Plans and Rescue

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Previously on Prongslet

"I'm giving you one chance to tell me how you defeated the Dark Lord," she said viciously

"I-I d-don't even know who t-that is" Harry stuttered

"I gave you a chance CRUCIO" Bellatrix shouted the last words and as soon as the spell hit Harry, his screams coursed through the room.


At the Burrow

Remus was full on freaking out after the letter while the kids stayed away from Sirius because he looked like he would kill someone and laugh as he got sent to Azkaban.

"How did that slimeball escape Azkaban!!" Sirius shouted

"Look, I don't know anything about Wormtail right now but what I do know is that Harry is in danger and we need to go save him," Remus said trying to calm Sirius down

"You-you could go to-to Dumbledore" Mrs. Weasley hiccoughed

Remus and Sirius looked at each other wondering why they hadn't thought of that before. They used Molly's floo and flooed to Dumbledores office

Remus arrived first and he was met by Dumbledore who had his usual smile

"Why Remus, to what do I owe this pleasure," Dumbledore asked his eyes twinkling

Just then Sirius arrived and he angrily walked over to Dumbledore and thrust Wormtail's letter into his hands.

Dumbledore was startled but he read the letter and he lost his twinkle when he finished reading it.

"When was Harry taken?" Dumbledore asked

"Not that long ago," Remus said weakly

Dumbledore nodded and then asked, "Has Harry been doing accidental magic?"

Sirius shook his head and Remus replied with "no, not really"

Dumbledore nodded and then he said "that means that his accidental magic will have to kick in soon because a wizard can't hold his magic inside himself for too long"

Dumbledore then got one of his strange instruments (which was shaped like a bowl and had green liquid inside it) and he muttered some words. After he was done muttering, the instruments liquid glowed and it formed a shape. It made no sense to Remus and Sirius but apparently, it made perfect sense to Dumbledore because he said "I know where he is"

Where Harry is

Harry was sobbing, he was all alone in a dark room. Bellatrix and Wormtail had left him there saying that they will be back in a minute to punish him more. Soon enough they did come back... with a whip. Wormtail made Harry stand up and Wormtail held Harry's hands above his head while Bellatrix unleashed her fury. The last thing Harry remembered was black dots clouding his vision while he was yelling for his godfathers.

At the Burrow

Remus and Sirius went back to the Burrow so that they could tell Molly and Arthur Dumbledores plan. After they told them Molly and Arthur sent the kids to bed so that Arthur could go with Sirius and Remus to get Harry along with Dumbledore.

Where Harry is

Harry was lying down on the floor, He gave, He thought that Sirius and Remus would never find him so he just greeted the darkness. Little did he know that there was a fight happening upstairs between Bellatrix and Wormtail against Arthur and Dumbledore while Sirius and Remus snuck downstairs to look for Harry

a/n yay a new chapter, and the book is about to end. Just an fyi. I will post my new story where Lily and James come to life after this so please be on the look out for that and thank y'all for reading I am just sooo tired rn. Im gonna go before I fall asleep on my computer


Ps would u be interested in reading a book where Lily and James come to life?

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