10- Mentor

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The gust of wind that had announced his presence took what seemed like forever to settle down, before the group could all finally get a good look at Professor Albus Dumbledore. It had been five years since any of them had seen him in the flesh, struck down as he was on that awful night in the astronomy tower. Still, somehow, there he was.

It was Harry who spoke first, breaking some imaginary spell of silence that had been placed on all of them.

"Professor?" Harry's voice cracked on the word. Dumbledore turned at the sound and smiled when he saw Harry, who rushed forward and embraced his old mentor. He looked suddenly younger somehow.

"Professor… you have no idea… I…" Harry trailed off, mumbling into Dumbledore's robes.

"I'm glad to see you too, Harry," Dumbledore replied warmly, patting the younger wizard on the back. "Let's move into the living room and talk, shall we?"

The family agreed and all members followed Dumbledore into the living room. Fleur settled Victoire in a playpen, handing her Harry's invisibility cloak to play with. Molly conjured up a tea tray and passed a cup to the professor. He perched his feet up cozily on an ottoman before the fire. Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small gold object, a tiny hourglass spinning in its center.

"I'm sure this explains quite a bit, doesn't it?" He asked the group, all of which was looking intently at him.

"A time turner?" Arthur asked, reaching out a hand to examine it. Hermione quietly slinked to the back of the room, hoping to escape notice. "So, you've come from some time in the past then?"

Dumbledore nodded as the rest of the family settled in on couches and chairs.

"It seemed I was the safest, seeing as how there's no danger of me sneaking up on myself here."

Harry moved to sit down himself, then jumped back up.

"Professor, there's something… I need to tell you," Harry rushed urgently. "In 1996, you will find a ring…"

Dumbledore hushed him with one hand.

"No, Harry, no. It's all right," Dumbledore said. "There are some things that even I shouldn't know."

Dumbledore settled back in his seat with a knowing twinkle in his eye. Resigned, Harry sat down as well, though he looked no less mollified.

"I'm sure you're all surprised to see me," Dumbledore said, at last addressing the group as a whole. "Though, I think one of our party is less surprised than the others."

Dumbledore's hand shot up then, casting a wave of magic that slammed the living room door closed. Hermione, who had just managed to quietly open it, looked back in shock.

"Not leaving us so soon, are you Miss Granger?"

"N-no," Hermione stuttered, "no sir."

Hermione stalled, wondering how she could outsmart the most powerful wizard of all time. Deciding she probably couldn't, she walked solemnly back to the center of the room. Dumbledore smiled in recognition, as if he had read her thoughts.

"That's good. And this," he said, indicating Rose on Hermione's hip, "is the child, I presume?"

Hermione nodded, wishing the floor would swallow her up.

"Do you know who asked me to come here, Hermione?"

"I could come up with a guess," she replied dryly. Dumbledore chuckled and nodded.

"He wants me to take Rose with me," he said quietly, looking only at Hermione.


"To another time and place, just for a spell, until it's over."

"But, but I can't let you," Hermione said desperately. "I have to look after her, I'm not supposed to let her out of my sight!"

Dumbledore watched her steadily, almost pityingly, like she wasn't understanding something important.

"I'm to take you as well, Hermione."

Hermione's mouth flew open at that, stunned and aghast at the same time. There was no possible way, nothing that would make her leave now. If both she and Rose left, there'd be no one else… he would automatically be the only one left… it would be like checkmate.

"I'm not going anywhere," Hermione replied, her voice low and harsh, biting out each word.

"He's given me strict orders…"

"I don't bloody care!" Hermione cut him off. "I'm not taking orders from him or you or anybody, do you hear me?"

The rest of the group was shocked into silence. Hermione was cursing and yelling at Albus Dumbledore. It was unheard of. Harry moved tentatively to stand in between Hermione and the great wizard, trying to think of a way to diffuse the situation.

"I can take you against your will, you know," Dumbledore said at last. Harry turned fiercely at this, amazed at the professor's words. His gaze was intense, not believing he might have to protect Hermione from someone he admired so greatly.

"Sir, I mean no disrespect," Harry said passionately. "But I can't let anyone, not even you, take Hermione against her will."

Hermione nodded behind Harry, not sure if it would be enough but glad to finally receive some support.

"An-and," Harry continued, finding it difficult to stand up to his mentor. "Exactly who is it trying to give orders to Hermione?"

Dumbledore placed his tea cup on a side table and looked straight at Hermione.

"Her husband," he said.

Molly put her hand over her heart at that and sat on the sofa, Arthur fanning a newspaper in her face. Ginny sat down slowly on one arm of the sofa, finally beginning to understand.

"He's ready Hermione," Dumbledore said sincerely. "He's ready to do this for his family."

"Well…well you just tell him I'm not!" Hermione shouted back, clutching Rose's head under her chin and looking wilder by the moment. "You go back there and you tell him he's not the boss of me! I've never listened to his orders before and I'm not about to start now!"

