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This chapter is dedicated to KCkitten661 thnx so much for reading . ALSO IMPORTANT A/N AT THE BOTTOM

Previously on Prongslet

Sirius then was tired and he noticed that Remus was too. They decided that one of them would sleep and the other one would keep an eye on Harry, They agreed that Sirius would sleep first. While Sirius went to the bathroom Remus decided to look outside the window. He saw beautiful scenery along with a lovely full moon.
"full moon?" Remus thought panicking. Suddenly a sudden pain coursed through his body


As soon as Remus had the pain coursing through his body, he began to panic.
"no, no, no, not now, Harry's here" and that was the last thing Remus remembered before Moony took over.

When Sirius came in he saw Remus transforming into Moony, Sirius's eyes grew wide in shock and he quickly turned into Padfoot. Padfoot walked onto Harry's bed with 2 messages in his brain "protect Harry" and "Madam Pomfrey: "Harry needs rest" He was also thinking of biscuits but, he decided that now was not the right time to think of food.

Padfoot jumped in front of Harry's bed where astonishingly Harry was still asleep. Moony pushed Padfoot aside with his paws which was easy for him since he was stronger than Padfoot. Padfoot was scared of what Moony would do to Harry. He started to go towards Harry again but suddenly stopped in his tracks. Moony got into Harry's bed and was protecting him like a mama wolf protects her cub. Padfoot mentally slapped himself remembering when Harry met Moony at the Whomping Willow. He wondered how Remus would feel when he woke up. Remus would definitely regret even if he didn't hurt Harry.

Sirius sighed. It was time for another "Moony you are not a horrible person because you are a werewolf and you do deserve a life" speech. He decided that after he gave Remus the infamous speech he decided that he would have to shorten the name. Sirius wondered if he should turn back into his human-self but decided against it since the last time he tried it (in their 7th year) it didn't go so well.

Sirius decided that as much as he didn't want to, he had to leave the infirmary for tonight. He went outside the infirmary and then went into McGonagall's office and flooed to Grimmauld Palace after he filled Minnie in. Sirius called Rose and asked her to make him something to eat. Rose compiled and prepared some sandwiches for Sirius. Sirius ate them and then decided to call it a night.

Time skip to the next day

Sirius woke up in the morning and immediately flooed to Hogwarts. He didn't eat breakfast or anything he just flooed into Minnie's office and left for the infirmary without answering Minnie's questions. McGonagall sighed and went back into grading students homework. She was glad that there was another week before they came back. Sirius, on the other hand, ran into the infirmary. He ignored Poppy's remarks ("honestly Mr. Black, This is an infirmary") and ran straight towards Harry's bed. He noticed that Harry was still asleep. He looked for Remus but he couldn't find him. Sirius sighed and decided to sit next to Harry until Remus decided to show. He sat there in the infirmary quietly admiring how adorable Harry looked while he was asleep. Thinking that nothing eventful would happen he decided to read... a magazine on motorbikes.

Sirius fell asleep while reading since he didn't catch that much asleep last night. He was suddenly awoken when he heard the infirmary door click. He opened his eyes and stood up quickly. He saw that it was Remus who had entered. Sirius's inner anger immediately flared. He gave Remus a look that said: "outside, now". Remus sighed and then walked out with Sirius knowing what this was leading to.

Sirius took Remus right outside the infirmary and cast Muffliato so that their voices won't disturb Harry.

Sirius crossed his arms and said, "explain". Remus sighed yet again and said "I don't know why you wanted me to take care of Harry Padfoot, I am a danger to him, I could have killed him!, I didn't even take my wolfsbane potion"

"Remus John Lupin," Sirius said sternly "I don't know how many times we need to have this talk but you are as qualified to take care of Harry as anyone else"

Remus looked shocked since Sirius used his full name but said: "What if I had hurt Harry?"

Sirius sighed and said "but you didn't, Harry is completely fine, If Harry gets possessed again we both need to be there for him"

Remus just silently nodded his head and mentally slapped himself for being so selfish. He walked into the infirmary with Sirius and the first thing they saw was that Harry was sitting up on the bed blinking his eyes vigorously.
"pup?" Sirius asked

Harry laughed "No Padfoot"

As soon as Harry said that Remus and Sirius's heart stopped, The voice that came out of Harry was a voice he thought that he would never hear again

"Prongs?" Sirius asked trying not to cry

"And me" a woman's voice called out

"Lily Flower?" Remus asked breathlessly

A/N: MWAHAHA here is another cliffhanger, I know, I know I keep on doing this. I just find it fun. shrugs. Anyways Christmas is tomorrow so Merry Christmas if u celebrate it and if u don't like me. Happy normal day. Oh god, how do people put up with a weirdo like me? Anyways so sorry for the short update I was really sick I still am but oh well.

IMPORTANT: so here is the thing u might get another chapter before Wednesday or on Wednesday but probably not after that since I am traveling and I don't think I can update with a million people in the house. I also wanna bond with my family so again idk when the next update is gonna come so sorry. Also thank u so much for over 400 votes and 2.5k reads I honestly can't believe it I love u guys so much! It means the world to me. Please keep being amazing. And yea

As Always Please


Ps: What r ur plans for tomorrow?

Me im gonna be busy packing.

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