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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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A female with {H/C} hair smiled a gentle smile as she held out an umbrella to a young female whom sat alone in the rain, "You shouldn't be out in the rain like this young one" she told the girl "Though I do wonder why you sit sadly out here alone, you will catch a cold".

The magenta haired female stared at the older female with a slight frown, she didn't quite see the point why this female worried so much about her without even knowing her, and because of her height she must of believed her to be younger than she actually was, " Why do you care, I'm just a stranger you should only worry about yourself miss" the pink eyed female told the {H/C} female.

"How can I worry about myself when there's someone right in-front of me in need of my help?" the taller female questioned, still holding her umbrella above the shorter females head in order to stop the rain from drenching her, and not minding the rain getting on her instead, she soon sat next to the shorter female, her smile not fading "Do tell me what has you down young one, I don't mean to pry I just wish to know because someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be crying like this".

"I confessed to a guy I liked in a love letter, though I realized it was stupid for all I got because of it was being called a stalker" the magenta haired female was unsure as to why she was telling the taller female this, but saying it felt like a weight lifted off her chest, "I will not make the same mistake again".

"Don't let a boy get in the way of you being happy, humans are cruel creatures young one, but I assure you you'll find someone whom will make you smile again, just keep searching you'll find the one whom is the right fit for you" the {H/C} female patted the magenta haired female on the head, before getting off the ground and pulling the younger female up and pushing the {C/C} umbrella into her smaller hands, "Do remember my words young one, all you have to do is keep on searching" the {H/C} female leaned down placing a kiss on the younger girls head before she began to walk away from the girl.

~Flashback end~

A Magenta haired Twenty One year old held a {C/C} choice umbrella in her hands as she stared at it with a smiled, she had held on to it ever since the day she met that odd {H/C} female, that female whom pushed her to keep searching pushed her to find the person that truly made her smile again.

The right fit for her, and because of those words she never gave up, and because of that she was glad because she had met the person she was searching for, all because of seeing his videos, all because of how gentle he was, no matter what their love would keep blooming.

"La Brava it is time we head out" a males voice called to the female snapping her from her thoughts, as she smiled getting up and following after, not before putting the umbrella in a safe place, the one item the magenta haired female would never put in harms way.

Because that umbrella was magenta haired females most treasured item, and she was uncertain how she would feel if anything ever happened to it. 

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"Here's the rope you asked for young one" the {H/C} vampire smiled handing a rope to the green haired boy, whom knew going out to buy a new rope would be quite stupid seeing as he could just ask the motherly female whom always carried some with her, for various reasons, "I have a feeling this will be quite the interesting performance".

"That it will plus Eri-Chan is looking forward to it, she hopefully is going to smile again because of it" Izuku nodded, a smile appearing on his face as he thought about being on stage, he actually quite enjoyed dancing to him it was another form of fighting, than again his training with All-Might had been bumped up and because of that his personal healer was now the vampire, though the green haired boy still hadn't even told his teacher he was a protector, and he kinda now thinks the blonde male may or may not be an idiot for not noticing it.

"Sweet child's gonna smile so much more now because she remembers who she is, I kinda don't get why her memories swapped but I don't care I got my cute little daughter back, and I'ma spoil her with sweet treats today" the vampire nodded "And ain't no one gonna stop me either!" she was excited to be able to spoil the sweet little child today.

The two's chat was cut off by a crash outside the females dorm room and so they decided to go check it out, making certain Zoe didn't accidentally blow something up, because the dyed green haired female had been the one chosen to help hoist the blonde sparkle boy into the air, and they forgot the rule not to leave her alone.

Luckily nothing was blown up and no one was injured, but everyone had to clean off glitter from the fact someone had let off a glitter bomb, and this time it wasn't the {H/C} female, instead it was Kaminari whom accidentally did so.

Thus having him be put in time out by the {H/C} female for five minutes, before they began to prepare for the culture festival, which started at ten, they had a few hours to spare, and the {H/C} female couldn't quite shake the feeling something interesting indeed was going to happen.

And she wasn't sure if she be worried or excited because of it, though unaware to the female today was the day she'd meet someone she hadn't seen in a few years, someone that she had pushed to find a way to smile again.

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{Oh my things are getting quite interesting coming up: Sugar rushes, Culture Festivals, smiles and a reunion between two}     

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