Chapter 9

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As Ezra wake up naked right besides his wife as she was naked too as they covers was on them both. Then Ezra heard Mira crying as he got up and put some clothes on him as he walked into Mira's room as he picked her up.

Ezra's pov
When I wake up besides my wife I heard crying from Mira as I got up, I put my clothes on me as I walked into Mira's bedroom as I picked her up as I walked out of her room as I walked into the kitchen with Mira. So what should we have for breakfast Mira? Said Ezra to his daughter. Pancakes! Said Mira as Ezra said shh Mira you're mother is sleeping said Ezra, oh said Mira as Ezra grabbed a sit for Mira to help him make the pancakes with him. Okay you ready said Ezra to his daughter. Yep said Mira as they made pancakes together.

Sabine's pov
I wake up to a small of food being made as I got up as I up my clothes on and walked up of the bedroom as I saw Ezra and Mira both laughing as they had pancakes on them both as they've made a big mist (is that how you speel it like that?) I giggled as I grabbed the holopad as I took a picture of both of them having fun together. I put the holopad down as I walked into the kitchen as Mira yelled out my name, MAMA! Said Mira as she ran to me as I picked her up, you need a bath after this must you made said Sabine. Oh babe we where just having fun together said Ezra. I know but you have to clean up the kitchen after when we finish eating said Sabine as they eat the pancakes together.

Later as Ezra cleaned the kitchen...

Ezra's pov
I was finally done cleaning up the kitchen as I saw Sabine not feeling that well as she was sitting down on the couch. I walked up to her as I knelt down in front of her. Bine what's wrong? Said Ezra. I don't belly hurts...and my head hurts too...Sabine tried to say but she passed out onto the couch as Ezra yelled out SABINE! Said Ezra as he picked up his wife as he saw Mira crying asking what happened to her mother. Daddy what...sobbing...wrong with...mama? Said Mira. I don't know but we have to got to the hospital now said Ezra as he took his wife to the hospital.

Later on...

Ezra was with Mira as he was sitting down as Mira was sitting onto her father as she holds onto him. Then Sabine's mother came to lothal to see what wrong with her daughter. Ezra what happened? Said ursa, Sabine just passed out right besides me said Ezra as he started to cry, oh Ezra said ursa as she hugged him with Mira. She's going to be okay I promise said ursa. Then they stopped hugging as they both heard a doctor say are you the Bridger family? Said the doctor. Yes we are said Ezra as he got up. Is my daughter okay? Said ursa, yes she's fine she's just passed out because she's pregnant said the doctor, okay thanks Ezra tried to say but said wait what she's pregnant? Again? Said Ezra. Yes she is said the doctor. We didn't even know said Ezra, can I see my mama? Said Mira as the doctor nodded at her as Mira ran to see her mother. Thanks again doctor said Ezra as he followed his daughter where Sabine was at as ursa did too.

Sabine's pov
I woke up to feel arms around me as it was Mira that was besides me as was ezzy, I kissed Ezra's forehead as he started to wake up as he hugged me crying, oh ezzy said Sabine as she was crying too. They both stopped hugging each other as Mira was now wake up as she hugged her mother. Oh my little girl said Sabine as she picked up her daughter and hugged her. Easy now daughter said ursa as Sabine saw her mother with them. Mother? Your here too? Said Sabine. Yes Ezra told me what happened to you so I came here as first as I can said Sabine's mother. Thanks mother said Sabine as she hugged her mother as did ursa hugged her daughter back. They both stopped hugging as Sabine looked at her husband and said why are we here at the hospital ezzy? You passed out and I take you here to see what was wrong and the doctor found out something said Ezra as he smiled at his wife. What? What's wrong with me? And why are you smiling at me? It's not funny ezzy said Sabine, bine you're pregnant again said Ezra, I'm pregnant again? Said Sabine as her husband nodded at his wife, Sabine started to cry happily as she hugged her husband as Ezra hugged his wife back as he started to cry happily. They both stopped hugging as Ezra said I'm so happy for this said Ezra, I am too said Sabine. Happy for what mama and daddy? Said Mira as she looked at her parents. Mira we have something we need to tell you said Sabine, tell me what? Said Mira, your going to be a older sister said Ezra, Mira looked at her parents as she started to cry not happily but sad like she ran out of the room as Sabine said Mira wait? Said Sabine, I'll get her back said Sabine's mother as she ran after her granddaughter. I was thinking of that what she was going to do said Ezra, me too but I love you said Sabine as she pulled her husband into a kiss as Ezra kissed his wife back, as they both stopped kissing as they heard Sabine's mother saying I have Mira said Sabine's mother. That's good said Ezra, why did you run away from us? Said Sabine as she got off of the hospitals bed as she picked up her daughter. Because I thought you and daddy would not love me no more said Mira as she started to cry. Oh no Mira we will still love you too said Sabine as she hugged her daughter as Ezra said we will always love you Mira always have said Ezra as he hugged his wife and daughter. They all stopped hugging as Ezra said let's go home said Ezra as they family walked all away home together.

Later as Sabine's mother was making dinner...

