Secrets Out

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 this is the 2nd part of the rap

This chapter is dedicated to ninja3knighttyrdevos and johnwatsonisbae who I met with a hilarious joke misunderstandment.(is that a word??)

Previously on Prongslet

"What's wrong cub?" Remus asked concerned

Harry takes a deep breath and says


"I performed accidental magic at school today," Harry said nervously

"really? What did you do?" Remus asked excitedly

"My teacher was flying in the air" Harry answered nervously

"Can you please tell me her name, I have to go obliviate her" Remus asked

"Ms. Sam," Harry said

Remus then sent a Patronus to Sirius asking him when he is coming back home

Sirius then flooed back home and asked

"What in Merlin did you call me home for?" Sirius said confused

"Someone had their teacher flying in class," Remus said grinning

Sirius's eyes widened and screamed "MY PUP" and walked over to Harry and gave him a hug.

Remus then cleared his throat and said "I have to go obliviate her, Please don't let him be in on top of the house when I return" Remus said and apparated out

Sirius looked at Harry who looked kind of sad

"what wrong pup?" Sirius asked concerned

"I'm a freak," Harry said tears threatening to fall "You don't want me anymore"

Sirius looked shocked and said "You most certainly are not pup," Sirius said sternly

"It was the Dursley's who were freaks for not understanding about magic"

Harry nodded his head and hugged Sirius.

"Now, do you want to go outside and play?" Sirius asked and Harry nodded eagerly. They went outside in the park. It was at noon and no one was really there.

Harry was on the swings with Sirius who was pushing the swing back and forth.

Sirius then told Harry "Pup, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get us some food". With that Sirius went into a nearby snack shack.

While Sirius was in there Harry got off the swings and started to wander around. He noticed that there were a lot of birds and squirrels in this park.

Harry was just playing with one of the squirrels when he noticed that there was a garden snake in the grass. Normally people would have run away from the snake but Harry was curious and went over to the snake.

When Harry went up to the snake, he heard the snake his only... it wasn't hissing, Harry could understand it

"Move sssstupid child" the snake hissed

"I am not stupid," Harry said looking offended

"Wait, You can undersssstand me?" The snake asked

"yes, I don't know how" Harry replied looking confused

"are you a wizard" the snake hissed

"yes, yes I am" Harry replied (idk y I read that in Phineas's voice from Phineas and Ferb)

"you musssst be a parsssseltongue young man" the snake hissed

"whats a Parseltongue?" Harry asked

"foolisssssh boy, it issss an ability which allowsssss you to talk to us sssssnakess" the snake said looking bored

"is it common?" Harry asked but the snake got bored and left. Sirius decided to come back at that moment and Harry asked: "Padfoot, what is a Parseltongue?" To Sirius who had sat down on a park bench

"It is someone who can talk to snakes, why?" Sirius replied and asked

"because a snake was talking to me when you left" Harry answered

Sirius jumped up suddenly and said "WHAT?"

"is that bad?" Harry asked nervously

Sirius noticed that Harry was scared and calmly said "no I was just surprised pup, not many people are parseltongue"

"why?" Harry asked curiously "can you or Moony do it?"

Sirius laughed and said "Aren't you a curious one" Harry smiled shyly and Sirius said "No one knows why someone is a parseltongue and no neither I nor Moony can do it"

"I'm hungry," Harry said voicing his thoughts

"Atta boy, Taking over my appetite," Sirius said proudly. Harry giggled and took the sandwich that Sirius was handing him. They ate quickly and then threw their trash and apparated home. When they got home they saw a very furious Remus.

"Heh heh, Hey Moony" Sirius said nervously

"Noone in the house, No message, He could have died!" Remus exclaimed

"but he was with me" Sirius protested

"Which is my point" Remus countered

"Sorry," a small voice said

"Why are you sorry cub?" Remus asked Harry

"Padfoot took me to a park because I was scared of what happened in school today" Harry explained

Remus's expression softened and simply said "oh". Once Sirius saw that Remus was calmed down he said

"Moony, guess who is a parseltongue," Sirius said trying to be mysterious

"Harry?!?!, Don't lie," Remus said unbelievingly

"come on the pup, Prove that even Moony can be wrong," Sirius said cheekily

Harry grinned and imagined a snake moving in his mind and hissed

"was that snake language?" Harry asked

"how can you not realize if you are speaking Parseltongue," Remus asked palely

Harry just shrugged and then voiced his concerns "so, I'm not in trouble"

"for what?" Remus asked

"doing magic" Harry replied

Remus shook his head and said "It's not your fault if you can't control it"

Harry nodded and Remus then told Sirius "we should tell Dumbledore about this"

"FINALLY" Sirius exclaimed.

"Finally what?" Remus asked scrunching his eyebrows

"Finally, YOU ARE PROVEN WRONG AND IM RIGHT" Sirius shouted

Remus just sighed and shook his head and then sent a Patronus to Dumbledore telling him that they would be arriving soon

A/N: HEY GUYYYS, WOO TGIT YEA!!!!. Sorry, I'm a bit hyper today... wait for I'm always like this so ok. Here is another chapter to all of my faithful readers, thank you so much for reading. I really love you. Welcome to my new readers and yea. I will post probably on Monday cuz I need a day after the weekend to get my thoughts together which is on Sunday and yea. Hope you have a great day and

also, who is your fav Harry Potter character?

Me, I am a huge Hermione fan, like she/ Emma Watson r my queens!!!!

Anyways as always, please


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