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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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"This is a terrible idea"

"This is a wonderful idea" The vampire told the shorter boy, whom sighed adjusting his bag filled with supplies, as he stared at the female whom was setting up a trap for one of the teachers, "They won't know it was us, cause I'ma blame it all on creepy smile child, whom I'm certain you have info on?".

"Of course I do, who do you think I am {N/N}, I'm just worried whoever is staying after hours might catch us" he frowned, he wanted to keep his good boy act up as long as he could, even if they were in the school right now setting up pranks for students, and he may or may not have hacked the cameras, "You owe me a sundae after this {N/N} Chan" he told her, he just wanted to get this over with already, "The blonde's name is  Monoma Neito, his quirk allows him to copy other's quirks, interesting he might be a problem for us {N/N} Chan".

"Thank's for that info my green haired Child" The vampire told him, walking towards the chalk board and picking up the chalk and writing something on the board, she smirked about to place the chalk down but the green haired male took it from her adding a few extra words, and she let out a small laugh, "Now that it genius my friend, now onto your class room~" she told him, making her way to class 1.A's classroom.  

The male whom was worried decided to put it off for now following after his friend, whom he was thankful for meeting, though she kinda helped corrupt him in a way by sending him to the V.P.A, that place wasn't as kind as most may have thought, though that was a story for another time, right now he had to get back at a certain blonde male, and now here he was going to do so, oh Kaachan should have never bullied him, for he was a vampire protector , whom had gained a quirk from the symbol of peace himself.

He would have felt bad if it wasn't for the fact he really wanted that sundae, vampires knew how to make tasty ice-cream, and almost all of them at that dinner adored him, he was a cinnamon roll in their eyes, an innocent cinnamon roll.

 ~ ~ ~

The next day Aizawa was more grumpy than usual, his eyes narrowed at the class as something dripped from his head, which he was certain was eggs, someone had set a bucket filled with raw eggs above his desk, and made a trip wire at his desk, so when he went to go stand there the eggs rained upon him, "Who did it?" he asked , tone calm and deadly.

No one spoke up, as Izuku shook in his seat, in what most may have thought was fear, but nah it was excitement, he had helped with most of the pranks, including his own, no need for him to seem suspicious.

Before Aizawa could ask again a ringing went off in the class room, the sound of a timer, and before anyone could do anything , more buckets rained from the ceiling, how no one noticed them was beyond him, and how he didn't notice them was strange, he already got covered in eggs, and soon his students were covered in what seemed to be pancake batter, well everyone but a certain now fuming blonde whom got covered in what seemed to be a bunch of Red food dye.

"Aizawa we need to talk about a student of mine it seems he decided to play a prank on all our classes" A male stated, his gaze narrowed with a confused as hell blonde boy in his grips, whom was claiming none of it was his doing, even when seeing class 1-A covered in pancake batter, eggs and food dye he was still complaining unable to stop.

Aizawa glared at the blonde , he was tired, annoyed and he knew this would postpone the trip they had today by an hour, for this annoying brat would be cleaning his classroom up afterwards, along with all the others.

Unknown to everyone a certain {H/C} Vampire was watching on her phone, giggling while covered head to toe in glitter, yeah she wasn't left out on this prank what so ever, her class was covered in paint, glitter and fake feathers, today would be quite fun.

And no one seemed to noticed a certain Red and white haired male held a heart shaped note in his hands confused, he had been the only one not covered in pancake batter, instead the boy had froze it before it reached him, and he instead went to reading the letter.

It had only been a few days and he got a love letter, now he must figure out who this 'Broccoli Child' was.

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{Seems Reader Chan is playing match maker~}

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