Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


       I knocked on the door to Jerome's apartment, expecting it to fly open with his magic like it normally did. It didn't happen. Instead, Mae was the one who opened the door, giving me a smile and I couldn't help but smile back as she let me in the house.

       "Is my brother here?" I asked. 

       "No, but he should be back soon, so you can wait here until he gets back," Mae said.

       "Thanks," I said as I took off my shoes and closed the door. "Where is Nolan, exactly?"

       "I'm not too sure, but I think he's in Paris," Mae said.

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why would he be in Paris?"

       "For a date with Jerome," Mae said. "Nolan's really lucky dating a sorcerer because they get to travel anywhere in the world for their dates. So, how's the HQ going?"

       "Better now that Gary was forced to step down as the head, so my other grandfather is back in charge," I said. "So, as it turns out thanks to my wonderful sister the telepathic, Gary actually kicked Nolan out for being gay. He heard Jerome had a boyfriend in the Protector Circle, so once finding out it was Nolan, he kicked him out and lied by saying it's because Jerome killed someone."

       Mae scoffed. "Wow. I never get why people kick someone out of a group for being gay. And to be clear, I'm talking about Jerome's mother."

       "Oh, yeah, that reminds me," I said. "Gary was, probably still is, sleeping with Jerome's mom."

       "Are... Are you serious?" Mae asked. "That's... Okay, I have nothing against age differences, but he's a grandfather and she's just a mom. But they actually kind of suit each other, like kicking their family members out of a group for being gay."

       "Tell me about it," I said. "I'm just happy Nolan can come back now. I know he said he's okay, but once I tell him our true grandfather is back, he'll jump at the chance to be a Protector again. And speaking of, that means you'll be allowed to come to the HQ and have me train you again. I mean, if you're up to it."

       "And have an excuse to see you every day?" Mae asked with a smile. "I wouldn't miss it."

       I smiled back and at that moment, a portal opened up and Jerome and Nolan walked in. Way to ruin the moment.

       "Hey, Ryder," Nolan said. "What are you doing here?"

       "Bringing you back to the HQ," I said, and he opened his mouth but I stopped him and continued. "Before you disagree and say that you're happy here, Gary is no longer the head. Grandpa is back."

       "Really?" Nolan asked. "Why? I thought Martha wanted someone strict."

       "Yes, strict, but not a liar, cheating douche-bag," I said. "Though, it's not really cheating since Grandma Gertrude divorced him a long time ago, thank goodness. Long story short, Gary actually kicked you out because you're gay, and he's also sleeping with Jerome's mom."

       "What?" Jerome asked. "That's... Oh my Gosh, I think I want to barf."

       "Yeah, exactly our reactions," I said before looking back at Nolan. "So, you are going to come back, right?"

       Nolan didn't reply right away. Or at all.

      "Nolan, what's wrong?" I asked. "We know you love and miss being a Protector. You can come back now that Grandpa is back in charge, and you know how easy he goes on you."

       Nolan sighed. "It's just... I kind of like being here. I don't feel all this pressure living at home since it's right above the HQ."

       I chuckled. "Nolan, come on. You have a sorcerer as a boyfriend. He can easily transport you to the HQ if you really want to stay here."

       "Yeah, I definitely would," Jerome said. "You've told me yourself that you really miss being a Protector. You can still be one and stay here. Just get one of your siblings to text you when you're needed there."

       "I'd be more than happy to do that," I said. 

       "Really?" Nolan asked.

       "Yes, really," I said. "Not all Protectors live in that building. Some live further away. You won't be the first one not living above the HQ. So, will you come back and be a Protector again?"

       Nolan smiled. "Yeah, of course. Can we go there now? I really do miss it."

       "I'll come too," Jerome said. "I should strengthen the barriers a bit since it does weaken overtime."

       "Ooh, I'll come," Mae said. "I need to get out of the house, and I miss Tulip. She's a crazy girl and I love it."

       "Well, I unfortunately can't take a portal since I drove here, so I will meet you three there," I said.

       As soon as I got back to the HQ, I headed to the main area where Nolan was talking with Dad, probably about seeing if he would still be able to stay at Jerome's apartment. I honestly think it would be best for Nolan. He always got stressed out too easily, and living right above the HQ was one way to stress him out. It was like he couldn't separate his Protector life from his home life.

       I suddenly saw someone in the HQ that really shouldn't be in here, so I waled over to her. "Uh, how did you get in here?"

       April furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you talking about? I just walked through the front doors."

       "Well, you shouldn't be able to with magical barriers up," I said. "Just wait one second. Actually, no, I don't trust you. Come with me."

       April rolled her eyes and followed me around the HQ until I found Jerome, who was currently strengthening the barrier. 

       I waited for him to finish and when he did, I said, "Your barrier didn't work."

       "Uh, it always works," Jerome said. "Why would you think it didn't?"

       "Because this... person was able to just walk through the doors," I said.

       "Any supernatural with a pure intention is allowed in," Jerome said.

       I snorted. "Pure intention? April? Yeah, right."

       "Well, maybe you should hear what I have to say," April said. "I want to help the Protectors take down Jerk."

       "Dirk," I corrected.

       "Hush, Ryder, let the lady speak," Jerome said.

       "So, I'm sorry for not believing you before about Janelle," April continued. "I just didn't think my niece of all people would go to his side. Not only that, but she's been convincing other members of my clan to join them. I lost quite a few, but I also taught them everything they know. If anyone can take down my ex-clan members, it's me."

       Before I could say anything else, Nolan, Orchid, and Alan walked over. "What's going on here?" Alan asked.

       "I want to help you take down Jerk's team," April said.

       "And how can we believe you?" I asked.

       "Well, for starters, she ended up making it through the barrier," Jerome said. "Pure intention, remember?"

       "Thank you," April said, giving Jerome a smile. "I'm April, by the way."

       "I'm Jerome," Jerome said.

       "Nice to meet you," April said.

       "She's telling the truth," Orchid said. "About helping us. In fact, she's kinda... Okay, really pissed at Janelle for betraying her."

       April furrowed her eyebrows. "How did you know that's what I was thinking?"

       "My Protector ability is reading minds," Orchid said. "That's how I was able to tell a couple weeks ago that nobody in your clan had anything to do with the three killings."

       "Don't tell her that," Alan said.

       "Oh, relax, she wants to help us out," Orchid said. "I think it's safe for her to know."

       "I wish I had a special ability," Jerome said.

       "Aren't you a sorcerer?" April asked.

       "Yes, but almost every other sorcerer can do what I can," Jerome said. "I want my own special thing."

       "Oh, come on, I'm sure you're pretty special in your own way," April said, again with a smile that seemed way too flirty.

       Which didn't pass by Nolan.

       "Yeah, hi, he's gay," Nolan said. "Move along." He then grabbed Jerome's hand and led him away from all of us.

       "Aww, he's such a precious little cinnamon roll protecting his boyfriend like that," Orchid gushed.


Nolan is such a precious cinnamon roll. <3

Okay, so I'm a bit more accepting with my dad's new internet rule since he actually unblocked Wattpad, so I can be on it as long as I want (even past midnight ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ))

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