Chapter 9

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Herbert carried Coco and Diamond while the others walked through the pouring rain.

Everyone was buried alive in grief and self pity so all was silent

Blaze saw Luke and ran over to him.

"You know if we make it to the emerald forest in time we'll get Diamond all healed up" Blaze smiled awkwardly.

Luke shoved it off "Yeah and get eaten by demólf?"

A demólf was a demon and a wolf

years ago demons and wolves breed with each other and made a new species and they weren't as bad as demons but they were not friendly.

"Look I know you're sad about this but I have some other bad news too."

Luke glared at Blaze


"your tail, Luke." Blaze looked down 

Bent and broken there was no fixing Luke's tail now.

"We have to remove it when we get to the forest." Herbert mumbled 

Herbert had temporarily turned into a camel to carry Diamond and Coco, so his speech was a bit off.

To Blaze's surprize Luke didn't seem the slightest bit shocked or worried.

"And?" Luke snarled "Tails don't do shit!"

Blaze took a deep breath and marched on.

"The forest is coming up soon."

Then there was a sudden stop, Herbert spotted something.

A frail grey cat about the same age as Coco was lying on the boundary between the forest and the dust bowl. Chained up.

"What the-" Jamie whispered.

The closer they got the louder the sounds got.

"Stay away, Stay away! I'm cursed our tribe leader said so!" The grey cat yelled

It was only wearing fur pants and it was very cold.

How could anyone do this to someone? Blaze thought

"Get away from that child!" Something yelled from the bushes

A Tall brown wolf with a red thorn in his hand emerged from his hiding place.

"I am Fire, Leader of the forest tribe and I command you to get away from that child!"

Bones dangled from a string necklace and he wore a wolf skull like a crown.

"Why should we!" Caramellow yelled back with Toothpaste growling next to her.

"He was born on Demon territory! He is there for cursed!"

Fire bellowed.

Herbert took a step ford "Give him to us and he will no longer curse your village."

Fire hesitated. "...A cursed child? You want the cursed child?"

The group nodded. Not Luke though he was looking around and obviously not knowing or caring about what was happening.

Fire bowed down "Nobody who has traveled here would take him from us; For that I thank you."

Fire looked up and saw Diamond. "The Black and white one! What has happened to you!?"

"A story we would like to keep to ourselves, But may you please heal him?" Herbert asked.

"Yes, Yes come this way." Fire lead them through the bushes.

"Thank you" Blaze nodded as thy passed.

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