Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

       Out of all the seventeen years I have been alive, it wasn't often where a supernatural being would attack and kill a human just living their life. There were strict laws about it and all supernaturals knew the risks of killing a human.

       Of course, there were still some that would do so anyway, for various reasons such as simply not liking humans or craving their blood. That was where us Protectors came in. We made sure humans were safe. We made sure supernaturals were safe. And we definitely made sure to punish those who killed humans for their own pleasure.

       All of us were trained in not only defeating rogue supernaturals, but to identify what their kills would look like so we know who to look for.

       We never came across a killing we couldn't identify.

       Until now.

       My grandfather was the head of this Protector Headquarters, so when he requested me and three of my siblings to go to his office, I thought he found out who was guilty of the most recent human killing.

       That was not the case.

       After Ryder, Alan, Orchid, and I showed up, Grandpa closed the door behind us. "So, we have a problem, and you might not like the suggestion I have for it," he said.

       "Did you find out who killed the victim?" Ryder asked.

       "I did not," Grandpa said. "And that's the problem because I couldn't identify which supernatural being killed him, and there isn't any type of killing that the Protector Circle doesn't know about. What I'm thinking is that someone used some sort of concealment to hide the true killing."

       "So... Then what's this suggesting that we might not like?" Ryder asked.

       Grandpa sighed. "I tried everything I can to see if it was a concealment but if magic was involved, there's nothing I can do. So what I need is you four to go and talk to a sorcerer to see if he can help out."

       "Whoa, what?" Alan asked. "Grandpa, we can't. That's one of the rules that the Protector Circle has. We can't ask a supernatural to help us out for anything because others might think we're favouring a certain being over them. You should know that."

       "I do, but unless we get someone with magic to find out who killed that victim, we'll never know and whoever did it will get away with it," Grandpa said.

       "What if the Tribunal finds out?" Orchid asked. "They don't take lightly to people breaking the rules."

       "Well, you four are the only one that will know," Grandpa said. "So I don't know exactly how they can find out. You know, unless one of you decide to tell them. Believe me, I wouldn't suggest this if I had no other options."

       I didn't know what my siblings were thinking about it but if they were in, I was in. I knew Grandpa wouldn't suggest it there really no other options.

       Ryder was the most hesitant. He was one of the strongest Protectors and would do anything to keep a clean reputation, so he would never want to defy one of the strict rules the Protector Circle had.

       "Are you sure there are no other options?" Ryder asked.

       "Yes, I'm sure," Grandpa said.

       "Okay," Ryder said. "We're in."

       "Glad I have a say in this," Alan said.

       "Hey, I'm the oldest so if I say we're in, then we're in," Ryder said, and Orchid made a mocking face behind Ryder's back, which only I saw and I was trying to hard not to laugh.

       "Thank you," Grandpa said. "So, the sorcerer I'll need you four to visit is Jerome Roy. He's twenty, and one of the most powerful sorcerers ever. He'll surely be able to help, and he has quite a reputation so I'm certain he'd be willing to help us out even though supernaturals know not to."

       "What do you mean by quite a reputation?" Orchid asked.

       "Nothing too bad," Grandpa said. "He was kicked out of the Sorcerer Circle for unknown reasons, so it's not like he'll be punished for helping out a Protector."

       "Nothing too bad?" Ryder asked. "I'm pretty sure someone doesn't get kicked out of the Sorcerer Circle just for the hell of it."

       "Ryder, it's okay," Grandpa said as he sat down at his desk and started writing someone on a piece of paper. "I wouldn't be sending you four there if he was dangerous. I'll send him a quick message letting him now you four need to talk to him and once I get a reply, I'll send you four there. And remember, don't tell anyone, not even your parents. I know they wouldn't tell the Tribunal since it involves you four, but the less people that know the better."

       "Got it," Ryder said. "We'll be in the training room."

       "We?" I asked. "Sorry, but I'll be in the kitchen."

       I left Grandpa's office and headed to the kitchen to eat my pain away. Even though I wasn't in any pain. I just used that as an excuse whenever someone asked why I was always in the kitchen. It wasn't my fault that I loved food and I was always hungry for some reason.

       It didn't take long for Grandpa to call us back into the office. Apparently, Jerome already responded to his message and was fine with meeting with the four of us. 

       Grandpa handed Ryder a piece of paper with Jerome's address written on it. "Oh, one more thing," Grandpa said. "Jerome lives with his stepsister, Mae. Three of you are going to want to be wary with her."

       "Why?" Orchid asked.

       "Doesn't matter," Ryder said. "We should get this done and over with."

       He walked out of the office, followed by Alan. Orchid sighed before she and I followed the two of them out. "We should have waited for Grandpa to say why three of us have to be wary of Mae," Orchid said. "He didn't even say which three of us."

