Chapter Eighteen: The Day After

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Eighteen: The Day After

Exhausted, exhilarated and just slightly (extremely) drunk, Hiccup stumbled up to his front door and only took four tries to get the key into the door. He felt light as a feather, completely relaxed and as if a heavy weight had been lifted off him. He stumbled in through the door, shushed himself and quietly closed the door. Then he opened it again, took his key out of the lock and closed it again slightly more loudly before locking it from the inside. And then he fell over his feet and landed on his face.

"Owwww..." he mumbled painfully, rubbing his face. There was the sound of feet and Astrid appeared at the top of stairs. On seeing him on the floor, she sped down, looking exhausted and stopping by his side.

"You okay, Hiccup?" she asked urgently as he looked up and grinned.

"Yeah, my face is mostly okay," he said happily. She frowned and offered him her hand, which he took so she could pull him to his feet. "The floor went a bit wobbly then..." She stared at him, seeing him look a bit dishevelled and his emerald eyes slightly glassy.

"Are you drunk?" she asked him and he shook his head...then held his fingers about a millimetre apart.

"Very very very slightly," he slurred. She folded her arms.

"Is this good drunk or bad drunk?" she asked him and he frowned. "How did the big presentation go?" He grinned.

"I completely smashed it!" he announced and flung his arms into the air, accidentally hitting Astrid in the face.

"Ow!" she said, as he looked stricken.

"I'msosorrypleasedon'tleaveme!" he gabbled anxiously as she rubbed her cheek and then forced herself to smile. He looked very cute when he was anxious and she was too tired to be annoyed-not that she would anyway. Hiccup was a nice, kind man and he had been so strung up over the last few days that she was glad he had felt able to let off steam.

"It's okay!" she assured him, taking his arm and steering him towards the kitchen. "Shall we keep it down? Hanna's asleep." His eyes widened and he gasped, trying to walk quietly. He promptly knocked the telephone off the hall table.

"Sorrysorrysorry..." he whispered loudly as he fell over again. Sighing, Astrid picked up the phone then helped Hiccup and steered him to the kitchen, depositing him in a chair to ensure he didn't fall over again. But he was smiling at her as she put the kettle on to make some black coffee and she glanced back at him, seeing his emerald eyes shining, his tie missing and shirt open at the neck.

"Boy, you really are a terrible drunk," she commented, spooning instant coffee granules into the mugs. He raised his hands.

"Guilty," he confessed happily. "Never get much practice and I fall over a lot and just feel kind of happy...except when Heather died..." And his mood visibly dropped. Immediately, Astrid took his hand and looked into his eyes.

"Hey, hey-tell me about today," she asked him quickly, not wanting him to lose the good feeling and he blinked as he looked up at her. He took a deep breath.

"I was really nervous," he slurred as the kettle clicked off. "I mean really really really really nervous. But Fish practiced with me and then, when the time came, I tried to remember what he said...and instead I imagined that I made my presentation to Hanna and you. I was talking to you and I felt so much more relaxed-so it went smoothly and I could answer all the questions, no matter how irritated they seemed. Fish was awesome with the figures and when they finished, they were completed happy and awarded us the contract on the spot. So the company is safe. We gave Phlegma a bonus and then Fish and I went to the bar..."

"And you've been there all evening?" Astrid guessed. Hiccup nodded.

"I think we did some Karaoke," he admitted. "But I'm not very good. I kept forgetting the words to 'I will Survive'." Astrid frowned as she poured hot water into the mugs.

"But the words are on the screen in front of you," she pointed out.

"But I forgot to look at the screen," he confessed with a self-conscious shrug. "Fish was awesome! I mean, how does he remember all those words? He was belting it out-on his knees! And then he did 'Living on a Prayer', 'Dancing Queen', 'Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You' and 'Bessame Mucho'! I was his backing singer and dancer and he got a standing ovation!"

"Oh my Thor," Astrid muttered and sat down, plonking the mug in front of Hiccup, who promptly took a sip and then spat it out.

"Ow! It's hot!" he whimpered, rubbing his tongue with his hand. Sighing, she rose, sloshed cold water into his mug and then put it back in front of him. He took a cautious sip and smiled. "Perfect," he sighed. "Just like you."

