Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


       I still hadn't gotten used to going through portals, no matter how many times I had been through them the past week. This portal was especially had to go through because we traveled quite far instead of just somewhere in the city, or even the state.

       As soon as I stepped out of the portal, I stumbled a bit and Jerome had to quickly grab my arm. "You said it gets easier," I said. "It's not getting easier."

       Jerome chuckled. "I know. It's only been a week, Nolan. Give it a few more. Besides, we're traveled over three-thousand miles. Of course it's going to be hard."

       "You make it seem so easy," I said. 

       "Uh, because portals are my main mode of transportation," Jerome said. "It's a lot easier than getting in a car, or a bus, and having to deal with traffic."

       I shuddered. "Buses. Gross."

       "You're not a bus person?" Jerome asked.

       I shook my head. "Definitely not. Too many people. I can't handle it. So, where are the BeaverTails? I need some food in my mouth."

       Jerome led me through the Whistler village, and to a stand where the BeaverTails were being made. He asked which one I wanted, but there was too much to choose from.

       In the end, I ended up choosing s'mores. Jerome paid for mine and his, and we waited for them to get made.

       After they were made, we sat down at a table and I took a bite out of the BeaverTail and I immediately died. "Oh my gosh," I said. "This is so good."

       "I know, right?" Jerome said. "I really missed having these. I think I have to start coming here more often. I really love being able to go basically wherever I want."

       "I can see that," I said. "It must be fun, travelling the world without having to pay for a plane ticket. Or even go on a plane."

       "It has its benefits," Jerome said. "Which is basically everything about it."

       Shortly after we both finished eating the BeaverTails, I got a text message, so I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see who it was.

       "We have to go," I said when I read the text. "Orchid said the HQ is under attack. Can you portal us directly to the training room?"

       "Yeah, of course," Jerome said.

       We stood up from the table, and he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the crowd and where nobody was watching before making a portal and pulling us both inside.

       The nausea, of course, arrived as soon as I was out of the portal and in the HQ's training room, but I ignored the feeling and went to the weapon stand, grabbing my bow and quiver. I placed the quiver on my back before Jerome and I walked out of the training room, and that was when we saw what was going on.

       Dirk had recruited a lot more supernaturals to be on his side, because he was here with a lot more and they were all attacking the Protectors.

       Dirk spotted us, then told his girlfriend Cheryl to convert Jerome to their side.

       Cheryl used her vampire speed to stand in front of us, then attempt to enchant Jerome. "Welcome to our side," Cheryl said.

       "Sorry, but I'd rather stay on the gay side," Jerome said before creating an energy ball and throwing it at Cheryl, causing her to go flying.

       "I need to look for Tulip," I said. "She's normally here at this time training and I have to make sure she's okay."

       Jerome nodded, and then I turned invisible so I could look for my sister undetected.

       I found her at the end of a hallway, surrounded by four people on Dirk's side. "What do you say?" one asked. "Think she would be good to use as blackmail?"

       Not on my watch.

       I turned visible again, reaching for an arrow from my quiver and placed it in the arrow rest before pulling the string back and shooting the guy with his back towards me right in the shoulder. 

      The pain caused enough distraction for Tulip to push pass him and run directly in my arms. The other three ran towards us, but I quickly turned us invisible and moved us to the side. They just thought we disappeared.

       "Are you okay?" I asked Tulip.

       Tulip nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay," she said, though her voice was shaking a bit.

       I took Tulip's hand in mine to keep the invisibility on her as well while I made out way back to Jerome, who was now in a fight with Dirk.

       "You have your slingshot on you?" I asked and Tulip nodded. "Great, let's see what you can do. Want to hit Dirk for me?"

       Tulip smiled mischievously, so I released her hand and grabbed an arrow from my quiver just in case.

       Tulip's slingshot was sitting in her belt, so she grabbed it and reached for a pellet in the pouch. She placed it in the slingshot and aimed it right at Dirk's foot. She hit him directly there, and it caused him to topple over.

       "Jerome, I need you to get my sister out of here," I said.

       "Got it," Jerome said. "Think you can handle Dirk?"

       "I'll try," I said.

       "Alright, I'll be back as soon as I can," Jerome said. He created a portal and took Tulip's hand before walking through it.

