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"I just don't get why you have to start socializing on the first day, that's all."

"So I'm just supposed to come off as a shut-in for the first week and expect people to treat me normally, Bella?"


He rolls his eyes. "Give me some time with that, all right? I hate these stupid names."

"Blame Jax not me." I cross my legs and turn a page in the magazine I've been thumbing through for the better part of the hour. "He's the one that organized all of this. We just get to grin and bear it. It could be worse I guess. You didn't get stuck with Wayne or Clint and I didn't get to be called Sarah Claire or some form of two first names that are so characteristic of the south, or at least, this type of town."

"Ryan was really growing on me. I mean, ten years with that name and now I'm Simon? I sound like some kind of computer nerd."

"You are a computer nerd, genius."

"Still, the name practically gives it away. This is supposed to be protected."

"Quit complaining," I sigh. "No matter what, we're stuck with this. You wanted it so badly, live with it."

"I wanted a change and an opportunity, Riley," he huffs.  "Names aside, this is a pretty great one, don't you think?"

I shrug.

I woke up, surrounded by more comfort than I had known years. White linens, soft and smooth, thick fluffy comforters and pillows saturated my bed. The mattress felt like a soft cloud beneath me. Of all the places Jax has moved us over the years, this feels most like home. It took a while for me to take in my surroundings. The sedative had been powerful and left me very groggy and sluggish for the entire first day we were here. We didn't even come out of the house until this morning. When we did, we discovered two cars parked in the driveway, waiting for us. Jax left us with very specific instructions. Packets full of information about our new identities, house keys, credit cards, car keys, passports, drivers licenses, social security numbers, birth certificates, and anything else we may have needed right away, including five thousand dollars in ready cash to get us started. 

It was decided before we even made the move that I was going to go out and work and Simon was going to do the work from home thing. Naturally, I wanted things the other way around but Jax told me getting out and working in London had done me good, and he didn't want me to stop. I'm frustrated. I'm not in the mood to get used to a new set of people and surroundings. Not just yet.

But tomorrow, it's off to work I go. There's an envelope on the table instructing me where to report and what I'll be doing, but I haven't opened it yet.


"You gotta give this a chance, you know?" Landon persists. "The neighbor seems nice enough. Come out with me tonight and get acquainted. It's better than sitting here alone."

I saw the little boy staring at me this morning as I explored the yard. He was cute, curly-haired and wide-eyed with a mischievous smirk to match. He reminded me of Tim in a small way. It hurt thinking about him, because I never do, so I made it a point to go back inside the house. Landon got curious though, and I guess its why I ended up outside again when the boy's father introduced himself.

Owen...something. He's the police.  I felt his eyes land on me multiple times, and I didn't know what to think. Men make me uncomfortable, for lots of reasons, but mainly because I've never touched one, kissed one, or...connected with one at all. Is it because I haven't had the opportunity? Not exactly. Jax has given me plenty of opportunities to date since I turned eighteen, but I've refused. I can't put my trust in someone or fall in love with anyone because I could be packed up and whisked out of the country at a moment's notice. I don't know who that would hurt more, so it's easier just to ignore all of those feelings.

I can't deny that I liked feeling his eyes land on me. I felt the goosebumps crawling up my body and to the back of my neck, causing the hairs there to stand on end. I glanced at him for just moments.

He's not bad to look at.

Not at all.

"Think about it, okay?" Landon persists.  "Jax said he'd really like to see you acquainted and build a group of friends."

"Jax can't know for sure that we won't have to leave at some point," I tell him bluntly.

"He's as sure as he's ever been, Riley. Just trust it, for a little while, all right? Please?"

I shrug. "I'll think about it. Let me look at my work assignment and get things sorted out. You need to do the same."

He pats my shoulder, rubbing it consolingly, before pulling me into a full hug. "I promise we're going to be okay."

"I hope so."

He pulls away, and rubs my shoulder once more, before retreating elsewhere in the house.

It's nice, the house, and Jax wasn't lying when he said there would be more room for us here. It's a complete house, not a condo or apartment. It has an upstairs, separate bedrooms and bathrooms, ample space in the kitchen and other living quarters, and a nice big back yard. I want to be happy here. I want to spend the rest of my days here.

I'm terrified of getting too comfortable.

I pour over my packets of information for the rest of the afternoon. My name is Riley Callaway. I'm twenty-eight, relocated from Florida because my brother found a better paying job here. Our parents live back home in Florida and we decided to move together because I wanted a change. There is a full biography on our "parents" and "family" what they do, what our favorite memories are, you name it, the subject is covered. I'm single, so is Landon, well, Simon. 

