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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

{Update spree I guess, I'm bored, had a lot of coffee today and can't sleep so yeah, update spree}

{Bye the way {F/L/N}=Fake Last Name}

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The Vampire noticed the day was already coming to an end so she decided to wait till tomorrow to attend , and just couldn't wait to see her protectors face, for now she had stolen a uniform from  a storage closet and gotten something from her broccoli child so the gates wouldn't lock her out of the school.

Having a old friend that seems innocent to most was kinda fun, at the moment she was actually back at home , getting back before the two, somehow, and fixing their window by calling in her villain friend, he didn't even question the broken window and just helped her before leaving.

He did scold her though, he was kinda like a dad almost, even if he was a villain , he was kinda a cool guy, that reminded her of a butler/ over protective mother in a way, anyways the vampire was cooking up some dinner, with a now fully stocked fridge, that she restocked with food, again by calling another one of her various friends, having connections was a great thing in her book.

"Welcome Back grumpy Caterpillar man, and my beautiful troll child, I have made us a wonderful feast of Tortellini pasta , with Alfredo sauce and grilled chicken on the side with a side of a spinach salad and for desert we'll be having Chocolate cheesecake" she told the two that just came through the door, "By The way I fixed your window, and restocked your fridge and pantry , I also had a friend do a favor for me, one which you'll find out tomorrow".

"Don't be so noisy" Aizawa sighed, annoyed from today, but that boy with green haired went a bit past his expectations, he had no control of his quirk but still got through this, he wanted to push the boy and he had, the lazy man sat down at the counter, he also had slightly dry eyes due to an annoying explosive boy, other than that his day was average, "I'm not going to ask who this contact of yours is, I don't care right now, I want quiet, and sleep".

"I thought vampires didn't need to eat" The purple haired male sighed, "I am not a troll , I look nothing like those dolls, don't call me that {Y/N}" Hitoshi didn't quite feel like questioning the girl, whom was still in her cat onesie, "Did you wear that all day?".

"Yep, I have no other clothes at the moment, because my old place was burnt to ashes by some odd guy that was kinda hot" She told him, "Also just cause we don't need to eat doesn't mean us vampires don't enjoy human food, it's not as great as blood but it works I guess" she sat next to the boy, "Also I am claiming your attic, it will now be my lair" she nodded.

"Speaking of windows, one of the older students stated a black cat broke the window in their class setting off an alarm today at school" purple eyes narrowed at the girl, as Hitoshi had his suspicions, "You wouldn't know about that would you {Y/N}?" his tone slightly bored and tired.

"Nope why would I know a thing about a cat breaking a window?" {Y/N} smirked, picking up her form and eating some of her food off her plate, she wasn't gonna tell them, for she liked games, "Now eat your food before it gets cold my little Kitten".

Hitoshi sighed and Aizawa fell face first into his plate of pasta, he had fallen asleep right than and there, to tired to care his face was in a plate of pasta.

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{A Filler Chapter}

{If anyone wishes to draw fan art of them at dinner, feel free, I kinda want to see Aizawa faced down in a plate of pasta}  


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