Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

       "Are you sure this is okay?" I asked Jerome while we stood outside of the infirmary. "It's kind of dangerous for regular people to know about Protectors."

       "Well, I'm not a Protector so I'm not familiar with the rules," Jerome said. "So I say break them. Besides, what can the Tribunal do? Kick you out? Because that has already been done."

       "Okay but..."

       "No buts. They need us. The Tribunal can't do anything to us. We're untouchable."

       "That's one way to look at it," I said. "But that doesn't mean I can just go around breaking all the rules of being a Protector because I'm pretty sure if I get out of hand, they really will do something to me."

       "And if they try, I'll hit them a spell," Jerome said. "Nobody is allowed to try anything on you if they don't want an angry sorcerer coming after them."

       I couldn't help but smile softly. Definitely one of the bright sides of dating a sorcerer was that it would be very rare someone were to try and hurt me or anything. Well, unless it was someone from Dirk's side trying to take down the Protectors.

       So was it really a bright side if they were the only people I was afraid of?

       Then again, I was afraid of a lot of other things like spiders. And snakes. and Bears. Raccoons. Some birds. All sorts of bugs. The wind. Thunderstorms when I was outside. Public speaking. The public in general.

       Wow, I was scared of a lot of things.

       "We should go inside to check up on them," I said. "Make sure Millie's boyfriend is handling the news well about supernatural creatures and Protectors."

       Jerome nodded before opening the door to the infirmary. I followed him inside, seeing Millie's boyfriend Fitz sitting on the infirmary bed with her. When he noticed us, he said, "My girlfriend didn't hit her head or anything, did she? Because she told me about these pretty crazy things."

       "Well, I don't know if she hit her head but whatever she said is the truth," Jerome said.

       "I-is it really?" Fitz asked, looking back at Millie. "Because come on... Vampires, sorcerers, these people called Protectors, other supernatural creatures?"

       "You know, I don't like that term," Jerome said. "Supernatural creature." He looked at me. "Do sorcerers count as supernatural creatures?"

       I shrugged as Fitz said, "Okay, Millie, is this some sort of prank? Are you getting me back from the time I put a rubber spider in the shower?"

       "I don't think Millie would go to the extremes if all you did was put a rubber spider in the shower," Jerome said.

       "Oh, no, I could see her doing that," I said. "I mean, she isn't, but if someone were to put a rubber spider in my shower, I would first cry for days and then get revenge."

       "I'm really not playing a prank on you," Millie said. "I'm telling the truth. One hundred percent."

       "Okay, let's say you really were attacked by a... What was it? A vampire?" Fitz asked. "Why do you look perfectly fine? There aren't any wounds on you at all."

       "That was because of me," Jerome said. "Hi, I'm Jerome. I'm a sorcerer and I saved her life."

       "As you can see, he's also very modest," I said.

       "That too."

       "Yeah, I'm still not believing all of this," Fitz said. "Sorry, Millie."

       "Hey, it does sound a little far-fetched," Millie said. "I wouldn't have believed it but I did see it for myself."

       Jerome slightly elbowed my side, which made me wince a bit. "That's your cue."

       "Okay, two things," I said. "One, ow. That wound is still fresh, you know. And two, if anything, it should be your cue. I'm a lot weaker than you are."

       "Fine, fine," Jerome said before looking back at Fitz. "So Fitz, ready to believe everything Millie told you?"

       "If you can somehow make me believe it, then sure, go ahead," Fitz said.

       Jerome made some blue energy come out from his hands and as soon as he did, Fitz's eyes widened. "W-what is that?" he asked.

       "Magic," he said, making the energy disappear. "Like I said, hi, I'm Jerome. I am a sorcerer. And unfortunately, there isn't much I can do right now since my magic is drained."

       "So... All of it is real?" Fitz asked Millie. "Supernaturals? And those Protectors? Whatever they are?"

       "They're the reason not many people know about supernaturals," Jerome said. "They keep both supernaturals and humans safe, and if any supernatural were to act up and attack a human, Protectors would handle it."

       "Yeah, like the vampire that attacked Millie," I said. "She's locked up right now and probably won't be leaving for a long time. Which is definitely a long time for her since she's immortal."

       "Wow," Fitz said. "I still can't believe... So... Vampires and sorcerers are real. What else?"

       "Werewolves," Jerome said. "Sirens. Ghosts. Fairies. Shapeshifters. Demons. Zombies can exist too, but they're usually from failed spells. What else?"

       "Let's just go with there being a lot," I said.

       "This is Nolan, by the way," Jerome said. "He's a Protector. Each Protector has their own special ability and his is turning invisible."

