Bittersweet Birthday

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A/N you may get triggered, also important A/N at the end. Also, I am the annoying type of friend so happy birthday callmemilk, I know its been over a month, but you know I don't care Johnny

Previously on Prongslet

Harry ate hungrily and then told Remus about his day. Remus listened patiently. Then after Harry was done eating Remus performed a charm that caused the dishes to wash themselves. Then they walked into the TV Lounge and watched "The Maze Runner" which Harry loved. Then Harry began reading some Enid Blyton books. Then Sirius took Harry up to his room and rocked him to sleep


Time Skip to Harry's birthday

"cub, wake up" Remus whispered into Harry's ear

Harry woke up with a start. "What's wrong?" Harry asked

, "guess what day it is?" Remus asked smiling

Harry's face lit up as he began thinking of what day it could be but his expression dropped immediately as he remembered.

"oh" Harry just said

"Whats wrong cub, Its your birthday," Remus said excitedly

"oh," Harry said yet again and his expression (if possible) became sadder

Remus excitement deflated quickly but he still scooped Harry in his arms and went with him downstairs. Remus noticed the scared expression Harry had on his face.

When Remus reached the kitchen Rose was talking to Sirius but they both fell quiet when Harry got there with Remus.

"Master Harry, what would you like for breakfast?" Rose asked excitement clearly lighting up her face

"Don't call us Masters, Rose" Sirius said

"Yes, of course, now what would Harry like for breakfast," Rose asked already getting out breakfast material

"how about chocolate cake, with walnuts and ice cream?" Sirius asked excitedly

"She asked Harry, not you Padfoot," Remus said rolling his eyes

"Moony!!" Sirius whined, "Everyone wants chocolate on their birthday right Harry??" Sirius said giving Harry the puppy dog eyes which usually work on him but Harry was rather quiet and just shrugged

"pup is everything ok?" Sirius asked, Harry, shrugged again and Sirius gave up.

Rose went and made breakfast as Sirius requested. Sirius ate most of the cake instantly while Remus mumbled "pig". Harry was still in a rather somber mood.

Remus and Sirius could not figure out for the life of them what was wrong with Harry so they just decided to let him open some of his presents before the surprise party they were planning on happened.

"cub" Remus called out to Harry who was still in the kitchen. Harry walked towards him with a questioning look

"Padfoot and I decided that..." Remus started but never got to finish since Sirius entered the room just then and shouted "LETS GIVE YOU OUR PRESENT"

When Harry heard that his questioning look immediately turned to a frightened one and he ran off to his room with tears on his eyes, before he left he shouted "YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T LIKE THEM"

Remus and Sirius looked at each other hoping that the other one would be able to answer why Harry was acting like that. Neither of them had the answer so they both went up to Harry's room, they found that it was locked and felt that casting "Alohomora" would make Harry feel mad.

Sirius knocked on the door and asked: "pup, whats wrong, please tell us?"

"come on cub, please open the door" Remus pleaded

"its stuck" Harry who was still crying whispered

Remus then cast the unlocking charm and the door swung open. They saw Harry on his bed cuddling his doe and stag

"pup, why did you run away from us when we said presents?" Sirius asked

"Are you going to give me any?" Harry whispered

"Not if you don't want them, but can we please have an explanation cub?" Remus asked softly that what would make a child hate presents.

"T-t-the D-d-Dursleys" Harry stuttered and then buried himself in Sirius who had just sat down on Harry's bed.

"did they not give you any presents?" Sirius asked kindly wondering why that would make Harry run away

Harry shook his head

"They did!!" Remus asked shocked

Harry nodded

"Then why don't you want presents?" Sirius asked

Harry's eyes were filled with fear again and Sirius immediately said "We are not going to give you any if you don't want to"

"cub, if you don't want to tell us, do you want to show us in the pensive?" Remus asked

Harry nodded and Remus took the silvery white memory and put it in a small vial. Then Remus carried Harry who buried his head into him down stairs to where the pensive was stored. Remus put the memory in the pensive


It was Harry's 4th birthday and Harry was really excited since this was his first birthday with the Dursley's.

"Uncle Vernon, Do I get presents?" Memory Harry asked who was filled with excitement

"presents?" Uncle Vernon asked

"yes like the one's Dudley got," Harry said excitedly

"I'll give you your present right now brat," said Uncle Vernon and Harry who did not know what a brat was began giggling

"thank you so much" Harry squealed

Uncle Vernon then got a lighter and told Harry to lie down and close his eyes. Harry obliged and then Vernon put the lighter on Harry's stomach which burned him horribly. Harry's screams would have broken any sane persons heart.

When Harry finally passed out Vernon chucked Harry in his cupboard and said

"Happy Birthday brat"

End of Memory

They were all transported out of the memory and Harry saw that Remus and Sirius had tears in their eyes. They both hugged Harry as tight as they could without hurting him. When they finally let go Remus said "Harry when we said presents we meant actual presents"

Harry's face lit up a little and he tuned to Remus with hopeful eyes. Sirius then led Harry to another room which Harry did not know of. That room was decorated with Red and Silver banners and had a dragon cake. There were present everywhere.

Harry looked around in awe everywhere

"Hey Moony, where did this silver come from," Sirius asked shocked

"later" Remus mouthed as Harry squealed "I love silver!!"

Then Remus led Harry to the pile of presents and he gave Harry a few to open. The first one Harry opened was a stuffed Dragon which could actually fly. Harry started squealing in delight and hugged Remus and Sirius tightly

"who else is having a birthday?" Asked Harry

"what?" Sirius asked confused

"I mean who else are these presents for?" Harry said rephrasing his question

"These are all for you," Remus said trying to control his anger. Harry's eyes widened and he hurriedly opened another gift that Remus handed to him. This time it was robes. Remus let Harry open a few more presents and then the floo roared. Remus and Sirius went downstairs and saw that everyone had started to arrive. They all wished Harry happy birthday and handed him their presents. He got a book from Hermione, A sweater from Mrs. Weasley, pranks from Fred and George, Dragon powder from Draco and much more. Harry spent the rest of the night saying thank you to his guests. Then they all ate cake and played games

A/N: Hey guys I know I know this chapter was kind of rushed but I am sick and I still have school stuff to do. Sighs and kills herself... comes back to life, anyways thank you so much for all ur votes and comments you know I love getting them, and guess what? We r almost to 1 k reads and 150 votes!! Yay whoo. Starts partying with Harry, oops sorry got carried away but yea guys thank u sooo much it really means a lot to me.

Anyways as always please


Ps Also I am thinking of writing an actual fiction book, I already have the first chapter almost done, it is about a girl named Laila who is 9 and her parents died and she has 7 DAMN over protective brothers, should I post it? How many of u would like it? Also, i am not going to post it soon, since i want to write a couple more chapters

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