       "We'll find out when we get there," Ryder said as he walked to the training room. "Bring your weapons. We don't know what can happen, so we need to be prepared."

       "You know how we can be prepared?" Orchid asked. "By making sure exactly why we have to be wary of Mae."

       "Details, details," Ryder said. "Hurry up and grab your weapon, children."

       We all grabbed our weapons before heading over to where Jerome lived; on the top floor of an apartment building. Moments after Ryder knocked on the door, it flew open though nobody was standing near it.

       I was a bit hesitant to walk in since it seemed a bit suspicious, but Ryder walked in anyway so the rest of us followed his lead.

       Jerome was sitting on one of the couches in there and stood up when we walked in. "You must be the Prince family," he said. He waved his hands in a pattern as blue energy swarmed around his hands and right away, the door closed behind us.

       "Look, normally we don't ask supernaturals to help, but..." Ryder began, but he stopped when who I was guessing was Mae walked to where we were and as soon as she stood by Jerome, Ryder seemed to be at a loss for words.

       Jerome sighed and looked at Mae. "Seriously? I told you not to take your necklace off."

       "And where's the fun in that?" Mae asked.

       "Hi, I'm Ryder," Ryder said, looking at Mae with such a love-stricken look. "I'm from the, uh... The..."

       "Protector Circle?" Orchid asked.

       "Yeah, that," Ryder said, still not taking his eyes off of Mae. "Hi."

       "And I'm Alan," Alan said, his expression matching Ryder's. "I'm also from... whatever she said."

       I didn't get it. 

       At all.

       "I'm sorry about my sister," Jerome said, mainly to Orchid. "She's a siren and when I told her we were expecting people, I specifically told her not to charm anyone. She normally wears a necklace that blocks her charms, but..."

       "Like I said," Mae said, "where's the fun in that? Don't worry, I'll put my necklace on again soon."

       "Again, I'm sorry," Jerome said.

       "No, don't be," Orchid said. "Our grandpa told us to be careful, and Ryder decided to rush here without knowing why, which is something he does often. Now I know why he told us three of us had to be careful."

       Two of us really, but I would rather not say anything right now.

       Besides, out of Jerome and Mae, Jerome would be the one that caught my attention, which he was totally doing right now because he was hot.

       "So, what can I do for you?" Jerome asked.

       "Well, this isn't often Protectors ask a supernatural for help..." Orchid said. "Actually, it's completely against of the rules to do so but we don't have anything else to do. There was a recent killing by a supernatural, but none of us Protectors were able to identify exactly what killed him. Our grandfather, the head of the HQ and the one that sent you the message, suspects that someone used some kind of concealment to hide what really killed it and the only way to find out is with the help of a sorcerer. He figured you were our best bet."

       "Well, I don't normally help out people," Jerome said. "In fact, I never help out people because it's just not my thing, but... Let me just talk things out with Mae." 

       Jerome pulled Mae to the side and even when they were a few feet away from us, it didn't stop Ryder and Alan from still ogling her.

       "Gross," I muttered under my breath, looking at my brothers.

       "You're... you're not charmed by Mae?" Orchid asked.

       "Thankfully not," I said. "That's just... A bit embarrassing."

       "Huh," Orchid said. "That's... odd."

       Odd? No. Me not being attracted to females? Definitely.

       Jerome and Mae soon walked over again. "Like I said, I don't normally help people," Jerome said. "But you're in luck. I'm in a helpful mood today."

       "Thank you," Orchid said. "I'll call my grandfather and let him now."

       When Orchid walked away to call Grandpa, Jerome looked over at Mae. "Can you please put on your necklace on?"

       "Fine," Mae said. "It's not often I can charm people, though." 

       Mae walked off and headed into a room to grab her necklace, but Ryder and Alan were still charmed by them. "She's... wow," Ryder said.

       "Yeah," Alan agreed. "Wow."

       "Barf," I said.

       Jerome chuckled. "Yeah, I feel the same way."

       "Do you get immune to it over time?" I asked. "A siren's charms?"

       "Nope," Jerome said. "It's basically impossible to become immune to a siren's charms. Well, for a certain reason I'm sure you know. Otherwise, you'd be ogling her just like your brothers."

       "I'm glad I'm not," I said. "Ogling her, that is. I'm Nolan, by the way. My ogling brothers there are Ryder and Alan, and my sister is Orchid."

       "Well, it's very nice to meet you," Jerome said. "And you're lucky you guys caught me on one of my good days because if I do end up helping someone, I normally expect some kind of payment."

       "You don't?" I asked.

       "Nope," Jerome said. "I know supernaturals aren't allowed to help Protectors, but I'll do anything to keep humans safe."

       "I guess we have that in common," I said.


yes nolan be immune to siren charms like the gay cinnamon roll you are.


trust me, this book is going to get a lot more dramatic and i loooooove it. drama ftw.

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