Chapter 28

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Chapter 27

       Even though I knew the Protector Circle was going to find out about my magic eventually, I'd rather be the one to tell them instead of anyone walking in on me and Jerome training to witness it for themselves.

       And I definitely didn't want to say anything until I had it under a strong control so Jerome and I made sure to train when it was highly unlikey for anyone to be in the training room, whether it be most Protectors being out on a mission or them being asleep. We did a lot of midnight training.

       "Are you sure you're ready for an actual battle now?" Jerome asked. "Because it won't be just you using your magic. You'll have to block mine too."

       I was a bit hesitant to actual spar against my boyfriend with our magic. We had sparred with weapons before but magic was a whole other story, especially when Jerome was one of the most powerful sorcerers out there.

       At least I knew he was going to go easy on me and he wasn't actually going to give it his all.

       I took a deep breath before nodding. "I'm sure."

       "Alright," Jerome said so we went to opposite sides of the training room. "Do we need a safe word? Like if it gets too much for you?"

       "Potato salad."

       Jerome sighed. "Of course that's the safe word. You're always thinking with your stomach, aren't you?"


       "Okay, so if either of us say 'potato salad', we stop," Jerome said. "You ready?"

       I nodded. "Ready."

       "Alright, you're the one who's making the first move," Jerome said. "Once it's made, our sparring will officially begin. Just take all the time you want before you start."

       I did hesitate a bit before creating a magic orb, letting it hover above the palm of my hand. I looked at Jerome before looking back at the orb. I really wanted to practice using my magic against other people even if I really didn't want to spar against my boyfriend.

      I took one final look at the orb before throwing it at Jerome. Of course, he was quick to block it before throwing his own at me. Instead of blocking it, I just dove out of the way since that was always the first thing I did. I never blocked anything.

       After a few more back-and-forth of me throwing my magic at Jerome, him blocking, him throwing some to me, and me dodging, Jerome sighed. "Nolan, you have to try blocking the magic now that you can. I promise all the magic I throw at you won't hurt if it does hit you."

       I nodded and took a shaky breath, throwing yet another magic orb at Jerome. This time, he was a bit off when he blocked it; he did it at the least minute and he slightly lost his balance. He was able to regain it quickly before throwing one at me. 

       As much as I wanted to just dive out of the way, I had to trust Jerome that his magic really wouldn't hurt me. I channelled the energy I had inside of me and held up my arms in a cross, creating a somewhat transparent shield, the only thing making it visible was the pale yellow energy.

       The shield was created just in time for Jerome's magic to hit it, though the force did push me back a bit. I was surprised I was able to stay on my feet and not fall down like the klutz I was.

       Neither Jerome nor I were able to get a single hit to the other person. We were both blocking everything but throwing magic and blocking was starting to get a bit exhausting.

       I almost did block one of the throws in time so after that, I did what anyone else in my situation would do.

       Turn invisible.

       "Really, Nolan?" Jerome asked, looking around the room for any sign as to where I was. "This is sorcerer sparring, not sorcerer plus a hint of Protector sparring."

       Should I use my invisibility to my advantage or should I just go back to being visible and spar properly?

       Unfortunately, Jerome made the decision for me when he was able to sense where I was before throwing some magic at me. I wasn't able to dodge or block it in time so it directly hit me, throwing me against the wall and causing my invisibility to fade.

       "Potato salad!" I said, sitting up and grabbing my shoulder since it felt a bit sore. "Potato freaking salad!"

       "I am so sorry, Nolan!" Jerome said as he rushed over, kneeling down beside me. "Are you okay?"

       "Okay?" someone behind Jerome suddenly asked so we looked over to see Ryder standing there. "He threw you into a wall with his magic, Nolan!"

       "Oh, relax, we were just sparring," I said. "If anything, I'm impressed he was able to sense where I was when I was invisible. That proves how strong of a sorcerer he is."

       "So you're okay with him just casually throwing you into the wall?" Ryder asked.

       "Ryder, I literally just said we were sparring," I said. "It happens. And it's not like I haven't been hurt before while sparring against you, Alan, and Orchid."

       "What have you even been sparring with?" Ryder said. "Because I don't see any weapons."

       I pointed to the weapon stand.

       "Weapons that you're using, Nolan," Ryder said. "Not weapons that are in the training room."

       "Then you're going to have to be more clear," I said. "Besides, Jerome and I have our own weapons that nobody else can use in this HQ."

       "You going to break the news to him?" Jerome asked.

       "What news?" Ryder asked.

       I couldn't even reply; not that I was going to. I was just going to say Jerome invented a weapon and he only showed me, even though Ryder would have been able to tell I was lying. Before I could even get a word out, a signal went out around the HQ for everyone to meet in the Op Centre.

       I would rather hide in my bedroom.

       I couldn't though. I was never allowed to. 

       Jerome helped me stand up and again asked if I was okay. I gave him a small smile to assure him that I was before we went to the Op Centre. Martha and her two favourite Tribunal members, as I called them, were already standing in front of the room on the platform.

