Chapter 1

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Ezra's pov
Sabine and I was walking around choper base as we where holding hands together, ezzy said Sabine, what is it bine? Said Ezra, I just wanted to let you know I love you said sabine, I know you love me bine said Ezra as he kissed her on her lips as Sabine kissed her boyfriend back, they both stopped kissing as they heard a scream for help "HELP!" Said a rebel trooper, oh no said Ezra as he ran to find out what was happening but saw the trooper killed and she was on the ground with a blaster in her hand, Ezra grabbed it as he heard wedge say HE DID IT! Said wedge as Soto saw Ezra with the dead rebel trooper. Sir it isn't what it looks like said Ezra, no Bridger you killed her and now you have to pay a price for it, GET HIM! Said Soto as rebel troopers grabbed Ezra. HEY! LET ME GO! Said Ezra.

Later as Sabine saw what happened as she ran to get Kanan and hera.

Sabine's pov
I ran to the ghost as I saw kanan with hera, KANAN! HERA! PLEASE HELP ME! Said Sabine, what's wrong sabine? Said Hera, Soto thinks that Ezra killed a rebel trooper and he's going to do something bad said sabine, we have to stop him said kanan as he got up as they ran out of the ghost as they saw rebel troopers take Ezra into a ship as they took off to a planet. NOOOOO!!! Yelled out said as she fell down on the ground crying as she put her hands on her face as hera kneet down as she hugged her daughter like. We got to find out what's going to happen said kanan as he saw Soto, SOTO! WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!? Said kanan, he betrayed us and killed a rebel trooper said Soto, Ezra wouldn't do that? Said kanan, but he did said Soto as he walked away.

Later on Ezra's home planet lothal

Ezra's pov
I woke up to see it was night time as I noticed I was on home home planet lothal, what? Why am I back here? Said Ezra, so you can die said a rebel trooper as he shot ezra from behind as Ezra fell down on the ground as the rebel trooper walked away thinking that Ezra was dead.

The next morning...

I woke up to notice that I was in pain as I looked down to my stomach was shot at, I put my hand on where I was shot at as I got up and looked around, agh said Ezra as he saw his old tower as he walked to it as he got in and fixed himself up as he remembered something, he walked up to a closet as he opened the door as he saw old mandolorian armour as Ezra looked at it (looks like this)

It was he's dad's armour as Ezra remembered that his family was the protecters of lothal as Ezra was the last one alive still. Ezra looked at the armour as he put it on.

Ezra's pov
I walked out of my old tower as I walked into a little city of lothal as I heard two little boys yell for help SOMEONE HELP US! I looked to see the two boys getting hurt by some stormtroopers, one of the boys saw me and he said, it is true! The protector of lothal! Said the boy, what? Said the stormtrooper as he looked at Ezra, LET THE BOYS GO NOW! Said Ezra, there's one of you and three of us what can you do to us? Said the stormtrooper, Ezra grabbed his blaster as he shot at the two stormtroopers as they last stormtrooper looked at Ezra, run said Ezra as the last stormtrooper ran away as the boys looked at Ezra as he put his blaster away. Wow it is true about the protecters of lothal said one of the boys, yeah and he's pretty cool said the other boy, what's your names? Said Ezra, I'm John and this is my brother jack said John, what's your name? Said jack, it's jango, come let's go said Ezra, really? With you? Said John, yes said Ezra as the two boys followed Ezra back to his old tower.

Later as the boys got cleaned up.

Ezra's pov
I took off my helmet as I put it down as I saw jack and John walking to me as they sit down on my couch, so you boys want to join me? Said Ezra, join you? Like a crew? Said John, yeah said jack, yes said Ezra, jack and John looked at each other as they looked back to Ezra and they hugged Ezra as he didn't know what to do but Ezra just smiled. Thank you jango said John, thanks jango said jack, you're welcome said Ezra. Ezra looked at the time as he said I think you two have to go to bed now said Ezra, but jango they both said, go to bed said Ezra, okay they both said as they want to bed. Ezra looked outside of his tower as he missed sabine but he needed to say away from his family so Soto wouldn't hurt them too.

Too be continued..................

I hope you guys like this new book, tell me if you did.

And remember the force will always be with you.

Mammal out!!!

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