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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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"You shouldn't have been able to get here so easily" Chisaki stated his gaze set upon the male whom had just showed up, a blonde whom was wishing to play hero, another that needed to be cleansed and another trying to stop his plans, though it wasn't as if the bird masked male hadn't expected this.

He was playing a game to be the best and when he did he'd cleanse this world and have it start over, starting with the heroes than those vampires, he'd find a cure for them and cleanse their disease.

"I took a short cut and I came to rescue that girl" the blonde male stated, he saw the look in the girls eyes, he wanted to rescue her, he wanted to fix his mistake from earlier, it had taken a week just to plan and today was their attack, and he had went on ahead while the others were trapped by walls or fighting someone else.

"I see you pull your hero face after the circumstances dawn on you, hmm Mr.Student?" The bird mask male questioned the blonde, as his eyes narrowed at the wannabe hero, remembering the first time they met in the alley way, "At That time you noticed, but you simply pretended not to didn't you?" Chisaki sighed "She doesn't even wish to be rescued by you"

Eri stared sadly from the arms she was held by, she was in fear but the fear was being replaced by the pain she was feeling from her head, these past few days she had been getting dreams, dreams of a family she always wanted, dreams that had blurry faces, but as of late those blurry faces have been changing and as of this moment the white haired child's eyes glazed over as she was seemingly remembering something.

"To this girl you're no hero" Chisaki told the blonde wannabe hero as he turned around ready to walk away for he was fed up with this talking.

"That's why I'm here Now" the blonde stated, he would not go along with this, of course he felt terrible for leaving the child before and he hoped to make up for his mistake, the mistake of pretending not to notice, the sake of not being the child's hero at that time.

"It seems I'm not getting through to you, so I'll put it simply." Chisaki began to walk away "You're just going to die" , the bird like male seemed to put a little to much trust in his own plans, just like he put his trust way to much in the cat he found a few days ago, the cat he called Queen, speaking of his precious feline he was unsure where she went, he ignored the sounds behind him as he walked away from the fight the blonde male was having.

~ ~ ~

'Queen' strolled down a hallway her tail moving side to side as she kept her nose out of the fights, the feline was quite curious of how they would go but even so she didn't want her curiosity to get her killed, plus she had better things to do than interfere with what was going on.

Better things which included gathering lintel, she had been here for a week and the backup plan had been in motion ever since she followed the little girl that day, and since than she's been slowly but surely helping the girl remember just what she had forgotten, of course she also had gotten the 'leader' wrapped around her finger or rather her claws.

She had already gathered a lot from this past week, and she had been treated like royalty, she quite enjoyed the time she had here but she knew today was the last day she'd see this base, for she'd soon have to vanish before anyone caught on just who exactly she truly was.

~ ~ ~

A dyed green haired female smirked from behind her mask as she held a gun to the head of a male with a bird mask whom was going on about wanting to fight an injured red haired boy, and killing him when the boy woke up, "I recommend ya don't try and kill the boy he's injured after all darling".

"Who the hell are you b*tch?" the buff bird masked male asked, he didn't even realize he'd been followed after taking the red haired male a pro hero to get patched up, along with his partner, and the male was unable to use a quirk against a gun, because even in a quirk filled world only someone with a hardening quirk could live if shot by a gun.

"My names not important darling" the dyed green haired female didn't dare move her gun from the criminals head, "Ya know your kinda annoying and I've been wanting to try out my new invention on someone as ugly as you", the words seemed to just make the male she was holding captive pissed.

"Doll don't go and angry people" a males voice sounded and a male with brown hair entered the room with a sigh, "Lower the gun, Cupcake is in position" the brown haired male was using nicknames so no one knew whom they truly were, he was quite smart, but not very intimidating due to his rabbit face mask.

"Ya always ruin my fun Rabbit" the dyed green haired female lowered her gun putting it in the holster on her side, she stepped away from the buff bird masked male with a sigh, moving to go stand by the side of the brown haired male in the rabbit mask.

"Who are you?" the pro hero in the room questioned a bit skeptical of these two whom appeared, he couldn't see their faces due to their masks but he wondered if they were a threat to him and the bandaged up red head, whom wasn't conscious at the moment.

"The Cinnamon Roll Protection Squad" the brown haired rabbit masked one told the hero "Were no threat to you Fat Gum" the male turned around to leave the room the green haired female following behind him, leaving the pro hero to wonder just who the Cinnamon Roll Protection Squad was.

~ ~ ~

"But why!" the little white haired girl yelled as she was taken into the arms of the blonde hero in training, her eyes wide in fear "stop you can't" she cried "THAT MAN WILL KILL YOU!" , her head was pounding and she was confused as to why this man would help someone like her.

"I'll never let him make you sad ever again" the blonde male stated and Eri was unsure as to why the males image had changed to the one of a blonde female with her hair tied up, saying those exact same words, "Everything's fine now I'll be your Hero!".

"How filthy" Chisaki stated annoyed "Come back here Eri, don't you care if he gets killed?" the dark haired male was going to use Eri's fear just to get her back, because he knew it would work, "How many times must I tell you before you understand?" Chisaki didn't even look at them overing his face with his arm "You were born to destroy others".

