Protecting You...💙

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A/N: It's a Hardik and Mahi OS just showing how highly protective Mahi is about Hardik that he can even fight with his teammates for him. Because Mahi will always protect his kids, no matter what. This fic is highly inspired by a Hardik-Ro fic I read by bleedblue2011.

Protecting You.

IPL was going on. It was the day before first Chennai vs Mumbai match. MS was a bit down with fever and had a stiff back, so he decided to sit out this match. It wasn't that bad really but MS couldn't risk his health right now, with the world cup approaching, IPL was expendable, India was not.

Hardik was happy to be meeting Mahi bhai after quite a while, and Sakshi and of course Ziva. He also had a date day after tomorrow, with an Italian model. The press didn't know about her and he wanted it that way. Because for the first time in his life he felt a spark about her, he wanted this one to last. He was in terrific form this IPL so much so that people had started talking more about his batting than that damnable KwK interview. So he was in pretty happy space after long time. He had started to get out o the slump of KwK debacle, thanks to his team and specially, Bhuvi, Mahi bhai, Virat and Ro. They had been rock solid by him and he seemed to forgetting it and focusing more on cricket now.

The evening before the match, Hardik went up to MS's room to meet him as both MI and CSK were boarded in the same hotel. Hardik walked into the room to find it completely empty apart from Sakshi sitting on the bed checking out some finance file. It wasn't common knowledge, but Sakshi was the one who actually managed MS's investments.

"Sakshi, where's Mahi Bhai?" Hardik asked.

"I don't know, he probably went to meet Yuvi, he will come back soon, come sit." She smiled at Hardik.

Hardik promptly climbed on the bed and sat beside Sakshi. He was very comfortable with her, he might not call her Bhabi but he saw her as that, just like Ritu, Nupur and all others.

"Actually I needed talk to you too." Hardik said.

"About what?" She asked still looking at the file.

"Put down the file first na" Hardik whined "It's verrrrrryyyyy important Sakshi."

Sakshi sighed and closed the file. "Tell me what is it?" She said turning her undivided attention to him.

"So I have got a date" Hardik said "And this time I swear it's serious."

"Ok, that's great. Who is she?" Sakshi asked.

"Natasha" Hardik said, "I will show you her pic."

Hardik started showing Sakshi the pic of Natasha and discussing the latest watch he wanted to buy her.

When Bhajji and MSD walked in after sometime, after not finding Yuvi in his room, talking about something that had happened in 2004, Sakshi and Harry were deep in conversation about a new jacket Hardik wanted to get for himself.

"Buy the brown one Harry. Lime green jacket is just impractical." Sakshi said for the fifth time.

"But thats so me" Hardik said.

"Yes as useless as you. Hardik listen to me" Sakshi said "That jacket looks hideous."

Bhajji had stopped dead in his tracks. MS hadn't noticed that cause he was smiling at the adorable fight between Sakshi and Harry.

"Hey Harry!" Mahi Bhai said breaking into an involuntary smile on seeing one of his kids.

"Mahi Bhai" Hardik greeted enthusiastically, rushing to hug him.

"What's he doing here?" Bhajji asked suddenly, with coldness in his voice.

"I just came to meet Mahi Bhai." Hardik said.

"Aur tum nahi thhe toh mera sar kha Raha thha." Sakshi said.

"I wasn't Sakshi." Hardik said indignantly "Did you want my last match?" He asked MS clearly wanting some praise.

"Yes I did. You are playing very well Harry." MS said proudly patting Hardik's shoulder "That bat's doing all the talking now."

"Thanks bhai" he said with his eyes lighting up, and a cocky grin making its way to his face "I just imagine Karan's face in the balls."

"Harry!" MS said sternly.

"Sorry" Harry said sheepishly, but that cocky grin never leaving his face.

"I can't believe you are allowing this." Bhajji said with his voice ice cold, looking dissaprovingly at Hardik.

"Allowing what Bhajju?" MS said, genuinely confused.

"To let a filthy brat like him to be near your family. How can you let him be around your wife?" Bhajji said "Aren't you aware of his thinking about women?"

MS could see Hardik's face lose colour visibly. MS had heard about Bhajji's statement to Aaj Tak but he had never expected him to say that on face of an Indian youngster.

"Bhajju, what are you saying?" MS said "of course he is welcome in my room, he is a part of Indian Cricket team, and more importantly he is my little brother. And he has always treated Sakshi with utmost respect."

"Yes" Sakshi said coming to stand beside a visibly shaken up Hardik "he is a part of our family."

"I can't believe this. Never expected such unthinking actions from you Dhoni." Bhajji said.

"Bhajju you don't know him like we do." MS tried again.

"Ohh of course I have been following him, he was with me in MI. He is just an arrogant annoying fool. And now his cheap thinking is also out" Bhajji said "BCCI should have taken stricter actions. And you should be treating him like the filth he is. Thank God atleast your daughter isn't here."

"I am sorry" Hardik said, his voice sounding very very small, "I shouldn't have come here, I will go."

MS's face hardened. He remembered the night of the first tour after Hardik's ban was lifted, how he had found Hardik late in night in the practice ground with bleeding knuckles and soaking wet clothes, taking his frustration out on a punching bag cause the trolls were getting too much for him. Hardik had cried himself to sleep in his arms that night. Now Hardik was in a much better mental space, almost normal, he was not letting anybody push Hardik down like that. Not under his watch at least. Even if that person was one of his long time friends. Nobody hurts his kids like that.

