Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

       The nine of us looked at the warehouse in the distance, prepared to ambush the hideout so we could finally take down the team that was terrorizing humans and Protectors.

       To be honest, I wasn't all that confident about it. Then again, I was rarely confident when it came to fighting and missions. Or when it came to anything, really.

       "So how exactly are we going to do this?" Ryder asked. "I'm pretty sure it won't be effective to just charge in there all at once."

       "Why not?" Wilder asked. "Imagine the surprise on their stupid faces when we suddenly rush in there. They'll be completely caught off guard."

       "It doesn't always work," Jerome said. "They tried it once on the Protector HQ and it did not end well for them. Most of them, including their leader, were captured."

       "We can always send someone in to survey the area," Orchid said. "See who's there, where the exits are, all that. Then we could decide how the rest of us should go in."

       "Okay, so who will go inside?" Alan asked. 

       "It has to be someone who will do really well and sneaking inside," Ryder said. "Someone who probably won't be easily spotted if they're sneaking around."

       As soon as he said that, I knew who the person for the job should be. And let's just say I wasn't too happy about it.

       You know, since I already wasn't feeling too confident about it.

       At least nobody remembered that my special ability was turning invisible and how that would be extremely beneficial right now. 

       "It's best not to send me in there," Atticus said. "One look at them and I'll just want to tear them apart. Not the best thing to do right now."

       They couldn't decide who should be sent in there so I sighed heavily. "Does this mean I'm the one who has to do it?"

       "Why would you be the one who has to do it?" Ryder asked.

       "I can turn invisible, remember?" I asked. "And if the worst case scenario happens and I get caught, I can just portal out of there."

       "Are you sure you're fine going?" Jerome said. "I can if you don't want to."

       I took a deep breath. "No, I'll go. I'm the only one that can turn invisible after all."

       "Okay, if you're sure," Jerome said. "You still have that gemstone I gave you, right?" I nodded, patting the gemstone under my shirt. "When you're ready for us to come into the warehouse, use it, okay?"

       "Okay," I said.

       Jerome gave me a soft smile before giving me a quick kiss. I looked at the warehouse and took another deep breath before turning invisible and walking towards it. The most difficult part was going to be finding a way in without drawing any attention.

       I had to look all around the warehouse for an entrance and I was starting to think I wasn't going to find one. I couldn't just open any door and walk inside because I wouldn't know if there was anyone on the other side or not. I had to be as careful as I could to sneak in here and continue sneaking around without getting caught.

       We really needed to end this rebellion before things got worse, and they were already pretty bad as it was. I mean, the head of the sorcerers let down the barriers and all sorts of demons were roaming around the city. If this group kept it up, I couldn't imagine what they would do next.

       After a long time of searching, I finally found a way I could get in the warehouse; through a shattered window.

       This was going to be a struggle. The window was close enough to the ground and large enough for me to fit through but I was also a major klutz so not touching the glass was going to be extremely difficult for me.

       I looked through the window, making sure nobody was around just in case my clumsy side took over and I ended up falling to the ground or something. When I was sure nobody was around, I carefully climbed through the window.

       And sure enough, I ended up scraping my arm on the broken glass. Since I was invisible, I couldn't see the wound but I definitely felt it. I could heal it myself but it was dangerous for me to turn visible for even a few seconds. I was going to have to deal with it and heal the cut later.

       I quietly walked around the warehouse before spotting the group having a meeting around a large table. I recognized quite a few people there, namely Irene, Cheryl, and Janelle.

       There was a walkway high above the ground with stairs leading up to it and I figured that was my best bet to eavesdrop without being too close to them and fearing I would blow this for me somehow, especially since there were also large crates up there I could hide behind if I needed to take a few moments to be visible again.

       As slowly and quietly as I could, I walked up the stairs leading to the platform. Once I was beside a crate and still able to see the group, I crouched down and began listening to their conversation. If this ambush didn't go well, I might as well get some information about what they were planning next.

       "We really need to get Dirk out of the Protector HQ," Cheryl said. "He's our best bet of defeating the Protectors once and for all, especially since he knows that spell that we've been planning."

       "Not only that, but he's been in there for a while," Janelle said. "Surely he would have heard even some information from them that could be used against them."

       "Exactly," Cheryl said. 

       "We'll plan an escape for him," Irene said. "I can definitely get in there and get him out if I need to. They don't know I'm part of the group and Martha always accepts me into the HQ since I'm the head of sorcerers. They won't suspect anything."

       Sure we wouldn't, Irene.

       "We also need to do something about that stupid prophecy," Janelle said. "Jerome's getting stronger by the minute."

       "Jerome has always been powerful," Irene said. "But you're right. The prophecy makes him a lot more powerful. If only there was a way to weaken them."

