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This chapter is dedicated to sassqueen110 thank you so much for giving my book a chance. Also OMG GUYS 600 READS SHUT UP, anyway back to the story

Previously on Prongslet

"We love you, Harry," said Sirius

Harry just nodded and then ran into them and hugged them

"promise I don't have to go back?" Harry asked softly

"we solemnly swear," said Sirius and Remus grinning at one another


"Harry wake up," a voice called urgently

"yes sir," Harry said as he quickly woke up with tear lines on his face

"cub it's us, you were having a nightmare," said Remus sadly

"oh" Harry simply said and went over to his godfathers and hugged them tightly and they hugged back

"do you want us to sleep with you pup?" Sirius asked to which Harry nodded

They 3 of them all fell asleep on Harry's bed together. Remus was the first one to wake up in the morning or that's what he thought since he found Harry on the ground playing with his toy's when he woke up

"Harry, did you sleep?" Asked Remus

Harry burst out crying "I did but I woke up later and I didn't want to wake you up so I played with my toys and... and... Please don't hit me"

"whaz happening" Sirius asked groggily since he just woke up and  saw Remus comforting Harry

"Shh, its ok cub, you know we wouldn't hit you right," said Remus

"I do," said Harry

Sirius came over and rubbed soothing circles on Harry's back

"its ok pup, don't worry about it, if you can't sleep you can get up whenever you want" Said Sirius

Harry nodded and then Sirius smiled and said: "how about breakfast now?"

At which Remus rolled his eyes and asked: " is there a time when you are not hungry?"

"I think you know the answer to that Moony," said Sirius smirking

"Pray, do tell," said Remus mockingly

"its no, he's always hungry, its why he is fat," Harry said giggling

"TRAITOR" shouted Sirius and started tickling Harry mercilessly

"Padfoot no stop, can't breathe," Harry said and Sirius stopped

"Well time for waffles," Remus said and went downstairs to make them

15 minutes later

"BREAKFAST" Remus shouted

When Sirius and Harry got to the table Harry ate a bare minimum

"pup you know you can eat as much as you want right?" Sirius asked

Harry didn't reply

Sirius clapped his hands in front of Harry to get his attention, Harry quickly came back into reality and in a panicked voice said "I am so sorry sir, I didn't mean it, please don't hit me"

Remus and Sirius both cast each other a concerned look

"cub it's us, we won't hit you," said Remus and then Harry went over to him and gave him a hug which Sirius joined in on.

When they broke apart Sirius said "We are going to a muggle mall today to get us some new clothes"

Remus nodded as well as Harry and then Harry walked off to change.

Remus led him to the bathroom wanting to give Harry a bath, When they reached the bathroom Harry began to thrash around and scream

Flashback to when Harry had his first bath

"Come on cub, you need to take a bath" Remus pleaded

"Can't make me" argued Harry with his eyes wide open

"I promise I'll make it quick"



Harry just shook his head

"what if we put bubbles in the bath?" Remus asked

"bubbles," Harry asked confused

Remus put a bit of bubble bath solution in the tub and waved his hands in them to show Harry how much fun it could be, Harry compiled and went in the bathtub

When they were done with the bath Remus asked: "Harry what's so bad about baths?"

"Well," Harry said quietly "The Dursley's made me go in the bath when it was too hot or too cold sir"

"please don't call me sir cub"

"ok sir," said Harry

Flashback over

"come on cub, remember the bubbles, I make the water just right for you" pleaded Remus

"bubbles?" Harry asked and then Remus nodded

"it will be quick?" Harry asked and Remus nodded again

"ok," Harry said reluctantly and jumped in the tub when Remus filled it with bubbles

The bath took 10 minutes and after that Harry got dressed in blue shorts and a red t-shirt

Then they all headed to one of the most popular muggle mall "Atlantis" which was modeled after the sea

Harry's eyes were in awe at everything, the 3 of them went to the clothes shop called "Clash" when they got there Harry's heart stopped

"Moony can we please get out of here?" Harry asked urgently

"whats wrong cub" Remus asked

"nothing," Harry said wanting his godfathers to finish their shopping, he didn't say anything for the next 5 minutes but kept glancing around

Remus and Sirius noticed that he was being oddly quiet and saw him looking at a family, when they looked carefully at them they realized that it was the Dursley's. Remus then understood why Harry wanted to get out of here when he saw Harry Remus saw that he was trembling, Sirius grabbed Harry's arm and went out of the shop.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interfere I promise," Harry said in a trembling voice

"pup its ok, you should have told us sooner we really don't mind, there are better shops here," Sirius said trying to convince Harry

Harry nodded and they set off to "Style" to get them new clothes.

They got Harry a bunch of new clothes too and Harry was shocked since he wasn't expecting Sirius and Remus get more clothes for him too soon but kept quiet, unfortunately for him Remus caught the look on his face and said "yes Harry we do need this stuff for you" and bought the clothes, Then they went to a private place where they could apparate and headed home

A/N: Hey guys sup, sorry for the short chapter this was just a type of filler and I really wanted to post for u thank u so much for reading and ideas appreciated as well as feedback

Anyways as always, please


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