Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

       It wasn't hard to convince Atticus to join our little team to take down Dirk. In fact, all we had to do was get Orchid to ask him and he was all for it. He did also disagree with everything Dirk and his team was doing, but knowing that Orchid was with us encouraged him even more.

       We didn't really know what our plan was so far. Just that we had to do soemthing to stop Dirk. It would be easy if we could find out where they were going to strike next, but all of the information there was at the Protector Circle HQ, which we weren't allowed in.

       Screw everyone there.

       While I was laying on the couch because I was the laziest person ever, Jerome walked out of our bedroom, holding what looked like a letter. "What's that?" I asked.

       "A request from the HQ," he said. "They want me there to examine a recently found body. They think it was masked to hide the true killing, maybe because there was some DNA found or whatever."

       "Seriously?" I asked. "They locked us in a cell and now they want your help? What if it's just a ruse to get you back to the HQ so they can throw you back in a cell?"

       "It's not," Jerome said, handing me the letter. "Look at the bottom."

       I did, seeing the Tribunal's official stamp. To use it was like a written oath. They wouldn't use it in a letter if they had other intentions. All Jerome had to do was go there, scan the body, tell them what he found, and leave just like that.

       "Are you still going to go?" I asked.

       "I will," Jerome said. "If you come with me."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

       "Because honestly, I feel like my magic is a lot more stronger whenever you're around," Jerome said. "Not only that, but I know you miss being in the HQ and if you can be there for even ten minutes, it will lift your mood."

       I sighed. "Yeah, you're right." I did miss the HQ. A lot. I was the type of person who hated change and having to leave the place I grew up in, having to leave my family, was one of the biggest changes I could ever face.

       "So do you want to come?" Jerome asked, and I only nodded in reply before getting up from the couch so I could get ready to head out.

       And thankfully because I was still feeling lazy, we just took the portal to the HQ. Then again, when wasn't I feeling lazy?

       When we got to the front of the HQ, I hesitated before following Jerome into the building where we were immediately greeted by Martha. Well, not even greeted because she didn't look happy to see me at all. "What is he doing here?" she asked Jerome. "I specifically requested for your presence only."

       "We're a package deal," Jerome said. "Wherever he goes, I go. Besides, he makes my magic a lot stronger just by being near me. If you want the best results I can come up with, then he's going to have to stay with me."

       Martha didn't say anything else as she started leading us to the morgue. I thought I would feel a bit better being in the HQ for a few minutes. I didn't. It was only reminding me of everything that happened here and how I would have to leave it again soon.

       At least I still had Orchid with me. I didn't think I could handle not seeing all of my family members.

       The only thing I didn't miss about being in the HQ was the morgue. My light stomach couldn't handle seeing the dead bodies and the injuries so when I was staying in the HQ, I avoided it as much as I could. I just had to make sure I was focused on something else instead of the dead body.

       Which wasn't so hard since my very attractive boyfriend was working away, so I just had to check him out. I mean, watch him use his magic to scan the body.

       It didn't take long for Jerome to finish. "What did the report say the cause of the death was?" Jerome asked Martha. "And where was the body found?"

       "The cause of death was by a vampire," Martha said. "And the body was found in an alleyway. Why? What were the results?"

       "Drowning," Jerome said.

       "Wait, so it wasn't even a supernatural attack?" I asked.

       Jerome shrugged. "It's very possible it was. They would have had to be killed near a body of water and obviously there's not any in an alleyway. Someone would have had to get to the body very fast without anyone else noticing to mask the true intention. And there are signs of a struggle so... Who knows?"

       "Any DNA left on the body that can point to the killer?" Martha asked.

       "Possibly," Jerome said. "I took away the mask so you'll be able to find anything that was otherwise hidden."

       "I don't get why they would want to disguise a killing that could have been passed off as an accident into one of a supernatural killing," I said.

       "Yeah, I don't get it either," Jerome said. "Maybe they wanted to throw the Protectors off their trail or want to claim someone's deatht that they had nothing to do with Dirk's team as a way to gloat. I don't know what goes on in Dirk's head at times."

       "Well, thank you for this," Martha said. "We really needed a sorcerer to go over it but we have no idea who's working with Dirk and who isn't. You're the only one we know for sure who's against Dirk. Now we just have to figure out where he's going to strike left. He has a pattern but nobody has been able to crack it yet, not even Ryder."

       "Ryder's more of a logical thinker," I said. "He doesn't really think outside the box so he isn't the best at puzzles. He's good, but not the best."

       "You know who is though?" Jerome asked. "Nolan. Oh, but that's right. He's no longer a Protector so he can't help."

       Martha sighed. "I am truly sorry about the way he handled the prophecy. We could have gone at it another way. If you want, you're welcomed back into the Protectors."

       I did want to come back, but I wasn't going to. Not now. Not when it was clear Martha wasn't really sorry. She only wanted me back in to help solve the patterns.

       If she was sorry, she would have apologized a long time ago and not just when the situation was brought up.

       "I'm not coming back," I said, and both Jerome and Martha looked at me with a confused expression.

       "You don't want to?" Martha asked. "Nolan, being a Protector is your whole life. You've been part of it for seventeen years."

       "I know," I said. "But I was locked in a cell for hours and I have a hard time being in small spaces. You really think I'm going to get over that so easily? I'll look at Dirk's attacks and try to figure out the pattern, but it's the last thing I'm going to do for the Protectors."

       At least until I did come back after Martha was no longer at this HQ.

       "Fair enough," was all Martha said before leading us to the Op Centre where the holographic map of all of Dirk's attacks so far were marked.

       And it didn't take long for me to spot the pattern. Well, kind of spot the pattern. It looked familiar but because of my amazingly poor memory, I couldn't exactly place it. I just know I've seen the pattern somewhere.

       "So can you figure out the pattern?" Martha asked.

       "No, I can't place it," I said, even though I was a horrible liar. Technically, what I said had some truth to it. I did recognize it. I just couldn't fully place it.

       Martha sighed, thankfully believing me. "So we're back to square one. Of course. Well, thanks again for your help."

       She walked off, which was my and Jerome's cue to leave the HQ. As soon as we were outside, Jerome gently grabbed my arm. "You recognized the pattern, didn't you?" he asked.

       "Kind of," I said. "I really can't place it but I have seen it before."

       "Well, let's hope you can soon," Jerome said.


i missed my jerlan. :( i need to write more jerlan whether it be au jerlan, fantasy jerlan, or regular jerlan (i have three jerlan universes ahahaha)(soon to be four)(i mean what)


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