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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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The {H/C} female narrowed her eyes at the T.V screen, it would seem the league of villains were attacking again and this time Endeavor was smack dab in the middle of it, she really wished that nomu killed him, that would have ended everyone's misery, but alas it would seem no one was that lucky.

Though she supposed she should show a little bit of sympathy, than again seeing as she had a meeting in the morning with said league it would be quite odd, also she had kicked the red haired flaming trash male in the balls at the sports festival, that man would never live it down because people had made T-Shirts, by people she meant two certain people, that being Zoe and Rory, she was pretty certain it was their way of selling even more cinnamon rolls.

She had more things to worry about than the number one jack*** getting his a** handed to him by a Nomu, because as said before she would be meeting with the league in the morning, she needed to make certain they held off on their attacks for a while, laid low for a while, or else how was her plan to work if the public thought it was the villains planing it instead of her?

Than again she had began to think over the time she hadn't spoken to them, she of course kept in touch with her lovely murderous friend over the two months that had past on by, and while time passed by and months came by the vampires ball drew nearer, and due to them getting in her way letting them stay at one of her many mansions would benefit both her and them in more way's than one.

"That looks like it hurts worse than me kicking him in the balls a few months ago" The {H/C} female commented, flinching slightly at the scene, she had to make it seem like it affected her, even though she felt like bursting out laughing at the so called number ones predicament, "Than again nothing hurts worse than my kicks cause honey I don't skip leg day, I gotta speak with bear rat dog child for a day off tomorrow apparently my agent booked me a entire day of photo shoots with a Snake Child".

"I never quite knew you did photo shoots {F/L/N}-San" Momo was quite interested in this news, taking her gaze off the T.V she noticed the {H/C} female was trying to lighten the mood, which was highly welcomed for she knew the right time when to lighten other peoples moods, 

"Well I do Creative Child, and let me say I have done a lot of photo shoots with different heroes, I'm kinda surprised no one recognizes me when I show up on T.V" The {H/C} female tapped her chin in wonder how come no one quite realized just whom she was, it was as if someones quirk was affecting them or some sort of power, for none of the heroes seemed to realize whom she was, unless her old friend had something to do with it, she would have to ask quite later, instead she had to lighten up the mood which she was doing quite well of doing, "Also I may have forgotten to mention that I am quite wealthy myself, I kinda forgot to be honest, I mean I only ever use money for glitter and sun screen".

"That is quite a surprise to hear as well, you should really tell us more about yourself {F/L/N} we barely know anything about you other than your love for glitter and giving people nicknames" the black haired female was quite curious of to know more about the {H/C} female now.

"She's right we barely know anything about you, and I'm your best friend" Mina pouted wanting to know more about the {H/C} female, and thus led to everyone else in the room whom barely even knew the girl to wish to learn more.

And because of them wishing to learn more it made the vampire quite nervous, because she was quite worried she would let something slip accidentally and she didn't want that, she had already said a bit to much, was she loosing her edge? was she trusting these humans? than again what she told them was pretty well known, and that is how she figured out why no one noticed her, it was because of one main fact.

This entire time no one knew of her because she refused to speak of her true last name, all this time she had been lying to these humans about what her true last name was, they of course knew her first name it was common/uncommon among many, but if she were to add her real last name to it, immediately her cover would be blown, she'd have to give credits to the green haired boy for his quick thinking for he was the one whom had placed her in the school in the first place.

She faked a yawn not caring of how early it was at the moment, "It would seem I'm quite tired, I'ma go take a nap now bye" she made her escape from her classmates, refusing to allow them the catch her, even Sero's tape couldn't catch her in time before she was heading back to the safety of her lair, which of course was her bedroom.

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{There are Three more chapters left after this one plus the epilogue before this book ends, I quite loved writing it, though all good things must end, secrets come into the light, the truth is soon to be show}  

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