She stared at him and saw him looking happily at his coffee. It had been an unguarded statement that he almost certainly hadn't meant to say and probably didn't even realise he had. And though he was cute and kind and sweet, he was her employer and it would be completely inappropriate for her to develop any feelings for him while he was still mourning his wife and struggling to regain his equilibrium. He was vulnerable and if she fell for him, it would make her no better than Brandy and all the other applicants who had eyed Hiccup up as a meal ticket rather than a father who needed a good Nanny. And though she could really easily start to fall for him, she would have to crush her feelings because all it would do is make things worse.

So she smiled at him.

"Hanna's a bit better," she told him cheerfully. "Her fever is down and I got her Paediatrician, Dr Fenris, to visit and he diagnosed her with viral tonsillitis. Of course, the Social Worker came round, tried to cause trouble and even called an ambulance when Hanna threw up all over her. Personally, I was cheering!"

"Gerda Jorgensen was here?" he asked, his eyes suddenly wide with anxiety. She nodded.

"And she was sent away with a flea in her ear by Dr Fenris who said she was fine, she was being looked after well and she didn't need hospital," she revealed smugly. "And honestly, seeing Gerda covered in puke was worth the irritation." Hiccup stared at her...then burst out laughing.

"I think I would have liked to have seen that!" he admitted. And then his face fell. "Oh Thor...I didn't ask after Hanna. What kind of useless, inadequate, uncaring father am I when I didn't check up on her and call as soon as the presentation was done?' His eyes were suddenly filled with dismay. "I should have come home. I mean, what was I thinking? Why in Thor's name did I go out to celebrate when I should have been home with my sick child..."

"Enough!" Astrid growled and he looked at her in shock. "Enough." She sat down in the seat at his side and stared into his eyes. "Look, Hiccup-the reason why you employed me was so that you had someone trained and reliable to look after Hanna while you were able to concentrate on the things you needed to. Today was an incredibly big day for your company and you gave a great presentation and secured the future for you and everyone who works there. And it was only natural-and right-that you and Fish celebrate your success. And that you let off steam! I wanted you to be out and relax-because there would be no point my being here if I called you in the middle of your crucial presentation and ruined it for you. I had everything in hand. Now I need to give Hanna some more medicine and I think I oughta hit the hay."

"Can I see her?" Hiccup asked quietly and she nodded with a smile.

"She's your baby," she reminded him. "I'm just here so you don't have to worry."

"I think it's got a habit," he admitted quietly. "Worrying, I mean. I thought my life was perfect with Heather and Hanna and a new baby on the way...and then, in the space of a few hours, everything crumbled. And since then, I have been terrified that if I relax and take anything for granted...I'll lose even more..."

"Which was why you were so on edge," she realised and rested a hand on his arm. "Hiccup, I'm sorry. And I promise I will do anything I can to make sure you don't have to worry. Because I am there on your side as well." He looked up and there was gratitude flooding his gaze.

"Thanks," he said and stumbled to his feet. "I really mean it..." And he flung a huge hug around her which she gently reciprocated. Finally, she helped him up and quietly steered him up the stairs, making sure he didn't fall, before taking him to Hanna's room.

The little girl was lying across her bed, her feet dangling over the side of the bed with Olaf on her face. Sighing, Astrid gently swivelled her round so she was lying in the correct alignment in the bed, pushing Olaf into her questing arms and stroking her hair off her warm face. She carefully tucked a sheet over her though she kept the blanket folded down so she wouldn't get too warm. Softly, she shook the girl awake and fed her a large spoonful of children's liquid paracetamol, then gave her a drink.

"Daddy's here," she whispered and Hanna's eyes opened sleepily as Hiccup walked forward and dropped to his knees. He kissed her forehead.

"Hey, baby," he slurred as she reached her arms up and he eagerly hugged her. "Missed you," he added.

"I throwed up," she mumbled. "All over the mean lady. She was very cross."

"Poor baby," he mumbled as well.

"Astrid was awesome," she added and kissed him then yawned hugely. He gently lay her down and tucked her in again.

"Sleep well, my precious Terror," he told her as he eyes fluttered closed. In seconds, she was asleep. Hiccup crawled past Astrid to the door and out onto the landing. Smiling, she pulled the door to and hauled him to his feet. "Thanks," he mumbled as she helped him up and took him to the door of his room. Decisively, she opened the door and helped him in...but he stopped her.

"Will you be okay?" she checked as he kicked off a shoe and then frowned at his prosthetic leg, then collapsed back on the bed and managed to pull the entire leg off, the shoe still on it, waving it triumphantly in the air before dropping it on the floor.