"Mister y-you can't he's gonna-"

"Don't listen to him!"

"I'm always telling you the same thing whenever you start acting selfish like this, then I've gotta go and get my hands dirty" the bird like male peered at them with a blank look "Every single one of your actions is destined to kill people, You are a cursed being"

"HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SAY SUCH A THING TO YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!?" the blonde hero in training yelled, his blood boiling of how the way this dark haired bird masked male was treating this sweet innocent 'little' girl, it was unfair and it was uncalled for.

"What?... Ah, right that old story" the bird like male pulled something out "I don't have any children" the bird like male activated his quirk destroying the land and sending spikes at the blonde wannabe hero and the white haired child, watching the male phase through his attack "Looks like you've got more going for you than just your quirk"

"YOU'D PUT EVEN HER IN HARM'S WAY!" Eri winced a bit at the shouting, she was scared by this her hearing had enhanced somehow, she wasn't paying much attention to the words instead she was occupied by the loud sounds and how she could smell everything at the moment, her eye sight had even gotten a bit better.

"Yep, it doesn't matter if Eri breaks" Chisaki could care less if the girl got broken, "If I reassemble her in time I can bring her back to life, and Eri doesn't need to come out of it pristine, Since I can revert her back to her original state anyway" the bird masked male stared straight ahead his expression unreadable because of his mask, "Trust me Eri, and her Body, Know that first hand".

The blonde male flipped over some more spikes protecting the little girl, his expression quite clearly showing he was pissed, though he was unaware of the change the child herself was experiencing at the moment of this dire situation.

"What are you Going to do if Eri gets Hurt?" The bird masked male asked, his plan setting in motion, he wouldn't allow what belonged to him to be taken away, he'd use his own tactics against the blonde, "Because in this Situation, I'm the only one who can heal her" he was a bit worried about his precious feline hoping she wouldn't come to get hurt, before focusing back on his fight "You can't phase your way out of here while holding onto her, So are you going to fight me here?" the male questioned "Do tell, Mr.School Boy", Chiskai stood up "I sealed away any path out of here through my quirk"

"As for your quirk one hit from this and you can kiss it goodbye" a male in a hood and bird mask stated aiming a gun at the blonde hero in training, the blonde was unsure of what he was going to do, though whatever it was he knew he'd keep Eri safe no matter the cost.

"Aim for that arm that's cradling her Idiot" Chisaki told the male that sat on the ground next to him slightly annoyed, or extremely annoyed.

"The way he uses that quirk is very precise and controlled, I don't think he'd let that happen" the hooded male was slightly annoyed by the fact his friend/boss had just called him an idiot, though no matter he'd try his best.

Chisaki decided to get rid of the spikes he had created earlier so the blonde didn't have much cover, the wannabe hero was quite confused at the lack of spiked but non less "Sorry about this" he told Eri as he covered her and himself with his cape and throwing off the hooded mails aim so the quirk erasing bullets couldn't hit him or Eri.

The hooded bird man was a bit annoyed by this "And here I thought Heroes just wore capes to look cool" the male stated bluntly, though due to this he failed to realize the attack aimed at him, though luckily Chisaki had noticed and sent the male flying away from the blonde phaser.

Chisaki sighed, looking at where the blonde phaser had left 'that thing' in the open, the little girl whom was nothing but a tool in the bird masked males eyes, he was ready to destroy her and that had gotten him a fist to his face, all because he got distracted.

"THE REASON HEROES WEAR CAPES!" the blonde yelled "IS SO THEY CAN TAKE TORMENTED LITTLE GIRLS IN THEIR PAIN AND SUFFERING AND CLOAK THEM IN IT'S COMFORT!", he kicked the cloaked male away from the gun he was reaching for, "THEN PREDICT THEIR NEXT MOVE, THE WAY YOU FIGHT, I'D THINK YOU WERE JUST SOME YAKUZA, YOU'RE NO PUSHOVER CHISAKI!" he phased through the ground "BUT YOU KNOW WHAT!?" he popped out of the ground punching Chisaki in the face again "I'M EVEN STRONGER THAN YOU!"

Eri had been snapped from her own thoughts by the yelling her fear returning, as she watched the scene unfold in-front of her, remembering the words the male spoke earlier of how he'd be her hero, she was scared of what was to become of him, and she was scared of everything she was hearing, everything they were thinking she somehow could hear.

"I WON'T LET YOU LAY ANOTHER FINGER ON HER, I'M GONNA TAKE BOTH OF YOU DOWN!!" the blonde yelled unaware of the flashback Chisaki was having or what the girl he wanted to save was facing, "YOU LOOSE CHISAKI!".

"Don't you dare call me by that name so Flippantly!" Chisaki glared at the air, he was pissed, "I threw that name away" he remembered his past of how he came into the Yakuza, as he did so his reinforcements finally decided to show up at the right time as well, Chisaki wasn't ready to loose neither was he gonna or so he believes.

A male wearing a hat and bird mask popped out from the hole in the wall, pointing a gun at the little girl, the gun loaded with a bullet that would erase someones quirk forever, soon the shot was taken and the blonde rushed to save the girl.

Yet the cost of saving her was having his quirk erased forever.

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{I haven't updated in a while, so here's a long chapter}

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