Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

       Normally, I could sleep in until at least eleven in the morning since my room at the HQ didn't have any windows. I wouldn't have to worry about the sunlight seeping into my room and causing me to wake up.

       So when it was the light from the sun rising that woke me up, I was a bit confused. I was even more confused when I realized I wasn't even in the HQ.

       I was still in Jerome's apartment, laying down on the couch.

       I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I looked around before seeing my cell phone sitting on the coffee table. One I picked it up, I saw the endless amounts of texts and missed calls from my family.

       The other thing I noticed was that it was almost seven-thirty in the morning.

       Oh. Dang.

       My cell phone started ringing again with my mom's name flashing on the screen. I hesitated before I sighed and answered it. "...Hello?"

       "Nolan, thank goodness you answered," she said. "We're all getting really worried. You didn't come back to the HQ last night and with those two killings that happened, I didn't know what to think."

       "Sorry," I said. "I just... Yeah, sorry." I had no idea what I could even tell my mom and even if I did come up with a lie, I was a horrible liar. She could see right through me.

       Then again, she was also a horrible liar so she might not be able to tell if I was lying.

       "Where are you?" she asked. "You never stay outside of the HQ by yourself for a long time, let alone spend the night away."

       "I, uh..." I was trying to think of something to say but nothing was coming to my mind.

       So I decided to be completely honest.

       Kind of.

       "Would you be mad if I don't tell you where I am?" I asked. "And all that matters is that I'm okay?"

       "Nolan, what are you hiding?" Mom asked.

       "Nothing, nothing," I said. "You know if something's wrong, I'll always tell you. I'm about to head back right now."

       Mom sighed. "If you don't want to tell me where you are, that just makes me a lot more worried."

       "Mom, I promise that I'm fine," I said as Jerome walked out of his bedroom, looking as tired as I felt. "I'll be back in about ten minutes."

       "Alright," Mom said. "Just promise you'll talk to me if something's wrong."

       "I will," I said. "I promise."

       After we hung up, Jerome walked over. "Sorry. I probably should have woken you up when you fell asleep but something tells me you're the type of person to get really mad if you're woken up."

       "Well, you're not wrong there," I said. "In fact, I'm kind of surprise I'm awake this early, but that's only because of the sunlight. Thanks for letting me crash here, by the way, but I should be heading back to the HQ. And walk home this early. Fun."

       "I could make a portal for you and you just have to appear right in front of the HQ," Jerome offered. 

       "Okay," I said. 

       While Jerome created a portal for me, I stood up from the couch and placed my cell phone in my pocket. "There you go," he said. 

       "Thanks," I said, heading towards the portal.

       Before I could step into the portal, Jerome gently grabbed my arm. "Hey, if you ever need anything, I'll be here for you," he said. 

       I smiled softly. "I know. I'll... see you around."

       I walked through the portal, ending up right in front of the HQ. I knew that I should really stop being in contact with Jerome but for some reason, I couldn't. I had only known him for a few days, but I couldn't even imagine not seeing him ever again.

       Even if it could cause me a lot of trouble with the Protector Circle.

       Right as I walked into the HQ, Ryder noticed me and raised an eyebrow. "Well, so much for heading back to the HQ because you don't handle well seeing dead bodies," he said. "Where were you?"

       "At this magical place called none of your business," I said, heading towards the sleeping quarters because it was way too early for me to be awake.

       Ryder, however, decided to follow me. "You're my little brother, Nolan. I just want to make sure you're okay. You hate being on your own for a long time and we stayed out over night."

       "Really?" I asked. "Wow, thanks for informing me. I wasn't aware of that."

       "Why do you have to be so sassy?" Ryder asked.

       "Because I'm tired and I get a lot more sassy when I'm tired," I said.

       "And why exactly are you tired?" 

       I just ignored him and continued walking to the sleeping quarters, right as Orchid was walking out of them. "Orchid, can you tell Ryder to leave me alone?" I asked.

       "Ryder, leave Nolan alone," Orchid said. "...Why does he want you to leave him alone?"

       "I was just wondering why he was out all night," Ryder said. "He won't tell me."

       "Uh, because he isn't required to?" Orchid said in an obvious tone. "I'm wondering where he was, but if he doesn't want to say anything then I'm not going to ask. All that matters is that he's safe and back in the HQ now."

       "You see? This is why you're my favourite sibling," I said.

       "I heard that!" Alan called from his room, which we were standing back.

       "If you can hear that, then I'm informing you that you're now my favourite brother!" Ryder called back.

       "Damn right I am!"

       "Okay, well, I'm going to my bedroom now to sleep," I said, walking into my bedroom.

       Orchid decided to follow me and closed the door behind her. "You don't have to say where you were if you don't want to," she said. "I just want to know if you're okay."

       I sighed and flopped down on my bed. "To be honest, I'm not sure."

       "What's going on?" Orchid asked as she walked over at sat at the edge of my bed.

       I was silent as I mentally debated whether or not I should tell her. I couldn't even tell my parents, but Orchid...

       She was always there for me. She always wanted to make sure I was okay and out of everyone in the whole world, I think she was even the person I trusted the most.

       Besides, I for sure knew she wouldn't tell the Tribunal since she did have feelings for a werewolf. If she knew what I was doing, then maybe she wouldn't be so reluctant to talk to Jerome.

       "Promise you won't tell anyone?" I asked as I sat up. "I really can't have anyone know at all."

       "I promise," Orchid said.

       I hesitated before actually telling her. "I've... been seeing Jerome."

       By the shocked look on Orchid's face, I realized what I said could be taken way out of context.

       "No no no, not like that," I said quickly. "I've just been going to him for help. And he actually told me that there's a supernatural uprising in the works. That's why I suggested it when we found that dead woman last night."

       "Nolan, you do know you can get in a lot of trouble for being in contact with a supernatural and going to one for help, right?" Orchid asked.

       "I know," I said. "You won't tell anyone, right?"

       "Of course I won't," Orchid said. "Honestly, that rule is very stupid and isn't going to do any good. It just makes us look like we think we're better than supernaturals."

       "And prevents us from getting into relationships with werewolves," I said.

       Orchid sighed. "Is it that obvious?"

       "Just to me," I said. 

       "Too bad the Tribunal will never change that rule," Orchid said. "Which is why I don't think you should be going to Jerome for anymore help. I know he can be a great help, but I don't want you to get in trouble."

       "I'm just going to have to risk it," I said. "Because for some reason... I just can't stay away from him."

       "Maybe you're falling for him," Orchid said, more in a joking way, which made me look down. "Nolan... Are you actually?"

       "I don't know," I said. "Maybe? I just... I've only known him for a few days but... there's just something about him. You can't say anything about it. Please."

       "Nolan, I would never," Orchid said. "I don't want you to get kicked out of the Protector Circle. Just... be careful."



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