"I'm good," he mumbled, crawling into bed. Sighing, she pulled the quilt over him and walked to the door, flipping off the light. She glanced back at his shape as he snuggled into his pillow.

"Sleep well, Hiccup," she murmured and headed to bed.


She awoke early the next morning, feeling barely rested. For a long moment, she stared at the ceiling, her head aching and guessed she was just overtired because she had barely slept the previous night and had a busy day looking after Hanna and dealing with Gerda. She made a mental note to chase up her complaint about the woman because she still hadn't had her feedback from the department. Groaning, she threw the covers off and slowly sat up, running her hands through her hair. Somehow, it was sticking out sideways and she groaned, then pulled herself out of bed, padded silently to check on Hanna, who was still sleeping peacefully and was much cooler. Smiling, she headed into the shower and quickly freshened up, washing her hair and dressing in fresh leggings and lycra for her morning run.

Slowly, she dragged herself downstairs, her legs feeling leaden and her whole body heavy. She frowned: she had been careful about her diet and had maintained her exercise, so there was no reason for her to be feeling so unfit. Shaking her head, she sneaked out and headed out on her shorter circuit.

The cold took her breath away and the icy air irritated her throat, which was feeling scratchy and dry. She took a deep breath and coughed, then shook her head. She had been cooped up for a couple of days and she needed her run-so she set out, jogging down the road and slowly lengthening her stride-but as she accelerated, her chest tightened and she felt the urge to cough once more. And then she suddenly had to stop, bending forward and throwing up. Her stomach was basically empty, so all she could bring up was fluid but even the effort fo that left her shaking and weak and as she wiped the tears from her eyes, she realised that she had caught what Hanna had.

Slowly she straightened up. It had been inevitable, for she had spent the best part of the last two days in close proximity to the sick little girl, being hugged and coughed on and puked on-so there had realistically been zero chance she would miss out on whatever vile bug the child was suffering from. Going for the run had been stupid and broke every rule she had learned as an athlete: you don't train with a cough and chest infection. She gave another hacking cough and felt the bile rise in her throat but she swallowed determinedly before she turned back to the house and jogged slowly back up the road. Quietly, she let herself back in and walked to the kitchen, putting on the kettle and clearing away the mugs from the previous night and half-heartedly washing them, her mind momentarily lingering on the time spent with Hiccup-and the warmth of his hug. It had been a spontaneous and genuine gesture that had warmed her. She shook her head. It meant nothing-it couldn't-but for a second, she really wished it had.

But her head was starting to pound and she rose, then searched urgently through the cupboards until found some aspirin. With a sigh, she swallowed two tablets and making herself a warm drink before she sat down and stared across the table, her eyes unfocussed. Hanna wouldn't be going to school for the rest of the week and she doubted that Hiccup would be going in to work this morning. She would need to make breakfast for the pair and as she considered, she felt the nausea rise again. Covering her mouth, she dashed to the downstairs bathroom and just made it before she threw up again. Miserable and bowed over the bowl on her knees, she hung on until the spasms settled and finally sat back on her heels. She groaned. This was going to be a real nuisance.


Hiccup awoke lying on his front, his body sprawled awkwardly on the bed, still in his clothes. His neck was cricked painfully and his head was pounding. Somehow, his mouth also tasted of old carpet-and he didn't actually know what that even tasted like. He squinted and then immediately slammed his eyes closed because the light seemed to be scorching his eyeballs. Resting his head miserably on his pillow, his opened his eyes the merest sliver and found the room was spinning.

"Face it, Hiccup," he mumbled into the pillow, "you are the world's most useless drunk. You have the alcohol tolerance of a flea, the co-ordination of a baby giraffe when drunk and you sing like a cat being minced." He closed his eyes and rubbed his leg: it was stiff but at least he had managed to possess the minimal sense to remove his prosthetic before he went to sleep. Blinking, he sat up and felt the room spin more urgently so he took a couple of deep breaths to calm his roiling stomach. "Really, the alcohol tolerance of a gnat."