       "Yeah, there has to be something," Cheryl said. "If only one of us had access to Auric. That way, we would actually be able to find more about the..." She stopped herself. "That's... weird."

       "What is?" Irene asked.

       "I smell... blood," Cheryl said.

       "One of ours?" Irene asked.

       "No, fresh blood," Cheryl said. "As if someone was just recently cut or something. And... It's Protector and Sorcerer blood. But... It's only one person's blood. How is that possible?"

       Oh no.

       "That boyfriend of Jerome's," Irene said. "He, somehow, gained magic. If it's Protector and Sorcerer blood you're smelling, it's his. He's here."

       I quickly hid behind the large crate beside me, turning visible to look at the cut on my arm. It was a lot bigger than I thought and even though I quickly used my magic to heal it, it was too late. They knew I was here.

       I reached under my shirt, holding onto the gemstone as tightly as I could for a few moments until I knew that Jerome would have gotten my message to get here.

       I turned invisible once again, going back to my spot to now see everyone looking around. "Oh, Nolan," Cheryl said in a sort of creepy voice. "You might as well come out now."

       I should stay hidden for as long as I could but I also felt like being a huge pest to them, especially since the others were on the way. Besides, I had been training a lot more with Jerome recently. Maybe I wouldn't get captured by them.


       Yeah, I really should stay hidden but they deserved someone to taunt them.

       So I stood up, resting my arms on the metal pole fence before turning visible again. "I actually came out a long time ago," I said. "Accidentally, of course. Not the best idea to kiss my secret boyfriend in the HQ when Martha could have walked in on us at anytime. Funny thing, she did."

       They all looked over at me and once they saw I was alone, Cheryl smirked. "Did you really come here all alone? Are you really that stupid?"

       "Probably," I said. "Then again, I did find out where your hideout was. And Irene, I also already know that you're part of this group. It's actually how I found it. You actually have a tracking device in you right now. You really shouldn't eat a muffin from your son who despises you so much."

       Irene glared at me, not even hesitating before sending a blast of magic towards me. I turned invisible again and dodged out of the way, hiding behind the crate. The magic smashed into the wall close to me.

       A bunch of the rebels were running up the stairs to the walkway so I used my own magic to stop them, blasting magic towards them and causing them to fall backwards. 

       Unfortunately, me using my magic caused me to turn visible again and right as I did, Cheryl used her vampire speed to get up to the walkway and grabbed me. She pulled me down to the ground, holding a knife up to my neck.

       Yeah, so I should have stayed hidden the whole time while I waited for everyone else.

      "This is actually a good thing for us," Cheryl said. "We'll be able to blackmail to get our way. Maybe do a trade. Dirk for you."

       "Nah, Martha's currently mad at me," I said. "She'll be happy that you have me."

       "Okay, but I'm pretty sure that boyfriend of yours won't be happy," Cheryl said. "Especially because, and correct me if I'm wrong, you two can't be apart for too long without serious effects."

       I looked into the distance, seeing everyone else sneaking into the warehouse. Perfect timing.

       "No, you're right," I said. "Jerome and I can't be apart for too long. So did you really think I came here alone?"

       At that moment, Jerome used his magic to put Cheryl in a bind and pull her away from me. Irene went to stop him but I, surprisingly, beat her to it, also putting her into a bind.

       Jerome smiled at me. "I'm impressed. You're picking up fast."

       "Well, it helps that I have a good teacher," I said.

       "Okay, well, you two handle them," Ryder said. "We'll handle everyone else."

       "This should be a piece of cake," Orchid said.

       It was. 

       Without Dirk, Irene was the only other sorcerer in this rebellion group and she couldn't use her magic to stop us since I currently had her in a bind. It was a struggle keeping it up but I was determined to do it. I had to prove I wasn't as weak as everyone thought I was.

       When everyone on the rebellion team was defeated, Jerome said, "Someone take care of Janelle. I'll make a portal so we can take everyone back to the HQ."

       "I'll gladly do that," April said.

       Janelle glared at April. "Some aunt you are."

       "Oh, shut up, traitor," April said, taking a hold of Janelle as Jerome released the bind. He then created a portal and then noticed how much I was struggling to keep the bind on Irene so he took over as we led everyone through the portal and to the HQ.

       Martha was completely surprised to see us all. "What's this?" she asked.

       "We found their hideout," I said. "You're welcome."

       "Yeah, and the head of the sorcerers was also helping them," Jerome said. 

       "Well, as great as this is, we still have a problem," Martha said. "Dirk escaped."


plot twist: letizia from spruceworth found her way here and let him go :O

jk jk

i'm really hoping i'm actually able to update all my books i haven't updated in months. i feel like i might actually do it :D if i remember them all since there is, like, idk 20 books in progress lol

save me

stream me

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