       Dirk stood up and smirked at me. "Go ahead, shoot me with an arrow. I doubt you'd be able to."

       "I've done it once," I said, aiming it towards him. "I'll be more than happy to do it again."

       "Be my guest," Dirk said. I was about to shoot the arrow, but he kept talking. "You know, it was such a shame we couldn't convert you to our side. It would have been perfect for us to have someone to use against Jerome."

       "What are you talking about?" I asked.

       "I've not Jerome for years," Dirk said. "He doesn't open himself up to just anyone, and you two have been spending a lot of time together. We would have had the perfect leverage against him. If only I brought along a male vampire to enchant you instead."

       Dirk suddenly fell on his back when Alan came out of no where and swiped the pole of his spear at Dirk's feet. "Wow, you're a weak villain," Alan said. "Monologues and talking get you nowhere."

       Dirk got up, but a sudden blue energy appeared around him and pushed him up against the wall. I looked to see Jerome with blue energy coming out of his hands, keeping Dirk pressed up against the wall. "Call off your team," he said.

       "Never," Dirk said.

       Jerome made the energy tighten around Dirk, causing him to cry out in pain. "I'm not going to ask again," he said.

       "Okay," Dirk said. "Okay, fine."

       Jerome must have not trusted Dirk, and I could see why, because he kept the energy coming from one hand and made a portal with the other. Dirk told the people on his side to leave the HQ now and once the last person left, Jerome dropped Dirk to the ground.

       Dirk left through the portal and it closed. "Why'd you let them leave?" I asked.

       "Because a lot of people on his side were already captured and in the cells," Jerome said. "Besides, it would have been the only way to stop the fight without getting someone killed. How did they get in, anyway?"

       Alan shrugged. "We don't know. Normally, we have a pretty good security system but it didn't work for some reason. We'll obviously need a better one."

       "I'll talk to your grandpa about setting up a barrier," Jerome said. 

       When Jerome walked over to Grandpa, I looked at Alan. "Thanks, for helping me out," I said.

       "Of course," Alan said. "We're brothers, it's what we do. Brothers also tell each other everything, so why haven't you told me that you're gay?"

       I sighed. "I just can't say it out loud yet. I don't know why. It's just hard for me to say those three words."

       "There's nothing wrong with it," Alan said.

       "I know," I said.

       "So....You and Jerome, huh?"

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

       "Uh, your obvious crush on him. It's clear that you like him. Well, it's clear now that I know you're gay."

       "Of course I like him. Have you seen him? He's...." Words couldn't even describe how good looking Jerome was. Everything about him was perfect, and I swear he was actually photo-shopped.

       Alan chuckled. "Well, good luck with that."

       "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

       "Uh, I mean good luck with trying to date a supernatural," Alan said. "Protector and supernatural relationships have always been frowned upon in the Tribunal of the Protectors."

       "Since when?" I asked. If anything, the heads of the Protector Circle were perfectly fine with Protectors and supernaturals being together. That way, any offspring would have a fifty-fifty chance of either being a Protector or a supernatural.

       "Since the number of Protectors have been going down and down every year," Alan said. "Weren't you paying attention the last time a member of the Tribunal came down here to establish new rules? Why do you think Orchid and Atticus haven't really outed their relationship yet?"

       "That's why? Because Protector and supernatural relationships are frowned upon?" I asked. "I thought it was because Dad and Sebastian don't get along at all."

       "Well, that's part of it," Alan said. "You still going to go for Jerome?"

       "How can I resist with someone that perfect?" I asked. "Besides, it's not like I'll be able to have any children anyway. know does have its advantages. The Tribunal shouldn't get mad if I'm not going to have any children."

       "If you say so," Alan said. "But you know how strict and temperamental they can be."


Seriously though, Jerome is perfect and everything is perfect about him. Nolan is perfect too. (is that egotistical to say since nolan is my alter ego lol)

Ooh, speaking of, I ended up getting an A on my presentation. :D My professor said I seemed very confident and prepared despite my anxiety.

And now, I shall insert a gif of the most perfect couple in the world and anyone who disagrees can fight me. (ง •̀_•́)ง

(ง •̀_•́)ง(ง •̀_•́)ง(ง •̀_•́)ง

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