Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


       The HQ had completely gone downhill since Grandpa Gary was put in charge. He was overworking us a lot, and a lot of arguments had been breaking out. 

       He insisted on training starting at seven in the morning for everyone, and most of the time we didn't get back home until eleven o'clock at night, sometimes later if we were sent on a mission.

       There were some people who agreed with the way Grandpa Gary was running things, saying it was best for the HQ and we were slacking before.

       The rest of us, mainly my family, disagreed with it. He was being way too strict and honestly, I was surprised he was letting me stay in a relationship with Atticus. Then again, with all the time we had been spending at the HQ, I rarely had time to visit him, and when someone had to go talk to the werewolves, I was not allowed.

       To make things even worse, Grandpa Gary also did not want us in communication with Nolan. He didn't want us talking to our own brother, just because Nolan quit. We were still family, and the fact that he was not a Protector anymore shouldn't change anything.

       At least Grandpa Gary either forgot or didn't realize Mae was Jerome's step-sister because Ryder was still allowed to talk to Mae and she would always tell us how Nolan was doing.

       Apparently, Nolan was handling not being a Protector really well. He didn't seem to be too bothered by it and if he did, he was doing very well at hiding it.

       A lot of us have been trying to convince Grandpa Gary to let Nolan back into the Protector Circe, but he wasn't listening at all.

       I felt close to giving up, but Ryder and Alan weren't ready to.

       So, once again at noon when Grandpa Gary scheduled a lunch break for everyone, the three of us went to his office to talk to him.

       As soon as he saw us, he scoffed. "You three will never give up, will you?" he asked.

       "We'll give up once you let our brother, your grandson, back into the Protector Circle," Alan said. "You had no right kicking him out like that."

       "I didn't kick him out," Grandpa Gary said. "He quit."

       "Yeah, he quit because you forced him to choose between being a Protector and someone who saved his life," Ryder said. "If it weren't for Jerome, he wouldn't even be alive right now."

       "What's the big deal about Jerome anyway?" Alan asked. "He's the one who is, was, helping out us the most. He created a barrier around here so it will be harder for Dirk's team to come in, he figured out that the first three killings weren't a werewolf attack, and he's the one who figured out Dirk was the one behind the recent killings."

       "Yes, and he's also a hypocrite," Grandpa Gary said.

       "What makes you say that?" Alan asked.

       "Oh, he didn't tell you?" Grandpa Gary asked. "Yeah, a while ago, he also killed someone."

       I looked at my brothers before looking back at Grandpa Gary. There was no way Jerome would actually kill someone. While I hadn't known him for too long, I knew he wasn't the type of guy to kill someone. 

       Unless it was Dirk because I think we would all kill Dirk if we had the chance.

       "You're lying," Alan said. "Jerome wouldn't kill someone."

       "Are you sure?" Grandpa Gary asked. "Because I have proof."

       "And that is what exactly?" Alan asked.

       "The head of the sorcerers," Grandpa Gary replied. "I can even get her down here so she can tell you for herself."

       "Yeah, you better do that," Alan said. "Because I'm not believing it until I hear it with my own ears."

       And until I read the head sorcerer's mind so I would know if she was telling the truth or not.

       Grandpa Gary shooed us out of his office so he could make the phone call and once we were out, Alan said, "Well, I'm not believing it. While we barely know Jerome, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to kill. He got pissed at Dirk's group for killing innocent people."

       "Unless that's his conscience talking," Ryder said. "He could probably still feel the guilt."

       "Are you seriously doubting him?" I asked. "Alan's right. Jerome isn't the type of guy to kill."

       "Hey, I'm a logical thinker," Ryder said. "Why would the head sorcerer lie about it?"

       "Logical?" I asked. "If you were a logical thinker, you would have found out Nolan was gay the minute he wasn't able to be charmed by Mae."

       "Yeah, Mr. Logic," Alan agreed.

       "Hey, you never found out either," Ryder pointed out.

       "Yeah, but we're not talking about me," Alan said. "I think we can all agree that I'm the stupidest one in the family, so you shouldn't have high expectations from me."

       Grandpa Gary walked out of his office. "Well, we have to go meet her outside. She can't portal in here."

       "Yes, because of the barrier Jerome put up to make sure only certain people can get in," Alan said. 

       Grandpa Gary ignored Alan's statement as he lead us outside of the HQ where a woman was standing. "Thank you for coming," Grandpa Gary said to her. "Now, can you tell my grandchildren exactly why I didn't want the Protector Circle to be associated with Jerome Roy?"

       "Of course," the woman said. "Two years ago, Jerome Roy killed an innocent bystander using his magic, so we had no choice but to kick him out of the Sorcerer Circle."

        I wasn't going to just take her word for it, even if she was the head of the sorcerers. I needed actual proof, so I tried reading her mind.

       However, for some reason, I wasn't able to. That wasn't possible. I was able to read anyone's mind, no matter what.

       Unless she put a block on it because she didn't want me to know the truth.

       Grandpa Gary looked at me. "Orchid, I assume you tried reading her mind to know if she was telling the truth. Was she?"

       "Yeah, she was," I said.

       "There you go," Grandpa Gary said. "That is why I didn't want the Protector Circle to be associated with Jerome." He looked back at the woman. "Thank you for your time."

       "Anything to make sure Jerome Roy doesn't harm anyone else," the woman said before leaving through a portal.

       "Now, I hope this will put you three at rest to try allowing your brother back in," Grandpa Gary said. "He made his choice, so he has to live with it. Are you three done?"