Ezra's pov
I was sitting besides Sabine as we where sitting down onto the couch as Mira was sleeping on the other couch as I put on of my hands onto Sabine's belly as she smiled happily as she hold onto my hands as I smiled too. So I hope it's a boy this time said Ezra. No it's going to be a girl still said Sabine, but we can't tell right now because you're a week pregnant said Ezra. I know but it feels like it's a other girl said Sabine as she looked at her husband and smiled at him. Okay said Ezra as he kissed his wife on her cheek as Sabine smiled happily as did Ezra. Okay dinner is ready said ursa as Sabine got off of Ezra as Ezra got up and walked to the other couch and woke up his daughter Mira. Mira it's time to have dinner now said Ezra, okay daddy said Mira as she walk to the table as she sit down besides her mother and grandma too as Ezra sit down besides his wife. Thanks for making the dinner mother said Sabine, your welcome daughter said ursa as the family eat dinner together.

Later on...

Okay guys I have to go now said ursa as she hugged her daughter as granddaughter too as she walked out of the door. Well I had a good day said Ezra, because we found out I'm pregnant again? Or that my mother made us a good dinner? Said Sabine, both said Ezra as he smiled and kissed his wife cheek as he said okay Mira it's time to you to go to bed now said Ezra, but daddy...Mira tried to say but Ezra said don't but me young lady said Ezra, okay fine said Mira as she picked out snowball and walked into her bedroom. Goodnight Mira said Sabine as Mira said good night too.

Three months later as Sabine was now growing her pregnant belly again.

Sabine's pov
I woke up to kicking as i moad into pain as I felt hands around me. What wrong bine? Said Ezra, it's our baby kicking me again said Sabine, should we find out if it's a boy? Said Ezra, sure but I still think it's a girl still said Sabine as she got up and put clothes on her as did Ezra. They got too the hospital as they waited for the doctor to come out with the news as Ezra was sitting besides his wife as Mira was playing. Okay mr and mrs Bridger I have the news said the doctor. So what is the news? Said Sabine. Is it a boy this time? Said Ezra, no it's a girl said the doctor as Sabine looked at her husband and said I told you so said Sabine, yeah your right said Ezra but was still happy. Okay let's go home now said Sabine as Mira hold onto her mother's hand as she holds onto her fathers too.

Later on as Ezra was making the second baby room.

Ezra's pov
I was working on the baby's room is I was making the bed as Sabine and Mira was painting the walls pink as I was finished the baby's bed as I cut myself on my hand by accident as I moad into pain, as Sabine heard it, babe what's wrong said Sabine as she saw her husband bleeding, oh my said Sabine as she cover the cut up with some stuff, I hope that stops the bleeding now said Sabine, I hope so too babe said Ezra. Okay I'm done said Mira, Sabine and Ezra said that lookeds great Mira said Sabine, she as her mother'a touch said Ezra, as Sabine said very funny ezzy said Sabine.

Then they both heard a knock on their front door as Mira walked up to it as someone said hello little one, Mira yelled out MAMA! DADDY! Said Mira, Ezra ran to the front door to see his daughter being taken by boba fett, hello Bridger I'll be taking your daughter now said fett as he used his jetpack to fly away with Mira. MIRA NO!!! Yelled out Ezra. Then he saw clan wren flying after fett as Sabine's mother was after him too. WHERES MIRA!? Said Sabine, fett took her but I'll get her back said Ezra as he ran to the room as he put his Mandalorian armour on as he grabbed the darksaber. I'll get her back said Ezra as he ran out of his house as he flyed to where Mira was taken at.

Later as boba fett had Mira.

So little one what should we do today said fett but heard ursa yell out FETT!!! GIVE ME BACK MY GRANDDAUGHTER!!! Said Sabine's mother. Boba fett picked up Mira as he pointed a blaster to Mira's head. You really think I'll give her back to you wren! Said boba fett. No but he will said ursa as boba fett turn around to see the protecter of lothal as he tried to shot him but the protecter of lothal turned on the darksaber and cut off boba fetts blaster in half as boba tried to stab him in the neck but the protecter just grabbed the knife and stabbed boba fett into the gut was boba fett fell down onto the ground as he let go of Mira as she ran to her grandma as the protecter of lothal grabbed the darksaber and turned it on and cut off boba fetts head clean off as his dead body fell down onto the ground as ursa made Mira close her eyes to didn't see what happened. The protecter of lothal turned off the darksaber as he saw people of lothal saying oh my god he's really back? The protecter of lothal as returned to save us said one of them. The protecter of lothal turned on his jetpack and flyed away as ursa did too right besides Ezra as she was holding Mira in her arms.

Later back home

Sabine's pov
I was thinking about Mira as I was worried about her but I heard the front door open as I saw my mother with Mira as she ran up to me as she said my name MAMA!!! She said as I hugged her. Is he...Sabine tried to say but the protecter of lothal walked into the house as he closed the front door and locked it behind him. Who are you? And where's my daddy? Said Mira. Sabine smiled as Ezra looked at his wife as he took off his helmet as Mira saw her father was the protecter of lothal all this time.

To the next chapter tomorrow!!!

I hope you guys liked this chapter. Tell me if you did.

And remember the force will always be with you.

Mammal out!!!

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