       Which I should really do every time Martha entered the room. She suddenly walked into the infirmary, not looking too impressed and I just wanted to immediately turn invisible to avoid all the lecturing and arguing that was bond to happen.

       "So what's this I hear about letting yet another human into the HQ?" she asked.

       "Don't worry, we have it under control," Jerome said. "He's just Millie's boyfriend and he was worried about her since she wasn't answering his calls, so we had to assure her that everything is okay."

       "By letting him into the HQ?" Martha asked.

       "Yes, he's in the HQ, we've just been through this," Jerome said. "I already told you I'm too weak to even attempt a memory erasing spell so she wouldn't remember what happened, and there's no way she could keep something as big as... Well, everything from her boyfriend. There really is nothing to worry about. I doubt they're both going to go around, telling the whole world that vampires and werewolves and sorcerers exist."

       "They better not," Martha said. "Otherwise, you and Nolan will be severely punished."

       "No thank you."

       "Did you just... Say no thank you to me informing you that you will be punished?"

       "Yes, I did. Come on, you and I both know that you can't do a single thing to me and Nolan. You can't lock us up, you can't separate us, and you definitely can't take Nolan's Protector status away." He looked at me. "That's a thing, right?"

       "A rare, but excruciating, thing, yeah," I said.

       "Then it's a good thing you're part of the prophecy, because I'm pretty sure that would royally mess things up if they took yours away," Jerome said. 

       "Look, I get that you think you're important because of the prophecy..." Martha began.

       "No, I know I'm important because of the prophecy," Jerome interrupted.

       I sighed. "Martha, I promise you, this was a one time thing. Millie was attacked so she had every right to know about the supernatural world since Jerome can't use any spells to make her forget. We only brought her boyfriend here because she was supposed to meet up with him a long time ago. She couldn't have hidden this from him. This was the only time Jerome and I broke the rules of a Protector."

       "No, it's the only time you will," Jerome said. "I am not one. I can break them all I want."

       "No, you can't," Martha said. "You're basically stuck as one because of the prophecy and if the two of you keep breaking the rules, trust me, the Tribunal will find a way to punish you without harming the prophecy."

       "Yeah, whatever," Jerome said.

       Martha didn't even bother replying as she walked off. As soon as she left the infirmary, I said, "Jerome, I don't like her either but we really can't just break a bunch of rules. The Tribunal really will find a way to punish us without harming the prophecy."

       "Then let's hope we stop Dirk so she can finally head back to the Tribunal," Jerome said.

       "Who's Dirk?" Millie spoke up.

       "He is a sorcerer who is currently teaming up with rogue supernaturals to try and take down the Protectors," Jerome said. "He thinks they're too controlling and don't have the right to have authority over supernaturals."

       "But Protectors are just keeping everyone safe," Fitz said. "Both humans and supernaturals. At least, that's what I understand."

       "And that's true," Jerome said. "But there are always people out there who disagree with the way things are run, and that's exactly who Dirk is."

       "Was... was the vampire that attacked me part of the supernaturals working with Dirk?" Millie asked.

       "It's a very high possibility," I said. "Supernaturals don't just randomly attack humans. It's okay, though. She's locked up now."

       "What if someone else on his team tries to finish the vampire's job?" Millie asked.

       "They won't," Jerome said. "We'll make sure of it. That's what we do. Well, the Protectors plus the addition of the most powerful sorcerer in the world."

       "With an ego the size of the country," I said.

       "Hey, what's right is right," Jerome said. "Anyway, Millie, you and Fitz can stay here as long as you like. When you're ready to go back home, I can come with you if you want and put some magical barriers up so no supernatural being can enter. Except me, of course, since it will be my barriers."

       "You can really do that?" Millie asked.

       "Yeah, I do it all the time," Jerome said. "There are even barriers around this HQ so if you want to stay for a while, you'll be more than safe. And to reassure you even more, I can give you my number for you to call whenever you need help with anything, supernatural related or not."

       "Uh, is this some rouse just to try and get her number?" Fitz asked. "Because hello? She has a boyfriend."

       "Dude, my boyfriend is standing right beside me," Jerome said. "I just want to keep her safe after what happened because one, no human should ever be attacked by a supernatural being. And two, I hate Dirk. With all my guts. Even before he started going rogue. I'll do anything to take him down and to protect the people he hurts."

       "Oh, then thank you, for wanting to keep Millie safe," Fitz said.

       "And you," Jerome said. "You're involved now. Even knowing about supernaturals existing is dangerous, but Nolan and I will make sure nothing bad happens to the two of you."


oof i missed this book

someone tell me why i just had to write 20 books at once ahahahaha

it's ruining my life

jk jk it's the only thing entertaining me because i have no life


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