       "Oh, definitely," Ryder said, and he sounded very angry.

       "Good," Grandpa Gary said before heading back inside.

       Ryder then immediately headed towards his car. "Where are you going?" Alan asked.

       "To get my little brother," Ryder said. "There's no way I'm letting him stay with a killer."

       "Whoa, let's not overreact," Alan said. "It was two years ago, and we don't know the full story. It could have been an accident."

       "Accident or not, he's dangerous," Ryder said. "I don't want him hurting Nolan."

       "Hurting Nolan?" Alan asked. "Ryder, he saved Nolan's life. He's not going to hurt Nolan."

       Ryder didn't reply as he got into his car. Alan and I looked at each other before quickly getting into Ryder's car as well. "Ryder, can I just--" I began, but he cut me off.

       "You can come, but no convincing me otherwise," Ryder said. "And please, don't distract me while I'm driving."

       Ryder was really stubborn at times and would not let talk at all during the car ride to Jerome's apartment, or while we were making our way up the elevator. 

       When we got outside Jerome's apartment, Ryder knocked on the door and Jerome, like always, opened it with his magic. The three of us walked in and I closed the door behind me.

       Nolan was sitting on the couch, looking at the spellbook, but when we walked in her looked at us and gave us a smile. "Hey."

       "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Jerome asked.

       "Oh, nothing," Ryder said. "I just want to know why you killed someone two years ago."

       "Yeah, I'm going to need you to refresh my memory," Jerome said. "Because I do not recall ever killing someone. Why would you think I would?"

       "That's why our grandfather didn't want the Protector Circle to be associated with you," Ryder said. "Because you killed someone."

       "Ryder, Jerome never killed anyone," Nolan said.

       "You don't get a say in this," Ryder said. "The head of the sorcerers told us that you were kicked out of the Sorcerer Circle. Why would she lie about it?"

       "Well, she was telling the truth about one thing," Jerome said. "I was kicked out of the Sorcerer Circle, but not for killing someone. I was kicked out for being gay."

       Since I wasn't able to read the head of the sorcerer's mind, I read Jerome's mind to double check.

       "He's telling the truth," I said.

       "What?" Ryder asked. "But... You said the head was telling the truth."

       "I did, but next time, stop being so stubborn and let me explain before you go on a rampage," I said. "I wasn't able to read her mind. It was like she put a block on it. I just said she was so Grandpa Gary would leave us alone."

       "She probably did if she knew your ability was mind reading," Jerome said.

       "I don't get it," Ryder said. "Why would she lie about it?"

       "Because she hates my guts," Jerome said. "After I was kicked out, my dad left as well because while he doesn't agree, or really understand, me being gay, I'm still his son and he didn't want to abandon me."

       "I still don't get why that would make the head hate you," Ryder said.

       "The head of sorcerers is his mom," Nolan said. "His dad also divorced her after it happened, and she blames Jerome for it even though it's one hundred percent her fault. A lot of the sorcerers didn't have a problem with Jerome being gay, so she shouldn't have kicked him out just because she didn't agree with it."

       Ryder said. "I'm sorry, Jerome, for assuming otherwise."

       "Like I said, don't be so stubborn next time," I said. 

       "See? I knew Jerome wouldn't kill someone," Alan said before looking at Jerome. "I was on your side the whole time, by the way. I knew you weren't capable of killing someone."

       "I am," Jerome said. "If that someone is Dirk."

       "I think we're all capable of killing Dirk," Alan said. "So, since we're here, can we stay a bit? I miss my baby brother?"

       "Yeah, of course," Jerome said.

       "Uh, I'm not your baby brother," Nolan said.

       "You're younger than me," Alan said.

       "Yeah, by seven minutes," Nolan said. "And who's taller? Oh, right, me."

       "You're taller than Ryder but you're still his baby brother," Alan said. "So how are you holding up not being a Protector?"

       Nolan shrugged. "I don't really care, to be honest. There wasn't much I could do as a Protector anyway."

       "That's not true," I said.

       "It is," Nolan said. "My weapon was designed so I can't kill anyone."

       "Yeah, but being a Protector isn't about killing people," I said. "It's about Protecting people, and you're one of the smartest Protectors we have." I sighed. "Had. We're trying to convince Grandpa Gary to change his mind."

       "Don't bother," Nolan said. "Really, I'm fine with it."

       I knew my brother, and he was putting up a good front, but I could tell he wasn't fine with it.

       Mainly because I read his mind, and all he was thinking about was how much he missed the Protector Circle.

       He was also thinking about Jerome.

       "Well, if you're sure," Ryder said. "Are you sure?"

       "I'm sure," Nolan said. "I'm happy here and besides, all the free time I've had made me and Jerome a lot closer to deciphering all the spells. We have three more and then the whole book is done."

       "Yeah, and even while he's not a Protector, that's not going to stop the two of us from taking Dirk down," Jerome said. "Dirk just made things a lot more personal trying to kill Nolan, so we're not backing away."

       "If you ever need the help, tell us," Alan said. "We're used to defying our grandfather because he sucks. We'll help you if we need it despite what he tells us."


It's true, Gary sucks.

Not as much as my life though hahahahaha help me.

ANYWAY, I made a bunch of gifs and while Rhys isn't in this book, HERE'S A GIF OF RYDER AND RHYS because why not?

Okay, and I have to do another one:

That moment when Genesis is in the background

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