Chapter 5

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"Alright everyone!" Blaze yelled "We're leaving to demon territory now!"  

Luke and Jamie were sharing a sparrow when they heard the news.

Luke's stomach flipped. Demons are deadly now they were leaving to a land riddled with them.

Jamie smirked. Luke knew that Jamie loved danger. "Bloody hell! I'm terrified!" Luke gulped.

Coco smiled up to Blaze "Whashs a demom Bwaze?" Blaze blinked "Demons are bad... Just don't go near them." 

Coco cocked her head "But whashs a de-" But Caramellow shushed her. "Enough about demons."  

Luke shuddered. Diamond caught him and walked over. "We'll be fine. Don't worry."

Luke smiled awkwardly. He had butterflies in his stomach and he was blushing so much. "R-right" Luke said shakily. 

Blaze and Jamie glanced at each other.  "Should i talk to him?" Jamie asked. Blaze sighed "I will..."

Luke was setting up his things "Luke?" Blaze whispered. "Hmm?" Luke glanced up "Whats up?" 

Blaze put his arms on his hips. Luke face-palmed "Alright what ever you think I've done i haven't."

Blaze started to chuckle. "Oh my gosh." 

Luke raised his eyebrow.

Blaze smiled at Luke "You and Diamond!"

Luke started to sweat "Yep Diamond's nice."

Luke turned away from Blaze. But Blaze found a way to catch a glimpse of Luke's embarrassed little face.

Blaze covered his mouth to stop him from laughing "You have a crush on D-Diamond!"

Luke face-palmed again "Fuck."

"Jamie knows too." Blaze sniggered.

Luke wailed "Oh god i'm so... dead"

Blaze grabbed Luke's arm "Come on lets go"


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