"Bhajju, pls leave my room right now." MS said in level cold voice.

"Dhoni...I am your team mate in CSK" Bhajji said.

"That's why I am politely asking you to leave because nobody has the right talk down to my brother in front of me. And if you hadn't been an Indian player and my friend, the treatment would have been very different" Mahi Bhai said with a kind edge to his voice, Hardik looked at MS like a scared child looks at his gaurdian "Especially after a cheap personal attack like that. Your equation with him is solely your business but you will not stand in my room and hurt Harry. I have given that right to nobody, even Sakshi doesn't have the right to put them down, not that she ever would." MS said, unusual venom in his voice.

"He is right Bhai" Hardik said quietly "I am a bad person I shouldn't be near Sakshi or Ziva. I will go."

"Harry...Harry...nahi bachcha." MS said turning to him and cupping his face "Don't even say that. You are good guy, we all know that, then why do you care what anybody says. How can you go without meeting Ziva? She will be so angry if you do. Phir tu hi Mana na usse main nahi janta."

This successfully drew a smile from Hardik.

"I will go and get Ziva from Sonu's room." Sakshi said, determined to get the message to Hardik and Bhajji that they wanted their daughter to meet Hardik. MS nodded.

"Dhoni are you really telling me, your teammate and friend, someone who was with you in Dada's team to get out of your room?" Bhajju said, shocked by how vehemently Dhoni had defended Hardik.

"Haa bol raha hun" MS said turning to Bhajji with a cold expression, his arm around Hardik "kyunki yeh Dada se hi toh sikha hai ki always protect your pack. Yaad hain in Australia, you abused Simond. Tere against disciplinary action hone Wala thha, Dada wasn't even the captain then, but he fought the board for you. Yuvi and his colourful nights, Dada used check up on him almost every night to keep him out of trouble. He never said get this filth away from me and my family, because he knew us more than the media. And Hardik right here, means as much to me as you guys meant to Dada. So how can I let you verbally demean my kid infront of me. Even if you are my team mate you have no right, and get this very clear, no right whatsoever to insult him like that. I will never tolerate that. You better apologise and leave."

Bhajji looked stunned, MS just went off on him like that, his one arm protectively around Hardik as though he was ready to demolish anyone who would even try to lay a finger on him.

Just then Sakshi entered the room with Ziva, and as soon as the little munchkin saw Hardik she almost dashed to him and out stretched her arms to be picked up and Hardik oblidged.

"Hardik" she said, gurgling happily. For some odd reason they hadn't ever been able to get her call him Chachu or uncle. May be because Hardik called most people by just their names.

"Hardik, tommorow we are going to watch your match." She said happily clapping "I will cheer for you."

"But I will be playing against your Papa." Hardik said "Will you still cheer for me?"

"Yesss...because when you play well...papa is happy." She said innocently "I will cheer for you and Papa's team."

Hardik looked at MS, who was smiling complacently at them and then at the happily bouncing Ziva in his arms and suddenly those words by Bhajji didn't matter any more. Ziva was going to cheer for him, even against her Papa's team. If that wasn't the biggest achievement ever he didn't know what was, he made a mental note to brag about it to Ro, Virat, Kuldeep, Chahal basically anyone who would listen when he met them. And his playing well made Bhai happy, that meant he mattered. And the previous cocky grin made its way back to his face.

"And how will you cheer for me?" Hardik asked his eyes misting over.

"Gooooo Hardiiiiiik" she made a cheerleader like voice and clapped. The almost arrogant grin on Hardik's face conveyed to MS that he was ok again.

"For this you get an ice cream." Hardik said making Ziva squeal.

"No" Sakshi said "No ice creams before dinner."

"She is right" MS said "But after dinner Hardik will take you for ice cream. Won't you Harry?" MS added hastily seeing Ziva's pouty face.

"Of course." Hardik said cuddling Ziva in his chest.

They almost forgot about Bhajji's presence, who was looking at Hardik having this bond with Ziva and realising that he had overstepped in someone's personal space because clearly what had Hardik had with this family is very very personal. And he slowly realised, of course it will be personal, this was the Indian cricket team, and it has always been a family. This was the current team and Bhajju wasn't a part of this family. He did not have right to comment on their bond. He shouldn't have. He didn't know Hardik enough to form an opinion, he should have understood that. No he didn't like Hardik but he realised he should have kept quite.

MS approached him and said "Bhajji I don't wanna fight with you. Please apologise and leave for now, I will talk to you later."

Bhajji decided this was for the best. He approached Hardik who was now throwing Ziva in the air and catching her and she was squealing with delight.

"Hardik I am sorry for what I said" Bhajji said formally "I shouldn't have said that."

"It's ok" Harry said, the natural swagger and arrogance oozing from his voice now that he was sure of himself again with Ziva in his arms.

Bhajji left thinking that he still didn't like Hardik but he had definitely learned to keep it to himself.

Here in MS's room on the other hand, after dinner Ziva nd Hardik were curled on the couch watching some random cartoon on Hardik's phone and sharing a bowl of ice cream.

MS smiled indulgently at the cuteness of the scene. He gently slipped beside Hardik and ruffled his hair. Hardik responded by putting his head on Mahi's shoulder.

"Thanks bhai" Hardik said quietly "for defending me like that."

"I will always do it Harry" MS said sincerely "I will always protect you."

PS: Just an adorable photo of Ziva with Mahi and Harry.

PS: I had watched a video of Ziva cheering for Hardik, and it's the most adorable thing ever. Check it out guys:

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