You're Special

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Note: Not canon to The Master of Nature. And I know that the prompt said that the wife is a droid, but hopefully this doesn't matter.

Hope Mason had never imagined that she would ever find love. She was fine with leaving romance to her friends.

Of course, not all of her friends ended up with someone. Lloyd had sworn off romance after what happened with Harumi. Cole was interested in Vania, but he was taking things slow.

However, Hope ended up bumping into someone. She was on a solo mission when she heard a cry for help. She discovered a little girl hanging from a cliff and quickly rescued her. Suddenly, a young man ran up to her.

"Oh, thanks for rescuing my little sister. She's very adventurous. I'm Austin Sullivan."

"I'm Hope Mason."

Hope and Austin became good friends. They would hang out together and chat. However, it wasn't long before they started to feel attracted to each other.

A few years later, they decided to get married. Hope was very happy, not knowing that her lover had a deep secret.

One day, Hope sprung a shocking request on Austin. "Let's have a baby!"

"A what?" asked Austin.

"Yes, I want a baby!" said Hope.

"But... I can't," said Austin.

"Why not?" asked Hope.

Austin said nothing. Hope wondered if Austin was afraid of being a father.

She discussed this with her friends (aka found siblings). They all suggested different ideas.

Kai suggested that Austin might be tired of having to raise a child. Jay said that Austin was worried about the responsibility. Cole said that maybe Austin was infertile. Zane said that maybe Austin didn't know anything about babies. Alyssa said that Austin could be afraid of being a parent. Nya said that maybe Austin didn't know how to raise a kid and Lloyd said that Austin could have trauma related to babies.

However, none of them were close to the truth. Hope unexpectedly found out the truth herself one day.

She was in bed one night when she heard a noise from downstairs. Sleepily Hope got up and went downstairs.

To her shock, she found Austin sitting on the couch, looking like he was in pain. "What happened?" she asked.

"Electric shock," muttered Austin.

"We have to get you to the hospital!" said Hope. She tried to carry Austin, but he weighed like a ton of bricks.

"Austin, you are really heavy," she said.

"S...shut up," said Austin.

Suddenly, a thought came to Hope. She started to feel all over Austin. She tapped him a little.

"Austin, are you... A robot?"

Austin looked embarrassed. "Yes," he said. "I hoped that you wouldn't find out."

Hope frowned. "One of my friends is also a robot. I'm totally fine with that. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was ashamed," said Austin. "My father created me thirty years ago. My parents died when my sister was three years old and I have been her sole guardian since. Then you came into my life.

"I couldn't have a baby with you because I'm a robot, but I didn't dare say the truth in case you dumped me."

"Austin, I could never dump you," said Hope. "I love you. I don't care that we can't have children or that you are super heavy. We can work this out."

Austin smiled a little at Hope. "You really are an angel. I feel so lucky to have you."

Hope kissed Austin, not caring about a thing.

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