Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

       It was really weird not being staying at the HQ and feeling extremely suffocated because of the strict rules that was placed due to the Two Souls Prophecy being in effect. It was even worse not being able to talk to my family, except for Orchid.

       I just didn't get what Martha was thinking with the whole situation. If Jerome and I staying apart for too long could cause a lot of damage, shouldn't she be okay with me dating him? Not only that, but having a sorcerer on our side could definitely help.

       I was sitting at the table in the kitchen, staring at absolutely nothing. It was hard for me to keep my focus when I really missed my family.

       Jerome walked over and sat down beside me. "You doing okay?"

       I sighed. "Not really, no. I mean, I'm glad I'm not in that cell anymore, but I really miss the rest of my family. I'm not used to being apart from them for so long. Or at all, really."

       "You'll get to see them soon," Jerome said. "This won't last forever. My guess is that something will happen where they'll actually need help from other supernaturals, and they'll have no choice but to turn to me."

       "I'm pretty sure they would avoid going to you out of all the sorcerers," I said.

       "And I'm pretty sure they would put all that aside and ask me since I am the most powerful sorcerer," Jerome pointed out. "Hey..." He scooted closer to me before gently grabbing my hand. "This sin't going to last forever. You'll see your family again and until then, I'm going to be here for you, okay? I'll always be here for you."

      I smiled softly as Jerome pulled me into a hug. I loved how he was able to comfort me no matter what. He was always here for me, and I knew I could trust him with anything. I really loved being with him.

       I loved him.

       And it scared me.

       I had always been this quiet and reserved person that didn't talk to anyone outside of my family. Then all of a sudden, this insanely hot sorcerer came out of nowhere and I just had to fall for him. I shouldn't be scared because it shouldn't change anything between us, but... I still was.

       And I was afraid I was going to blurt it out once day and Jerome wouldn't feel the same.

       There was a sudden knock on the door, so Jerome pulled away before standing up to answer the door and I couldn't believe who was standing there.

       Ryder and Alan.

       I couldn't help but get up and go over to them, giving both of them a hug. "It's so good to see you two again," I said.

       "Exactly why we're here," Ryder said. "We hate not being able to see you and Orchid."

       "How did you get here?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure Martha wouldn't let you two leave on your own thinking that you'll visit us."

       "You're right there," Ryder said, pulling something out of his pocket. The potion to create a portal. "I found this in your room. Too bad it's running out."

       "And that's where I come in," Jerome said, taking the bottle out of his hand. "I'll refill this. In the meantime, feel free to stay for as long as you want."

       Jerome then headed to his cabinet where all his potions and spell books were. In the meantime, Ryder and Alan stepped further into the apartment, so I closed the door behind them.

       "Where's Orchid?" Alan asked.

       "Probably at the werewolf hangout," I said. "She's not afraid to flirt with a certain werewolf now that she's no longer in the Protector Circle."

       "So, what's it like not being in the Protector Circle?" Alan asked.

       "Very weird," I said. "Especially since I can't see my own family..."

       "We've been trying to get Martha to change her mind," Ryder said. "But she doesn't want to listen to us at all. And to make things worse, she's still at the HQ. I thought she would have left by now since she said she would when the whole Protector and sorcerer situation is resolved."

       "Are they look for us?" I asked. "I mean, they do know where Jerome lives."

       "I put a ward up," Jerome said from his spot at the kitchen table. "They can't even get into the building. And I doubt they would come for us when we're not vulnerable in our own home. Nothing to bind my magic or Nolan's ability. We'd be unbeatable."

       "Well, as much as I would like to agree with you, Protectors have been training to deal with every single supernatural," Ryder said. "I think they can handle you."

       "Not when I broke out of the cellar using magic when magic has been blocked there," Jerome said. "I'm too powerful to them. Not to brag."

       "Oh, yeah, because that totally doesn't sound like a brag," I said.

       Jerome just shrugged as Mae walked out of her bedroom. Like always when my brothers were here, I was hoping she would be wearing her necklace because it was amusing seeing Ryder and Alan get charmed.

       Unfortunately, she was wearing her necklace. Great, nothing amusing was going to happen.

       Ryder's eyes immediately brightened when he saw Mae. "Why, hello," he said with a smile. "It's nice to see you again."

       Mae smiled softly back. "You too. So, how unbearable is the HQ being right now."

       "Oh, don't even get me starter," Ryder said. "It's even worse being a Prince since we're related to Nolan. We're not even allowed to leave the HQ unless we're on a mission, and it's very rare that we're given a mission now."

       "I can go back there and put a spell on everyone to make them stop being idiots," Jerome said. "Yes or no?"

       "No," Alan said. "It would be best if you stay far away from the HQ as possible."

       "Yeah, you're right there," Jerome said. "So, what's the word on the rebellion? Any new killings?"

       "Surprisingly, no," Ryder said. "We think they've gone into hiding, especially since their attack on the HQ failed. You know what I don't get? They left because of you. If you weren't there, a lot of us could have gotten hurt. Alan and I tried telling Martha that but... Well, you already know. She's too stubborn to listen."

       "Well, like I told Nolan, if something were to happen where they need help, they're going to have no choice but to ask me since I'm better than Dirk," Jerome said. "Dirk is powerful, I admit, but I'm better so only I can defeat him."

       "You really think they'll turn to you for help?" Ryder asked.

       "They'll have no choice," Jerome said. "Trust me. And in the meantime to make sure Dirk's little team doesn't do anything else, I might just have to make my own team of supernaturals."


ooh yes jerome fight back woo.

oh look, it's midnight right now on the tenth. THAT MEANS IT'S RHYS AND ZAYDEN'S BIRTHDAY. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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