Chapter ten- Mind your own Bussinuss

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Chapter ten- Mind your own Bussinuss

I OPEN MY EYES AND I'M LAYING ON MY BED ONCE AGAIN. I sigh in releif as I quickly touch my eye to make sure there is no scar. How did you sleep? "Will you shut up I'm trying to think. Wait, did you just ask me somthing a normal person would say, not a person that killed my parents" I say inside my mind. Yes darling how'd you sleep? Umm... No comment.  Why do you keep calling me darling? I can't answer that you have to find out.O...kay then at least your not harassing me like you were since you killed my parents. Sore subject I can tell but I like watching you get mad. Hmmm... Who are you? Another thing you will find out when the time comes.Can you shut up for now and stop harassing me!!!!

Finally a silance starts in my mind and I can think. Why did Clark make me go unconsions? I thought you told me to shut up!!!! I did now get out of my head before I try to kill myself. Okay..... Don't kill yourself. Now back to the task at hand what are they plaining. I gotta go talk to Clark before I go insane with all these questions.

I walk down the hallway to the same room Canary guided me to earliar.I knock on the door and walk in. I try to speak but I'm still silant. I write inside my notebook; Why did you do it Clark? I want the truth. I set my note book down in front of him but he was speachless.

I feel the air move behind me and I turn in lightning speed. I hit the scrynge out of Batman's hand. Clark quickly grabbed it and I realized Batman is putting somthing in the vials to see what I see. I go to punch Batman when he grabs my wrist. I kick him and pull my arm out of his grip. "Star what are you doing" Clark says.


Star's eyes change from brown to red and Batman notices that but Superman doesn't. Star continues throwing punches and kicks and then she did something both heros didn't expect. She pulled a dagger out of her messenger bag and was about to stab Batman when Superman pulled her back. She staggered backwards and was breathing hard her eyes full of hate.

Then another unexpected theng happened, Star droped the blade and fell to her knees tears streaming down her ghostly white skin. Batman looked at her eyes and they were brown but they look worn out, faded. Superman followed Batmans gaze and saw her eyecolor.Star was crying so hard about something that she was gasping for breath. 

Superman knew she was holding most of her tears in from when her parents died, but he couldn't comfort her to cheer her up. But she wouldn't listen she just sat now silant only a few choaked sobs every once and a while. Something about this didn't seem right, like she wasn't in control of her actions.


I couldn't hold my tears back anymore they came rushing out. Star its okay calm down.Breath. I thought you like to see me mad. Only when I make you mad and your crying that makes me feel bad even though I did nothing wrong. Now suck it up and be strong.  And all that other sympathetic words. Thanks but I kind can't stop my body is numb and I aint in control of my feelings. I don't know what happening.

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