I need to start calling him Simon. I work in the school system, but this time, I'm not going to teach. I'm doing secretarial work in the office. I'd be upset, but I've never taught high school level and I'm assuming this was the best place for Jax to stick me. Millington High School. I'll be working in the main office as one of the three secretaries but there is a note here that says I may be able to tutor after hours if I wish, and I'm also allowed to participate in any other school program that interests me. 

I start tomorrow.

I think I'll like it.

Maybe this isn't going to be as bad as I thought. Jax was right, it is really quiet and peaceful here. I haven't heard a thing since I woke up besides birds chirping and the occasional car passing by.

This could work.

"Fridge is empty." Landon approaches me about an hour later. I didn't even realize I'd fallen asleep on the sofa.

"Jax didn't fill it?" I ask, eyes still closed as I turn my face into the corner of the sofa.

"He just left a note inside the freezer," Landon chuckles. "It says get out and explore."

"Great. I'll see you when you come back."

He tugs on my arm. "Come on, Bella. We have to go eventually."

"Not on day one."

"Yes on day one." He tugs my arm more harshly this time. "Get up. Let's go. I'm not giving you a choice this time."

I groan, but one glance at my brother tells me he's not going to put up with my protesting. He's so determined to make this time different. I know if Jax were here he would tell me I was being selfish. 

"Fine, Landon."

We take the little red Honda sedan and drive it around the tiny area of Shelby Forest, Tennessee before we cross over into its parent town of Millington. It's very southern, gives me a very small town down-home feeling.  I guess I feel safer, although, when we pull up to the Kroger Supermarket and I get out of the car, I don't hesitate to look over my shoulder. Landon partially shields me with his body for just seconds. Our eyes meet, and we both know it's going to be hard to shake that feeling.  That feeling that we're being watched and followed, because we've dealt with it for half of our lifetime.

"It's just grocery shopping," he half laughs. "It's safe."

I just nod and follow him to the entrance. Grabbing a shopping cart feels so adventurous when in reality it's such a normal thing for the average person to do.

"I'm really tempted to get in and let you run around the store pushing me," Landon smiles casually back at me as we enter the produce section.

"I am not doing that."

"So can I push you around?"

I narrow my eyes.

"Lighten up." He backs up and nudges me in the side. "C'mon Riley."

I let a small smile reveal itself. "I'm sorry."

He shrugs and puts an arm around me. "Let's splurge." He pulls a thick wad of bills out of his pocket. "Jax was very generous this time around."

I nod, and then we venture further into the store. We spend a couple of hours taking in the whole place, filling our cart with everything our hearts desire, even things Jax wouldn't approve of, like beer and sugary junk food. It doesn't matter. He's not around to babysit us this time. He didn't say it, but we both know he's working on another case right now. He seemed distracted in the car, and he was late getting to the aircraft. Maybe this really is the end of the line for us. He wouldn't be able to focus on another case if it wasn't.

It gets me to relax for the first time today.

We circle around town for a bit after we load up the groceries. We spot a shopping mall, movie theater, and strip malls filled with restaurants and small shops. The high school isn't much further away, and I quickly realize why Jax picked this place. There won't be much of a need to venture outside of it. Everything we need is right here.

"I forgot to tell you," Landon says to me as if he knows exactly what I'm thinking. "There's a perimeter restriction."

"Naturally." I shrug.

"Jax doesn't want us leaving the state. He set the tracking bands to alert if we set foot over state lines. I had a letter about it in my packet. I guess he just wanted me to communicate it to you."

"Believe me, I have no desire to leave town, let alone the state."

"Well, maybe he thought you might after awhile."

I roll my eyes. "Does he know me at all?"

"Well, he wants you to change the way you live. If it happens, it won't be hard for you to forget about all of this."

"How can I forget about all of this?"

He smirks. "I sort of did, back in London."

"Well, that's you." I cross my arms.

"I'm just letting you know. He said it's not impossible for us to leave the state, but he has to be notified and we have to get clearance first."


We spend the rest of the afternoon sorting and putting away the groceries and household supplies. Landon bought a couple of cookbooks to replace the ones he had to leave behind when we left London and starts highlighting the different recipes he wants to try. He's like mom, loves to cook, and is great at it. He'd be a great party host, if we had parties. The house seems like a great place to host a get together too.

