At the Weasleys

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this chapter is dedicated to hermionegranger411 for singing spongebob with me and

sparklestar25 for the enthusiastic replies i get from him/her whenever i upload

Previously on Prongslet

Later that Night

Harry was fast asleep in bed. Remus left the room after smiling at sleeping Harry. Harry's dream was really peculiar that night. It started with Scabbers turning into a man and he was after Harry, Then the man turned around to speak to Harry

"Hello there Harry, we meet again," Wormtail said smiling


(a/n so When Harry talks in his dreams I will call him dream harry)

"Who are you?" Dream Harry said feeling kind of scared

"My, my I can't believe I haven't introduced myself, The names Wormtail" Wormtail introduced himself

"Wormtail, you-you hurt me," Dream Harry said fear obviously showing in his voice

"It was just to show you that my dear friends Padfoot and Moony really don't care about you"

"They-they don't" Dream Harry asked stuttering

"I'm afraid not," Wormtail said faking a smile

"They help me, they don't hurt me" Dream Harry unsurely countered

"yes but they think you are a freak, they don't even let you go to school anymore"

"I-I" Dream Harry couldn't find the words to speak

"just think about it won't you," Wormtail said disappearing

Harry then woke up with a start. He remembered his dream and started crying

Did Padfoot and Moony really hate him? He did do a lot of freakish things, like having a teacher hover 10 ft above the ground, but, They never got mad at him, They were always patient with him. Harry went back and forth thinking whether or not Padfoot and Sirius liked him or not. In the end, Harry decided that they didn't hate him, I mean they did always tell him that he's not a freak, They did save him from the Dursley's.

"You hear me Wormtail? I don't believe you, I don't believe you" Harry confidently said in his room as if Wormtail could hear him.

Harry then check the time, it was 9:00 am, he figured he should get up now. Harry then got up and went to the door to listen if Sirius and Remus were up yet. He couldn't hear their voices so he decided that they must still be asleep since it was Saturday. He decided that he wouldn't tell them about his nightmare cause he didn't want to be a burden. Harry then walked over to the basket that held his toys and started playing with the wolf, doe, dog and, deer. He came up with the story that the wolf and run away and was met by the doe, dog, and deer. Harry kept playing like this for an hour. He stopped when he heard the click of a camera. Harry turned around and saw Remus and Sirius at the doorway with Remus holding a camera. Both of them were grinning. Harry giggled and then went over to Remus and Sirius and hugged them. When he was done hugging Sirius, Sirius turned into Padfoot and Harry rode him downstairs to breakfast.

While they were at the table eating breakfast, Remus asked Harry "Cub, do you want to go over to Ron's afterward?"

Harry eagerly nodded. He felt like he hasn't seen Ron in ages although that wasn't strictly true. Remus, Sirius, and Harry finished the breakfast and then went upstairs and read one of his books, Remus soon came up to take Harry to the Weasley's.

"Harry do you want to apparate or floo there?" Remus asked wanting Harry to feel like his opinions mattered

"umm Floo please" Harry said shyly. Remus nodded and walked over to the fireplace with Harry and yelled "THE BURROW" Harry held his breath and closed his eyes, he let his breath go when he heard Ron screaming.

Harry opened his eyes and saw Ron running towards him, Harry got out of the fireplace only to be tackled to the ground because of Ron

"Ron, Get. Of. Me!" Harry said saying each word in a sentence

Ron smiled sheepishly and got off. The boys then ran off to Ron's room. Fred and George joined them soon after and they both mock sadly said "no dragon boy?"

Ron and Harry both rolled their eyes and then Ron punched George's arm while Harry punched Fred's.

"You two shut up and join us in Exploding Snap," Harry said exasperated by the twins antics.

For once Forge and Gred did shut up and join their game. They played for a couple of hours until Mrs. Weasley called them for lunch. They all went downstairs and ate a couple of corned beef sandwiches ("She always forgets that I don't like them" Ron grumbled) Then they decided to go outside and play tag... after Harry explained the rules. Ron was running all over the place trying to tag someone with no success. It wasn't until the point that Harry pushed Fred towards Ron was Ron able to tag someone. Harry laughed at Fred's face and then ran far away from him.

After a while, they decided to switch games and play blind mans bluff... after Harry explained the rules. It was a bit more complicated for Harry to explain the rules of blind man's bluff but they finally got it in the end with George's eyes covered. Harry giggled when he saw how ridiculous George looked and decided to hide somewhere at the back of the house so that it would be harder for George to find him. Harry smiled at his idea and then went to the back of the house, he found a dirt path and walked further away from the house. Harry found a stream and he realized that when he squinted he could still see them all playing. "perfect spot" Harry thought to himself. Harry then found Scabbers there.

"what are you doing here Scabbers?" Harry asked the animal. Suddenly the rat changed to a man from his dreams

"Wormtail?" Harry asked frightened

"Why hello there Harry" Wormtail answered smiling, suddenly his smile turned to a frown and he menacingly said "you're coming with me"

a/n guess who's back at cliffffhangerrrrs? Me MWAHAHA, I'm the powerful author who gets to leave u hanging. Anywho, I'm sorry for this kinda short chapter its only a little short. The only reason for that is personal problems. Anyways my aim for the next chapter is hopefully Tuesday but the way things are going sighs, Thank u all so much for reading I honestly appreciate it. I love u all. Please keep reading, commenting, voting I love hearing from u


Ps, if u want to leave ur harry potter fanfic down in the comments please do I really wanna read it, or just any book that u wrote

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