Fractured memories began to seep back into his befuddled brain and he frowned. Laughing with Fish in the Bar where Gobber and Mulch had been egging them on as well as buying them round after round and encouraging them to really push the boat out, drinking some ludicrous cocktail as a celebration...or had it been several? He vaguely recalled peering unsteadily at the huge cocktail menu and asking for a Woo Woo, a Rusty Nail, a Sex on the Beach, a Harvey Wallbanger, a Long Island Iced Tea, a Singapore Sling and a Suffering Bastard. He blinked. Vague images of brightly coloured glasses that he and Fish had raced to down as quickly as possible flickered across his memory while Gobber had chanted 'DOWN IN ONE!' And then he groaned even more. Because he now recalled that there had then there had been the Karaoke...

Wearily he scrabbled for his leg and managed to fasten it on backwards before he stood up, fell over, crawled back onto the bed and removed it, then reattached it the correct way round. Scrambling up, he limped to the door and tried to walk quietly along the landing, pausing at Hanna's door. Taking a breath, he peeked inside and saw her quietly asleep: a small smile crossed his face as je saw her still hugging her Olaf. Then he walked slowly to the bathroom, wincing as he closed the door and tried to freshen up. But splashing water on his face, scraping a razor over his stubble and cleaning his teeth did nothing to stop him looking utterly wrecked so after a fruitless attempt to tame his auburn hair which was sticking out in every possible direction except the correct one, he gave up and limped to the stairs. And then he heard the sounds of someone in the downstairs bathroom, throwing up.

He reached the kitchen and saw the kettle just boiled and the mugs sitting ready. There was a packet of ready-mixed waffle batter sitting by the waffle maker, with a punnet of washed blueberries, maple syrup and whipped cream on standby. Smiling, he sloshed the hot water onto instant coffee granules and stirred in three sugars and loads of the whipped cream. Then he limped to the table and sat down opposite Astrid's chair, waiting for her to emerge.

He had managed a couple of miserable sips by the time she emerged, her face pale and looking exhausted. He blinked.

"Wow, you look rough," he managed gruffly as she stared at him.

"You know, I think you look even worse than me," she shot back sarcastically. "Have you seen yourself?" He nodded cautiously.

"Yup. Didn't say I don't look like a total hobo but you always look fantastic...not that you don't look mildly fantastic now..." he added hastily. She frowned.

"I actually think that's precisely what you said," she pointed out as his eyes widened.

"Um...are you okay?" he asked, quickly changing the subject. "I heard you throwing up..." She walked to the sink and scooped up a handful of water, swilled it round her mouth and then spat it out.

"Yeah," she murmured. "I think I've got what Hanna had. I spent a lot of time with her-and she did throw up over me. More than twice." His eyes widened.

"Sorry," he apologised.

"And you're hung over," she guessed. He shrugged.

"I think you already know I am a terminal lightweight as far as alcohol is concerned," he admitted. "And I think that the seven highly alcoholic cocktails I had last night will extract their revenge for the rest of today." She frowned and poured herself a glass of water which she cautiously sipped.

"Is Fish okay?" she asked and he nodded.

"I remember putting him in a taxi and sending him home," he said slowly, sipping his coffee again. "I texted Ruff when I sent him off. Well, I texted her a smiley face. I hope she got the message..." Astrid gave a small smile.

"And you drove home?" she asked. He shook his head.

"I got a Black Sheep Taxi," he admitted. "I remembered you used them. The driver was very nice and he did turn me around when I started walking back onto the road rather than back towards the house." Then he winced. "I hugged you, didn't I? A lot?" She chuckled.

"Moderately," she admitted. "I guess you're working from home today?"

"Not much working," he admitted. "Probably more sleeping. And I doubt I'll see Fish before the weekend. For a big man, he has a worse alcohol tolerance than me."

"Wow. And yours is minuscule!" Astrid commented. Then she paled and took a deep breath. He sighed, realising she was fighting nausea.

"Astrid-you go and rest," he said. "I'll look after Hanna. You go and lie down and I'll bring you some weak orange juice and iced water. And a bowl..."

"I'll take my own," she said as she looked into his tired face, seeing genuine concern and kindness in his glazed eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Never been more sure," he told her with a smile. "I'll just burn some waffles and drink about three more extra-strong coffees then I'll come up and see how you are. And then I'll see how the Terror is doing. I'm sure she'll want to help me look after you."

"Thor help me," Astrid commented, though she was smiling at the thought. Hiccup rose and took her hand, wincing as he put pressure through his prosthetic.

"You looked after Hanna beautifully," he assured her. "Now let us look after you." Then he smiled as she got to her feet and looked into her eyes. "After all, that's what a family does."

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