before he stills jungkook's hand on his cock, earning a confused look from the other.

"get on your hands and kness. gonna fuck your throat baby boy" jungkook shivers, moving so that he's in the position jimin asked for, placing a pillow underneath his stomach to make himself comfortable.

"you good?" jungkook glances up at jimin, giving a nod before jimin lines up his cock to jungkook already parted lips, groaning at the warm heat sucking him in. he grabs strands of jungkook's hair before pushing in and starting to fuck the other's mouth, feeling the head of his cock hitting the back of the other's throat as the male gags, choking on his breath with tears brimming in his eyes.

"always so good for me" jimin mumbles, pulling out till only the head is in, jungkook suckling around the tip while looking up at jimin, tonguing at his slit before jimin pushes back in, hips snapping roughly as jungkook clenches the sheet tighter, eyes rolling back as he feels himself starting to leak again, loves being used and abused by jimin, loves feeling helpless.

jimin comes after a few more thrusts, letting out a moan as his cum splatters in jungkook's mouth, pulling out to see jungkook's mouth filled of cum, dripping down the side of his lips.

"swallow" jimin watches as the male's adam apple move as he swallows the cum, opening his mouth to let jimin see once done.

"good boy" jimin pulls jungkook up to brings their lips together for a moment before pulling away and stepping out of bed.

"jiminie come back here. . ." jungkook makes grabby hands at his boyfriend but jimin rolls his eyes, pulling the male up as well gently to get him out of bed.

"lets shower and i'll make breakfast for us alright"

"eat me afterwards please"

all jimin could do was groan.

i'll prolly end this story in a few more chaps so!!!

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