Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


       When we got back to the HQ, we immediately walked over to where Grandpa was. "So, how did it go?" he asked.

       "Ryder and Alan got charmed again, so I'd say it went really well," Orchid said, which made me sigh. Of course, she had to bring that up yet again. I swear, she was really amused by all of it.

       "Again, I'd like to know why Nolan was immune," Alan said.

       Grandpa furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean immune?"

       "When the four of us went to talk to Mae and Jerome, Nolan didn't fall for Mae's charm," Alan said. "Does he have a second ability that we don't know about? Because if he does, that's not fair."

       Grandpa chuckled. "No, he doesn't have a second ability. All Protectors only have one. Anyway, whatever the reason is, that's in the past. Right now, we're focusing on the mission, so what happened while you were there?"

       "After finding out what we needed, April thought I was in a bit of a hurry to leave," Orchid said. "So she stopped us and asked me why and when I refused to told her, she threatened to enchant Ryder and Alan."

       "And that is exactly why I needed you to go," Grandpa said. "I knew she would take a chance to enchant your brothers if she could."

       "Oh, she wasn't able to enchant them," Orchid said. "Mae showed up just in time because she doesn't trust April, so she charmed them instead. So she charmed them twice in one day so I'm happy."

       "Okay, like I told you, I'd rather be charmed by Mae than April," I said before looking at Mae. "Seriously, though, thank you for showing up, even if you had to charm me and Alan."

       "No problem," Mae said, giving me a small smile. "I really don't get along with April, so I knew she was going to try something."

       I looked back at Grandpa. "Anyway, beside all that, Orchid was able to find out that while it wasn't anyone from April's clan, there are other vampires in Miami not part of the clan. April lied and said there were none, but her mind was saying something else."

       "That will definitely take us somewhere," Grandpa said. "I just have to get the names of everyone in April's clan to mark them of the suspect list. Thank you for all you're hard work. We've already learned quite a bit about the killings so far."

       "What about the sorcerer part of it?" I asked. "Did Nolan and Jerome come back yet?"

       Grandpa shock his head. "No. They weren't able to find anything, so they're extending their search to all of Florida since sorcerers have the ability to create portals. It would be easy for them to attack in Miami even if they don't live here."

       "That's true," I said. "Is there anything else we can do right now?"

       "Not right now," Grandpa said. "I'll get someone else to get names of the vampires and there's not much we can do right now. If there is anything, I'll let you know."

       "Well, I'm going to get something to eat," Alan said, and Orchid said she was going with him.

       I turned to face Mae. "I can show you around the HQ if you want. I have a feeling you're going to be spending a lot of time here."

       "Sure, I'd love to see around here," Mae said.

       I led Mae around the HQ, showing her all the different places were had; the main area, the meeting area, Grandpa's office, the research lab, the library, the kitchen, and last but not least the training area.

       I loved the training area. There were all sorts of weapons you could choose from, and a real life stimulation was used at times so you could see how you would do fighting against rogue supernaturals.

       Tulip was in the training area with Dad right now, though she was laying on the floor exhausted. "I refuse to get up," she said. "I'm quitting being a Protector."

       "Oh, stop being melodramatic," Dad said. "All you have to do is say you want a break, and I'll give you a break."

       "I want a break," Tulip said. "A lifelong break."

       "Half an hour," Dad said. "I'll be in the kitchen."

       Dad was going to leave, but then he saw me and Mae standing there. "How is finding out about the killings going?" he asked.

       "Good," I said. "So far, we found out it wasn't a werewolf, and that it was actually a vampire with a sorcerer's magic to make it seem like it was a werewolf. Orchid, Alan, and I just came back from the vampire clan and found out it wasn't them, but there are other vampires in Miami who aren't part of the clan."

       "Huh," Dad said. "Why would a sorcerer conceal a vampire's killing?"

       "That's what we all want to find out," I said.

       Tulip sat up and looked over, spotting Mae standing beside me. "Who are you?" she asked.

       "I'm Mae," Mae said. "I'm a siren."

       "Ooh, a siren," Tulip said. "Is it true you can charm people?"

       "Most people," Mae said. "Only males. Well, again, most males."

       I crossed my arms over my chest. "Not Nolan." I still didn't understand why Mae wasn't able to charm Nolan at all. He was in the room where Mae was and nothing happened to him.

       "Like I said, most males," Mae said. "Nolan just happened to be one of few I can't charm. No big deal."

       "Where's Nolan now?" Dad asked. 

       "With my step-brother, Jerome," Mae said. "He's a sorcerer, so they're going around Florida to talk to other sorcerers."

       "Interesting...." Tulip said.

       "What's interesting?" I asked.

       "The interesting thing is interesting," Tulip said. "Very interesting...."

       Tulip was really confusing and secretive at times. If you ever need someone to keep a secret for you, Tulip was your girl, despite being nine years old. She would never spill anything.

       Dad left the training room to get something to eat, and Tulip got up and walked over. "Want to see me with my favourite weapon?" she asked Mae. "My dad says I'm really good for my age."

      "I'd love to," Mae said.

       Tulip smiled and went to the weapons display before picking up her favourite weapon; a sling shot. While it didn't seem like that good of a weapon, the right person could make it work.

       And my nine year old sister definitely made it work.

       The sling shot came with a side pouch that, thanks to a sorcerer who made the weapons, regenerated pellets.

       Tulip slung the side pouch on her shoulder and turned to face the targets on the other side of the training room. She pulled a pellet out of the pouch and placed it in the string shot, pulling it back and releasing it to the target.

       It struck right above the bulls-eye.

       "Nice shot," Mae said. "How old are you?"

       "Nine," Tulip said.

       "Well, your dad is right," Mae said. "You're definitely good for your age."

       Tulip smiled. "Thank you."

       "So, what's your ability?" Mae asked.

       "I have an eidetic memory," Tulip said. "I can remember everything I see and hear. So, I'd like to say I'm better than my brothers and sisters."

       "Don't be arrogant," I said.

       "Don't be arrogant," Tulip mocked. 

       Why did my siblings have to be arrogant? I was the arrogant one in the family, and I felt like I had to become even more arrogant to be the top Prince.


Ryder is the most arrogant Prince and has to surpass everyone.

I'm so in love with this boooooooook. I'm dying. I have so much planned and it's so fun to write.

And I'm reeeeeeally happy my Laurex hoodie came today. Well, technically yesterday but I didn't have cash to pay a fee so I had to go pick it up at a post office. I LOVES IT THOUGH.

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