Hermione paused to let out a sob, looking up to the ceiling as if it might have the answers.

"Besides," she said, looking around frantically and still crying. "He's not even here. I've sent him away and he's not coming back! So you can take your time turners and your prophecies and go to hell!"

A wail escaped her then, so loud it made everyone freeze. Ginny started as if to walk toward her friend, every nerve in her body compelling Ginny to provide some sort of comfort. Suddenly, however, all movement was stopped by the sound of an apparition pop.

Ron Weasley appeared in the center of the living room, all eyes glued immediately to him in horror.

"Had to drop Lavender off, she was getting in the way," Ron told the room, looking around at all the agog faces. "What's going on with every….. Dumbledore?!"

Ron's face registered the shock as he took in the presence of his old professor, who was of course supposed to be dead, sitting casually in an armchair and drinking his mother's tea.

"You came back?" Hermione whispered. Ron turned around quickly to look at Hermione, shaking his head of the confusion surrounding seeing Dumbledore again. Hermione was staring at Ron like he was an illusion, something that might vanish with any sudden movement. Her hand moved forward as if to reach for him. Then, remembering herself, she dropped it to her side again.

"Of course I came back," Ron replied, as if he couldn't understand Hermione's disbelief. He took a few tentative steps toward her, afraid she might jump with each step.

Hermione began moving as well, trying to put distance between herself and Ron. Taking two steps back, she pulled a rocking chair in front of her, continuing her back tracking. Ron kept on, easily pushing the chair out of the way and still moving forward. Hermione continued her attempts, moving away from him as quickly as she could while holding Rose. A foot stool, an end table, cushions, she helplessly shoved things in her path to keep Ron from getting any closer.

As Ron sidestepped each obstacle, he systematically maneuvered until Hermione was in front of a corner with nowhere else to go.

"Hermione," he said steadily. "I told you once at Shell Cottage I would never leave you again. I meant that…" Ron paused to take a deep breath, summoning his Gryffindor courage. "Clearly, you can't stand me. And I'm not sure exactly why. I know I'm a prat sometimes and I've done some awful things in the past, but I didn't think it was enough for you to hate me this much… But guess what? I don't hate you." Ron took in another gulp of air. "I don't understand a lot of what's going on right now, but you obviously need help. And I'm not going anywhere until I've helped you. You can bloody well just deal with it."

Ron had continued moving closer to Hermione through his entire speech. Hermione was crying steadily now, tears rolling down her cheeks but still standing tall. Her whole body was stiff, as if bracing for something, her knuckles white as she held on to her child. Ron took one more step, bringing himself just one foot from her.

"You know what though?" he asked quietly. Hermione shook her head no.

"I don't think you hate me," he said, before reaching out to brush one tear off her face.

Hermione couldn't believe what he was saying, the conviction behind his words. In school, even going so far as to ask him out on a date wasn't enough to make him believe she had fancied him. Now, with all the evidence pointing to the contrary, he had somehow found the faith to believe in the two of them.

The touch of Ron's fingers was like a jolt to her senses, and she expelled herself backwards with such force, she hit the wall behind her. She held one hand out in front of herself, warning Ron to stay back. Ron let his own hand fall, startled but no less determined to fight this out to the end.

"This has all been rather illuminating," Dumbledore interrupted. "But, as you know, I have my hands full at Hogwarts and really need to get this progressing."

"Mr. Weasley," he said, turning to Ron, "you've missed some things while you were gone, but that shouldn't be a problem. I've been trying to get Hermione to come away with me, yet she won't comply."

Ron turned to look to Hermione, confused.

"Ah, the luxury of stubborn youth." Dumbledore shrugged his shoulders as if to say What can you do?

"Professor, can you take just her, please?" Hermione asked, holding out her daughter. Feeling her options fading, she could at least figure out a way to keep Rose safe. "I trust you, sir."

"It won't be necessary now," he replied, shaking his head. Looking at her closely, he added: "Remember, they just need one."

Hermione held Dumbledore's gaze, shaking her head in understanding.

Ginny jumped forward then, asking if Dumbledore might stay on a little longer. Whatever was to come, surely they would all be better off with Dumbledore there to fight alongside them.

"I'm afraid not Miss Weasley," Dumbledore said with a resigned smile. "This is out of my hands, some things must come to pass. I've done all I've been commissioned to, and now I must return."

Dumbledore turned to exit, but stopped just before reaching the door. He snapped his fingers as if remembering something. Pulling a long, thin chain from under his robes, he revealed a glass vial. He popped the vial off and held it out to Harry.

"Harry Potter gave this to me once, and now I'm giving it back," he said, before turning again to leave. "I trust you still have my pensieve?"

A/N: Thanks for reading and please vote and comment!

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