       Once everyone showed up, Martha cleared her throat to get everyone to stop talking. "Today, I want you all to welcome to the Protector Circle HQ, one of the most esteemed and honoured guests, the head of the Sorcerer Circle, Irene."

       "Oh no," Jerome muttered as the head of the Sorcerer Circle followed by two other sorcerers walked into the Op Centre and stood on the platform while the Tribunal members stepped back a bit.

       I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at Jerome, wondering why he looked a mixed between worried and annoyed.

       Until I remembered his relationship with the head of the Sorcerer Circle.

       It was his mom.

       His mom who kicked him out of the Circle just because he was gay.

       "Thank you, Martha, for allowing me to come in such short notice," Irene said. "Back at the Sorcerer Circle's headquarters, we sensed a brain new energy being used in this area. Brand new magic. Magic that hasn't been seen before anywhere."

       Martha stepped forward a bit. "Hold on a second. These are Protectors. They can't use magic."

       "That's what I thought," Irene said. "I was thinking maybe it could be a new sorcerer that happened to move to this area but it isn't. It really is magic that hasn't been seen anywhere in the world." 

       Irene then noticed Jerome standing in the room so she got off the platform and walked over to him. "Jerome Roy, I have to say I'm surprised to see you hanging out with the Protectors."

       "Well, if you didn't kick me out, you would have known what I've been up to for a while," Jerome said.

       "Oh, that's right," Irene said. "You're the sorcerer that's part of the Two Souls prophecy." As soon as she said that, her eyes brightened as if an idea struck her. "Two Souls..." She looked over at Martha. "Tell me, who's the Protector that's part of the prophecy? You discovered who it was, right?"

       "We did," Martha said before pointing to me.

       I felt a bit uneasy as Irene looked me over as if she was deciding if I was worthy enough to be part of the prophecy. "Are you sure it's him?" Irene asked Martha. "He seems a bit... inadequate."

       "Oh, just back off," Jerome said, looking very annoyed.

       "Nope, it's definitely him," Irene said. "What's your name?"

       "Nolan?" I said.

       "What, do you not know what your name is?" Irene asked. "Can I see your hands?"

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

       "To see if you're the one using the newly found magic," Irene said.

       "Irene, with all due respect, Protectors are incapable of gaining the ability to use magic," Martha said. "Nobody can gain the ability. You're born with magic or you're not."

       "Unless you're the Protector part of the prophecy," Irene said. "You know it just as well as me. Together, the sorcerer and the Protector can achieve unimaginable things." She looked back at me. "Again, your hand."

       I didn't know what to do. If I refused to, she would know I was only hiding the fact that I was the new sorcerer. And if I obliged, she would find out with whatever she was planning on doing.

       Either way, I was screwed.

       So I held out my hands and she flipped them over so my palms were facing upwards. In one swift movement, red energy swarmed around her hands and started pulling the yellow energy out of mine so I quickly pulled my hands away.

       "I don't believe it..." Martha said, walking over. "Nolan, you're a sorcerer now?"

       "Well, I wouldn't classify myself as a sorcerer," I said. "Just... A Protector who could use magic?"

       "How did this happen and why wasn't I informed?" Martha asked.

       "Look, it was all accidental," Jerome said. "Something happened when Dirk was captured here. Nolan had to help me strengthen my magic just by holding my hand and it created this sort of blast and I'm guessing that's how he got his magic. And we didn't tell anyone because he wanted to wrap his head around the idea of him using magic first."

       "Well, since he's now a sorcerer, or at least has magic, then I think it's fair for him to come with me to the Sorcerer Circle headquarters," Irene said. "And he will be part of the Circle."

       "Ha!" Jerome said. "You're hilarious. Yeah, not happening. Nolan is staying with the Protectors. With his family."

       "But he needs to learn how to properly use magic," Irene said.

       "And he is," Jerome said. "Through me, obviously."

       "Jerome, I don't think you're in any position to make the decision," Irene said. "It's final. Nolan will be coming with me."

       "You can't just demand he goes with you," Martha said. "He may have magic but he was born as a Protector. He's staying here."

       "He needs to be somewhere where he can learn to use his magic," Irene repeated.

       "Uh, hello? I'm here," Jerome said. "As much as I hate admitting this, I am the son of the head of the sorcerers. I think I can teach him more than enough."

       "But--" Irene began but Jerome cut her off.

       "Oh, and I forgot to mention," Jerome said. "Birth giver, this is my boyfriend, Nolan. Yeah, boyfriend. Meaning he's gay. Meaning you can't accept him into the Circle since that is why I got kicked out in the first place. Unless, you know, you're willing to be a hypocrite."

       Irene was silent for a bit before she gestured for the sorcerers that were with her to follow her out of the HQ. That was a close call. I would rather not go with her at all. Besides, I think I was doing a good enough job training with Jerome.

       I hoped.


nolan is me if i had invisibility. i'd just turn invisible all the time and run away from my problems.

also jerome's mom sucks.

also i'm tired so imma go to bed byeeeeee

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