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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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The {H/C} vampire frowned, she was unsure of what to do she never thought she'd see that traitor again, his ego had grown to big he had wanted to win so badly that he lost her trust along the way, he betrayed her he became a traitor.

She remembered the times they had back than, she remembered when they got along so well he was like a son to her, an actual son and Shindo had to go betray her trust, he had to do something so horrible that she didn't think she could forgive him for, and she wouldn't allow it to happen again.

The Cinnamon roll protection squad knew of him as well, and they hated him for what he did, he betrayed the society itself by hurting the one they cared for the most, the one that was at the top, Shindo let his competitive side blind him he allowed his pride to blind him and his ego to grow far to large.

And do to that he was a traitor in her eyes, only a few knew the truth of their past, including the cinnamon roll himself, Izuku was worried that she would do something drastic he just hoped that she wouldn't hurt the male, it wasn't his fault that he let his pride get the best of him, though Izuku did kind of hate the male for what he did, Shindo was kind at first a great friend to Izuku and the vampire but one thing changed that.

A Thing not many have forgiven the male for just yet.

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The Vampire yawned she was quite tired the sunlight was quite draining, and the first part of these exams was quite simple in her opinion she was used to tagging people out with balls, and her being her she had places her targets on her stomach, on her side and one in the middle of her chest, she placed it there for various reasons, the biggest being she liked seeing people blush.

They tried to tell her to change the spot from in-between her boobs but she gave them a look and flipped them off not caring, she wasn't acting herself since this thing started and her classmates were worried about their class mom.

Truth be told they noticed her change in mood ever since Bakugou introduced her to Shindo, speaking of the traitor he had used his quirk to break up the area and split up the students, the vampire knew all to well about his schools 'U.A Hunting' game, she also knew he was breaking the law just by wanting to become a hero.

Well she was doing the same so she wouldn't blame him, though the vampire still didn't trust him, never again.

She passed the first phase just fine, finishing the same time as Todoroki whom decided to try and get some answers from her.

"You are not acting yourself, it has to do with that odd eyed boy correct?" He asked the female taking a seat next to her, he would not admit to it out loud but he was worried about her, she was the other reason why he was changing his ways, why he was  more open and he didn't mind breaking the law because he was a vampire trying to be a hero when she was there along with a certain green haired male, "Do you have a past with him?"

"Yes actually I do, Quake child betrayed my trust, since you are close to me Candy Cane Child I shall tell you what he has done" The vampire leaned in whispering into the younger vampires ear and Shoto's eyes widened slightly at what she was telling him

His fist clenched as his eyes narrowed into a glare "It is decided he needs to be disposed of what he did can not be forgiven" the male mumbled, no he would show no mercy to someone who dared to something like that.

The vampire patted the male on the back with a sigh "He may get forgiven if his pride allows him to apologize for the crime he committed, he was the first protector to be expelled from the academy" she lowed her voice only allowing the male to hear, she frowned slightly "I may say I can not forgive him, I may call him a traitor but the truth is I can not forgive him till he learns to forgive himself, I know what he did is weighing him down, I know he is blaming himself for everything, to get my trust back to gain my forgiveness he must accept himself for whom he is and forgive his own sins".

Shoto gave her a blank look but in reality he was shocked, the male whom was still learning new things about himself had never once heard the female whom always made jokes and threw glitter at people sound this smart before, she actually sounded quite wise, "I do not know what to say, you have shocked me by saying something smart" he told her bluntly.

The vampire sweat dropped she should really stop hanging out with Nezu he was rubbing off on her, "I should really stop hanging out with the bear rat child" she stated, when she did hang out with the male her real self tended to leak out more or if she was feeling strong emotions her facade tended to waver and she let her true self peak through.

"Please do I prefer the joking side than your serious side"

"You don't mean that Candy Cane Child"

"I Do your smart side scares me"

"Broccoli child is correct, you are very blunt"

~ ~ ~

"So Murderous child has came into play are you certain she is whom you say she is?" {Y/N} asked the green haired cinnamon roll staring across the room at a strange female, whom she heard flashed poor Izuku, whom didn't react like most would think it wouldn't be his first time seeing a girl naked I mean he's seen the vampire naked plenty of times because of her cat form.

"I'm certain she slipped me this note" the green haired boy kept his voice quiet like the older female was, they were making certain to keep their plan under wraps, the male slipped a a piece of paper into the vampires hand and she looked it over a smirk making it's way to her face.

"Oh my it would seem Handy man is playing a dangerous game my little cinnamon roll, though it means he's just playing right into our hands" the female whispered, she noticed a certain blonde pervert coming this way and did what any 'sane' person would do to hide evidence.

She shoved the note into her mouth and chewed the paper making sure no one else could read it, "D-Did you just eat paper!?" the electric boy yelled , and everyone turned to look at the girl, "Class mom spit it out come on spit it out don't eat the paper , it's not good for you!".

The female shook her head refusing to spit out the note, at Kamanari began to fuss over her forgetting about what he actually came to do, instead he was worried for his class moms health, and that paper couldn't be good for her.

The female than decided to swallow the chewed up paper making Kamnari freeze and panic some more, having the others in the room sweat drop at the antics, and a blonde female in a hat smile slightly at the scene.

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{Enjoy this interesting chapter that drops a bit of hints of reader Chan's past with Shindo}  

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