I doubt I could handle that though.

I get lost in television and the internet for a long time. We get every channel, and the internet is open, but every site I go to, I am automatically logged in as Riley Callaway. The only email program I am allowed to use is controlled by Jax and his people, not that I have anybody I need to email anyway. Soon, I grow bored, am reminded of everything I hate about living this way.  I go out to the back deck and sit down in one of the various lounge chairs scattered around. The sun is still warm on my face despite the fact that it's beginning to set over the horizon. I didn't even realize how late it is. I have to pay more attention before I become a shut-in all over again.

"Hey there."

I gasp and snap to attention, fist clenched at my sides, ready to run for my life, to hide, to grab Landon and escape.

But it's not one of them.

It's just the neighbor.  The cop.



Officer Owen shoves his hands in his pockets and his face turns a little red. "Didn't mean to startle you. It's Riley, right?"

"It''s fine, and yes. My brother said your name is Owen?"

"In the flesh. I was just stoppin' by to see if your brother still wanted to come out tonight."

"Oh." I stand up quickly. "I think so. I'll get him."

"You're more than welcome," he offers quickly before I can bolt away. "It'll be a good chance to get to know everybody around here."

"Oh..." I trail off and desperately try to come up with something believable. "Well, tomorrow is my first day at a new job so..."

"Yeah? Where'd you end up? You driving into Memphis?"

"Um, no...I found work at the high school."

His smile flies on.  "My sister said there was a new girl starting in the office.  That's you?"

"I um, yeah, I guess so."

He seems lit up inside at the prospect.

I don't understand him, but I'm so curious, yearning to learn more about him.

I don't want to feel this way.

"Really?" He steps closer to me. I can faintly smell the scent of his cologne, and my heartbeat intensifies. It's musky and woodsy, reminds me of this place in Berlin I would go to with friends when I had them. "Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other then."

Great. " work there?  I thought you were a cop?"

He laughs.  "I am, but  I do some rounds there, once a week, my chief wants us to show a presence.  Gotta set the little pipsqueaks straight, ya know?  I volunteer coach too, boys and girls basketball."

"Oh neat." I smile but barely meet his gaze.

"So you just do clerical junk?" He leans against the railing, lighting up a cigarette.  "You mind?" He asks, suddenly realizing himself.

"No, it's fine."

I sure could go for a cigarette.

Jax forbids them.  He says they are the gateway to alcohol.  Back in London I used to sneak them from time to time, but haven't indulged since.

"Just don't tell my son," he smirks and takes a drag, relaxing as he blows out the smoke.  "He's tryin' to force me to quit."

"Your secret is safe with me, and yeah, I do clerical work but I've tutored in the past as well. I'm good at math and history. They said that I could do after school tutoring if I want to--"

"You know," he cuts me off. "I don't bite."

I finally realize I haven't looked him in the eyes once, because I've been staring down at the deck. Yes, he definitely knows how weird I am now. "What..."

"You just seem terrified is all," he laughs. "I know I have a gun and a badge but I promise, I don't bite. I'm about as low key and boring as you can get, and the rest of the people I hang out with aren't much different. I'd love to introduce you so you don't become the town gossip."


"Well, this is the south. People tend to talk when they don't know anything about their new neighbors."

"I don't recall saying I cared about what their opinions are."

He raises an eyebrow and his smile grows wider. His son has the same one, that mischievous, but playful and sweet at the same time, smile. "You'll fit in just fine."


"Come on," he smiles again, stuffs out the cigarette, and holds his hand out to me. "One night of fun.  I promise you won't regret it."

"And if I do?"

He shrugs. "Then I owe you dinner."

My cheeks begin to burn and I have to look away. Dinner? No. Dinner is worse than being introduced to his circle of friends. "I'm sure I won't regret tonight then," I barely get out.

"If you don't regret it, can I still buy you dinner?"

His smile could melt any woman's heart, including mine, and that's so rare. He has such an innocent, kind quality about him that I can't resist. "I...well, as neighbors perhaps."

"I'll take that," he chuckles and holds his arm out to me. "Let's go."

Even though I said I wouldn't, I take his arm and immediately get lost in a conversation about him, how he grew up and the rest, carefully avoiding the subject of my own life unless it's absolutely necessary. How dangerous is it? I have no idea. Jax could show up on our doorstep tomorrow and take us away.

But tonight, he's not here. I'm free for the first time in my life, and a kind, charming, good looking man has made me his date.

Not bad for the first day.

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