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This chapter is dedicated to BiancaEvans2. Thanks for reading my story

Harry just shook his head and began crying louder. Then Moony heard him and woke up. Sirius was scared for Harry and tried to get him out but the Whomping Willow was moving again and there wasn't enough time to stop it again. Sirius turned back into Padfoot and turned to protect Harry, However, he didn't need to worry about that since Moony had recognized Harry's smell and knew that he was his cub.

He walked over to Harry and somehow made Harry lie on his back where Harry fell asleep crying.


Remus woke up in the morning by the sounds of screams. He awoke with a start. He turned his head and saw Harry on the floor screaming, he was having a nightmare. Remus was mad and scared but went to wake Harry up immediately. When Harry woke up he saw Remus and hugged him tight while he was crying. Remus was rubbing soothing circles on Harry's back and then asked him"cub, why are you here you know how dangerous it is"

"Uncle Vernon" Harry simply answered

, "he was here?" Remus asked shocked

Harry nodded and Remus said, "you know he cant get here right?". At which Harry just shrugged. Remus sighed and then decided to kill Sirius.

"PADFOOT WAKEUP" Remus yelled so loud that it scared Harry

"Wazza Wrong" Sirius said groggily as he woke up with a start.

"Do you want to explain to me how Harry met Moony?" Remus asked furiously

"Uh, how in Hippogriffin Merlin am I supposed to know?" Sirius said nervously

"1. Dont curse in front of Harry (he meant how in the name of freakin hell), 2. Are you sure you don't know" Remus interrogated

"fine, he somehow made his way here and was bawling about how he saw his Uncle Vernon, He woke you up with his crying but you accepted him as your cub so no problems" Sirius explained nervously. Remus rolled his eyes and turned to Harry

"how did you get through the Whomping Willow cub?" Remus asked

"The what?" Harry asked confused

"The big tree" Remus explained

"I dont know, I threw a stick and it froze," Harry said nervously

"Wow, You must either be a great Quidditch player or have amazing luck.... Please say both" Sirius exclaimed

Remus nodded while thinking so he didn't know what he was nodding about. When Sirius saw what he nodded he was over joyed and thought that Remus forgave him. Then Harry asked with teary eyes "Whats my punishment?"

"What do you mean with punishment," asked Remus snapping out of his thoughts

"I disobeyed you, You are going to use the belt on me," Harry said with some tears falling

"cub, we will never hit you, never," Remus said kindly

Harry nodded and then hugged Remus and then Sirius came and put them all in a dog pile

"Padfoot, can't breathe" Harry complained

"You need to eat less" Remus exclaimed

Sirius got off "hem hem, My dear Moony, for a second it looked like you were calling me kind of fat" Sirius asked mimicking his old pink freak classmate who he hated and then let off a girlish giggle

"He was calling you really fat" Harry exclaimed and started giggling

Remus smiled and said "At least someone has a brain here"

"You will not interfere with the ministry's brain. It has been approved by the minister of magic himself" Sirius exclaimed still sounding like a pink freak

"Drop the Umbridge act," Remus said annoyed

Sirius immediately dropped it and put Harry on his shoulders, Then they went through the Whomping Willow and went into Hogwarts. They went on the grounds and saw Snape frantically looking for Harry. He was whispering "I'm sorry Lilly" to himself

"Missing someone Snivellus," Sirius said rudely

"Padfoot, be nice" Remus scolded

Sirius sighed and said "Harry came to us, He got scared by someone... Snivellus" Sirius added under his breath

Remus frowned at Sirius and then said "Thank you anyways Severus, but who did Harry get scared by"

"I don't know, He ran off when he saw Hagrid" Snape answered

Sirius and Remus began to laugh.

"Hagrid is the exact opposite of Uncle Vernon, He would give Dudley a pig's tail if he could," Sirius said in between laughs "so would I as a matter of fact" Sirius added

Remus who was still laughing said "Cub, Hagrid is a very nice person, He would never hurt you"

Harry nodded and said "can we go see him, I want to apologize"

Remus nodded and thought for the hundredth time "thank god for the Lily inside him"

They walked over to Hagrid's hut and when Hagrid saw them he came out and said

"Harry yeh came back, I thought yeh was scared o me," he said (sorry idk how to speak Hagrid)

Harry shuddered a little since Hagrid's loudness still reminded him of Uncle Vernon

Remus noticed what was happening and put his hand on Harry's shoulder as a sign of comfort

"sorry for last night, I thought you were someone else" Harry whispered

"its alright" Hagrid boomed "I knew what yeh were infer when I left you with the Dursley's"

Harry just nodded and hid behind Sirius

"bit shy is he," Hagrid said

Sirius nodded and said "we should be going now Hagrid, I'll bring him over sometime"

Hagrid nodded and then Sirius and Remus and Harry went to Dumbledore's office and flooed out of there while Harry fell asleep in Sirius's arms.

A/N: (imagine me singing cha cha cha) I got over 150 votes. Thank you guys so much. I love u all so much... end of the song

Sorry for the cringy moment there but meh. Anyways thank u all so much for over 150 votes I really appreciate it and idk if I will update tomorrow as a treat. So either tomorrow or the day after. Also for those of u in Saudi did u c the crazy rain today? I saw it at 7:00 am. Really heavy rain... really weird, I almost died in a car accident but eh life is good. Even if I almost died in a rainstorm as well. I mean its been raining for around 4 hrs maybe?? Idk

Anyways as always, please


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