Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


       Mae was learning how to fight with a sword quite quickly. I had been teaching her every single day since Grandpa replaced Gary as the head, and she had been close to beating me a few times.

       Of course, she was never close enough because nobody was able to beat me in a spar.

       Except for Elizabeth.

       After Mae and I finished today's lesson, Mae placed the sword back in the weapon stand. "Thanks for teaching me how to fight with the sword," she said. "I'll feel a lot better if Dirk's team attacks the HQ again. Or if we get into some other fight."

       "No problem," I said. "You're getting really good."

       "Almost as good as you?" Mae asked.

       I chuckled. "Yeah, that's not possible."

       "Do you ever tone down your arrogance?" Mae asked.

       "No," I said. "Why would I do that? Arrogance is in my family's blood."

       "That, I can see," Mae said. "I know I keep saying this, but thank you for teaching me."

       "Hey, it's no problem," I said. "I really like spending time with you."

       Mae smiled. "I really like spending time with you."

       Every time we were having a moment, every single time, we were always interrupted. Mainly by Alan. He seemed to have a knack for interrupting all of his siblings.

       "Ryder," Alan said as he walked into the training room.

       I sighed and looked over at him. "What do you want?" I asked.

       "Long story short, Tulip might be in danger," Alan said.

       "Wait, what?" I asked. "Yeah, I think I'm going to need the longer version of the story. Now."

       "Okay, so, since Grandpa didn't agree with my idea on ambushing Dirk's stupid team, I decided to go to their hideout and spy on them," Alan said.

       "Whoa, hold on," I said. "How did you find out where their hideout was?"

       "Oh, Elizabeth showed me," Alan said. "She found out where it was by placing a tracking device on one of those goons when they attacked the HQ."

       "And... Why hasn't she told anyone?" I asked.

       "Are you going to keep asking questions or are you going to let me finish the story?" Alan asked. "She hasn't told anyone because one, Grandpa wouldn't agree to an ambush and two, if word got around they would find another hideout. Anyway, while we were there spying on them, they said that they're going to do something to try to get Dirk back. Kidnap Tulip, so we'd have to do a trade. Dirk for Tulip. I already told Grandpa and Dad, but I thought I'd tell you since you wouldn't let anything happen to Tulip."

       "So... They're going to try kidnapping Tulip?" I asked. "Any chance you can tell me where they're hideout is? For... educational purposes?"

       Alan snorted. "No. Ryder, we need them to stay where they are. If they're moving from place to place, there's no way we could keep an eye on them. Elizabeth and I are going to go back there and plant a microphone and camera."

       "So you want me to sit back and do nothing while my little sister can be in danger?" I asked.

       "You're not going to be sitting back and doing nothing," Alan said. "There's no way they can get their hands on Tulip when she's always in the HQ. Jerome's here again strengthening the barrier even more so this time, nobody will be able to get in. Well, except for the Protectors and the supernaturals already on our side."

       "I swear, if anything happens to her..."

       "It won't," Alan said. "Trust me on this."

       "Trust you?" I asked. "Yesterday, you told me there was a cupcake in the fridge for me, and there was only a sign that said 'Ha ha, you suck'."

       Alan shrug. "It's only my duty as a younger brother, obviously."

       After he walked away, I sighed. "Why did I have to be cursed to have so many siblings? And me being the oldest?"

       "Come on, it's not too bad having so many siblings," Mae said. "I've only grown up with an older sister, so I was really happy when my mom married Jerome's dad and I got a brother. Even though Jerome can be annoying at times."

       "All siblings are annoying," I said.

       "At least none of your siblings are a sorcerer," Mae said. "One time, he got mad at me because I was taking too long in the washroom, so he turned me purple. Like everything was purple. My skin, my hair, my clothes. And he refused to change me back for two hours."

       "Well, you got a point there," I said. "I don't know what I would do if Alan or Orchid were sorcerers. They live to bug me. Want to get out of here? Take a break from all the training? Maybe just walk around outside?"

       "Yeah, okay," Mae said, smiling softly.

       The two of us left the HQ and started walking around outside. I didn't get much free time outside, unfortunately. Most of my time was spent either in the HQ training, or on missions. I wasn't really one to walk around by myself anyway.

       "Has being a Protector always been this stressful?" Mae asked. "Seriously, after helping you all out with the whole Dirk situation, I've never felt more stressed in my life."

       "You'll get used to it," I said. "Trust me. I've been doing this basically my whole life, so it became my routine."

       "Do you ever get worried?" Mae asked. "Or scared? With some of the missions you go on?"

       "Nope," I said. "But that's just me. I don't get scared or worried easily. Other Protectors do, but I'm too confident about everything."

       "I believe the word you're looking for is arrogant," Mae said.

       "Well, yeah, that too," I said. "So... I have a question. Overtime, do people start getting immune to your siren charm? Or will they always be affected?"

       "Depends," Mae said. "Can I try something?"

       "Uh, sure?"

       Mae reached up around her neck and took off her necklace. I was a bit confused at first, but then I remembered exactly why she wore that necklace all the time; to prevent herself from charming people.

       And I didn't feel charmed by her.

       Well, at least not under her spell because I was always charmed by her beauty.

       "I think that answers your question," Mae said. 

       "How?" I asked. "Was it because of all the time we've been spending together?"

       "Uh, no, not really," Mae said. "The only time someone can be immune is if... they grow feelings for a siren. And... if the siren feels the same way."

       I just stared at Mae for a bit before cupping her face in my hands and pressing her lips on mine.


Lol I had to add that gif because it's so cute. <3

AND YAS MAEDER FINALLY. AU Maeder is officially the couple that took the longest to get together. TWENTY-NINE CHAPTERS. (only because there are four other character POVs)

aaaaaaand now I'm going to bed because I'm tired.

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